blob: 92da98006739fcd0ddac40e818f060fad37700d0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Adtran, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import xmltodict
import re
import structlog
from enum import Enum
from acl import ACL
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, succeed
from ncclient.operations.rpc import RPCError
log = structlog.get_logger()
# NOTE: For the EVC Map name, the ingress-port number is the VOLTHA port number (not pon-id since
# it covers NNI ports as well in order to handle the NNI-NNI case. For flows that
# cover an entire pon, the name will have the ONU ID and GEM ID appended to it upon
# installation with a period as a separator.
EVC_MAP_NAME_FORMAT = 'VOLTHA-{}-{}' # format(logical-ingress-port-number, flow-id)
class EVCMap(object):
Class to wrap EVC functionality
class EvcConnection(Enum):
EVC = 1
def xml(value):
# Note we do not have XML for 'EVC' enumeration.
if value is None:
value = EVCMap.EvcConnection.DEFAULT
if value == EVCMap.EvcConnection.DISCARD:
return '<no-evc-connection/>'
elif value == EVCMap.EvcConnection.DISCARD:
return 'discard/'
raise ValueError('Invalid EvcConnection enumeration')
class PriorityOption(Enum):
def xml(value):
if value is None:
value = EVCMap.PriorityOption.DEFAULT
if value == EVCMap.PriorityOption.INHERIT_PRIORITY:
return '<inherit-pri/>'
elif value == EVCMap.PriorityOption.EXPLICIT_PRIORITY:
return '<explicit-pri/>'
raise ValueError('Invalid PriorityOption enumeration')
def __init__(self, flow, evc, is_ingress_map):
self._handler = flow.handler # Same for all Flows attached to this EVC MAP
self._flows = {flow.flow_id: flow}
self._evc = None
self._new_acls = dict() # ACL Name -> ACL Object (To be installed into h/w)
self._existing_acls = dict() # ACL Name -> ACL Object (Already in H/w)
self._gem_ids_and_vid = None # { key -> onu-id, value -> tuple(sorted GEM Port IDs, onu_vid) }
self._is_ingress_map = is_ingress_map
self._pon_id = None
self._installed = False
self._needs_update = False
self._status_message = None
self._deferred = None
self._name = None
self._enabled = True
self._uni_port = None
self._evc_connection = EVCMap.EvcConnection.DEFAULT
self._men_priority = EVCMap.PriorityOption.DEFAULT
self._men_pri = 0 # If Explicit Priority
self._c_tag = None
self._men_ctag_priority = EVCMap.PriorityOption.DEFAULT
self._men_ctag_pri = 0 # If Explicit Priority
self._match_ce_vlan_id = None
self._match_untagged = False
self._match_destination_mac_address = None
self._match_l2cp = False
self._match_broadcast = False
self._match_multicast = False
self._match_unicast = False
self._match_igmp = False
# ACL logic
self._eth_type = None
self._ip_protocol = None
self._ipv4_dst = None
self._udp_dst = None
self._udp_src = None
self._valid = self._decode(evc)
except Exception as e:
log.exception('decode', e=e)
self._valid = False
def __str__(self):
return "EVCMap-{}: UNI: {}, hasACL: {}".format(self._name, self._uni_port,
def create_ingress_map(flow, evc, dry_run=False):
evc_map = EVCMap(flow, evc, True)
if evc_map._valid and not dry_run:
evc_map._evc = evc
return evc_map
def create_egress_map(flow, evc, dry_run=False):
evc_map = EVCMap(flow, evc, False)
if evc_map._valid and not dry_run:
evc_map._evc = evc
return evc_map
def valid(self):
return self._valid
def installed(self):
return self._installed
def needs_update(self):
""" True if an parameter/ACL/... needs update or map needs to be reflowed after a failure"""
return self._needs_update
def needs_update(self, value):
assert not value, 'needs update can only be reset' # Can only reset
self._needs_update = False
def name(self):
return self._name
def status(self):
return self._status_message
def status(self, value):
self._status_message = value
def evc(self):
return self._evc
def _needs_acl_support(self):
if self._ipv4_dst is not None: # In case MCAST downstream has ACL on it
return False
return self._eth_type is not None or self._ip_protocol is not None or\
self._udp_dst is not None or self._udp_src is not None
def pon_id(self):
return self._pon_id # May be None
def onu_ids(self):
return self._gem_ids_and_vid.keys()
def gem_ids_and_vid(self):
return self._gem_ids_and_vid.copy()
def _xml_header(operation=None):
return '<evc-maps xmlns=""{}><evc-map>'.\
format('' if operation is None else ' xc:operation="{}"'.format(operation))
def _xml_trailer():
return '</evc-map></evc-maps>'
def get_evcmap_name(self, onu_id, gem_id):
return'{}.{}.{}.{}'.format(, onu_id, self.pon_id, gem_id)
def _common_install_xml(self):
xml = '<enabled>{}</enabled>'.format('true' if self._enabled else 'false')
xml += '<uni>{}</uni>'.format(self._uni_port)
evc_name = if self._evc is not None else None
if evc_name is not None:
xml += '<evc>{}</evc>'.format(evc_name)
xml += EVCMap.EvcConnection.xml(self._evc_connection)
xml += '<match-untagged>{}</match-untagged>'.format('true'
if self._match_untagged
else 'false')
# if self._c_tag is not None:
# xml += '<ctag>{}</ctag>'.format(self._c_tag)
# TODO: The following is not yet supported (and in some cases, not decoded)
# self._men_priority = EVCMap.PriorityOption.INHERIT_PRIORITY
# self._men_pri = 0 # If Explicit Priority
# self._men_ctag_priority = EVCMap.PriorityOption.INHERIT_PRIORITY
# self._men_ctag_pri = 0 # If Explicit Priority
# self._match_ce_vlan_id = None
# self._match_untagged = True
# self._match_destination_mac_address = None
# self._eth_type = None
# self._ip_protocol = None
# self._ipv4_dst = None
# self._udp_dst = None
# self._udp_src = None
return xml
def _ingress_install_xml(self, onu_s_gem_ids_and_vid, acl_list, create):
from ..onu import Onu
if len(acl_list):
xml = '<evc-maps xmlns=""' +\
' xmlns:adtn-evc-map-acl="">'
xml = '<evc-maps xmlns="">'
for onu_or_vlan_id, gem_ids_and_vid in onu_s_gem_ids_and_vid.iteritems():
first_gem_id = True
gem_ids = gem_ids_and_vid[0]
vid = gem_ids_and_vid[1]
ident = '{}.{}'.format(self._pon_id, onu_or_vlan_id) if vid is None \
else onu_or_vlan_id
for gem_id in gem_ids:
xml += '<evc-map{}>'.format('' if not create else ' xc:operation="create"')
xml += '<name>{}.{}.{}</name>'.format(, ident, gem_id)
xml += '<ce-vlan-id>{}</ce-vlan-id>'.format(Onu.gem_id_to_gvid(gem_id))
# GEM-IDs are a sorted list (ascending). First gemport handles downstream traffic
if first_gem_id and (self._c_tag is not None or vid is not None):
first_gem_id = False
vlan = vid or self._c_tag
xml += '<network-ingress-filter>'
xml += '<men-ctag>{}</men-ctag>'.format(vlan) # Added in August 2017 model
xml += '</network-ingress-filter>'
if len(acl_list):
xml += '<adtn-evc-map-acl:access-lists>'
for acl in acl_list:
xml += ' <adtn-evc-map-acl:ingress-acl>'
xml += acl.evc_map_ingress_xml()
xml += ' </adtn-evc-map-acl:ingress-acl>'
xml += '</adtn-evc-map-acl:access-lists>'
xml += self._common_install_xml()
xml += '</evc-map>'
xml += '</evc-maps>'
return xml
def _egress_install_xml(self):
xml = EVCMap._xml_header()
xml += '<name>{}</name>'.format(
xml += self._common_install_xml()
xml += EVCMap._xml_trailer()
return xml
def _ingress_remove_acl_xml(self, onu_s_gem_ids_and_vid, acl):
xml = '<evc-maps xmlns=""' +\
' xmlns:adtn-evc-map-acl="">'
for onu_or_vlan_id, gem_ids_and_vid in onu_s_gem_ids_and_vid.iteritems():
first_gem_id = True
vid = gem_ids_and_vid[1]
ident = '{}.{}'.format(self._pon_id, onu_or_vlan_id) if vid is None \
else onu_or_vlan_id
for gem_id in gem_ids_and_vid[0]:
xml += '<evc-map>'
xml += '<name>{}.{}.{}</name>'.format(, ident, gem_id)
xml += '<adtn-evc-map-acl:access-lists>'
xml += ' <adtn-evc-map-acl:ingress-acl xc:operation="delete">'
xml += acl.evc_map_ingress_xml()
xml += ' </adtn-evc-map-acl:ingress-acl>'
xml += '</adtn-evc-map-acl:access-lists>'
xml += '</evc-map>'
xml += '</evc-maps>'
return xml
def install(self):
def gem_ports():
ports = []
for gems_and_vids in self._gem_ids_and_vid.itervalues():
return ports
log.debug('install-evc-map', valid=self._valid, gem_ports=gem_ports())
if self._valid and len(gem_ports()) > 0:
# Install ACLs first (if not yet installed)
work_acls = self._new_acls.copy()
self._new_acls = dict()
log.debug('install-evc-map-acls', install_acls=len(work_acls))
for acl in work_acls.itervalues():
yield acl.install()
except Exception as e:
log.exception('acl-install-failed',, e=e)
# Any user-data flows attached to this map ?
c_tag = None
for flow_id, flow in self._flows.items():
c_tag = flow.inner_vid or flow.vlan_id or c_tag
self._c_tag = c_tag
if not self._installed or self._needs_update:
log.debug('needs-install-or-update', installed=self._installed, update=self._needs_update)
is_installed = self._installed
self._installed = True
map_xml = self._ingress_install_xml(self._gem_ids_and_vid, work_acls.values(),
not is_installed) \
if self._is_ingress_map else self._egress_install_xml()
log.debug('install', xml=map_xml,
results = yield self._handler.netconf_client.edit_config(map_xml)
self._installed = results.ok
self._needs_update = results.ok
self._status_message = '' if results.ok else results.error
if results.ok:
except RPCError as rpc_err: # TODO: Try to catch this before attempting the install
if rpc_err.tag == 'data-exists': # Known race due to bulk-flow operation
except Exception as e:
log.exception('evc-map-install-failed',, e=e)
self._installed = is_installed
returnValue(self._installed and self._valid)
def _ingress_remove_xml(self, onus_gem_ids_and_vid):
xml = '<evc-maps xmlns=""' + \
' xc:operation="delete">'
for onu_id, gem_ids_and_vid in onus_gem_ids_and_vid.iteritems():
for gem_id in gem_ids_and_vid[0]:
xml += '<evc-map>'
xml += '<name>{}.{}.{}</name>'.format(, onu_id, gem_id)
xml += '</evc-map>'
xml += '</evc-maps>'
return xml
def _egress_remove_xml(self):
return EVCMap._xml_header('delete') + \
'<name>{}</name>'.format( + EVCMap._xml_trailer()
def _remove(self):
if not self.installed:
returnValue('Not installed')'removing', evc_map=self)
def _success(rpc_reply):
log.debug('remove-success', rpc_reply=rpc_reply)
self._installed = False
def _failure(failure):
log.error('remove-failed', failure=failure)
self._installed = False
def _remove_acls(_):
acls, self._new_acls = self._new_acls, dict()
existing, self._existing_acls = self._existing_acls, dict()
dl = []
for acl in acls.itervalues():
if len(dl) > 0:
defer.gatherResults(dl, consumeErrors=True)
map_xml = self._ingress_remove_xml(self._gem_ids_and_vid) if self._is_ingress_map \
else self._egress_remove_xml()
d = self._handler.netconf_client.edit_config(map_xml)
d.addCallbacks(_success, _failure)
return d
def delete(self, flow):
Remove from hardware and delete/clean-up EVC-MAP Object
:param flow: (FlowEntry) Specific flow to remove from the MAP or None if all
flows should be removed
flows = [flow] if flow is not None else list(self._flows.values())
removing_all = len(flows) == len(self._flows)
log.debug('delete', removing_all=removing_all)
if not removing_all:
for f in flows:
if self._evc is not None:
self._evc = None
self._valid = False
yield self._remove()
except Exception as e:
log.exception('removal', e=e)
def reflow_needed(self):
log.debug('reflow-needed', installed=self.installed, needs_update=self.needs_update)
reflow = not self.installed or self.needs_update
if not reflow:
pass # TODO: implement retrieve & compare of EVC Map parameters
return reflow
def find_matching_ingress_flow(flow, upstream_flow_table):
Look for an existing EVC-MAP that may match this flow. Called when upstream signature
for a flow does not make match. This can happen if an ACL flow is added and only an User
Data flow exists, or if only an ACL flow exists.
:param flow: (FlowEntry) flow to add
:param upstream_flow_table: (dict of FlowEntry) Existing upstream flows for this device,
including the flow we are looking to add
:return: (EVCMap) if appropriate one is found, else None
# A User Data flow will have:
# signature: <dev>.
# down-sig: <dev>.1.*.2.*
# logical-port: 66
# is-acl-flow: False
# An ACL flow will have:
# signature: <dev>.1.5.[4092 or 4094].None (untagged VLAN == utility VLAN case)
# down-sig: <dev>.1.*.[4092 or 4094].*
# logical-port: 66
# is-acl-flow: True
# Reduce the upstream flow table to only those that match the ingress,
# and logical-ports match (and is not this flow) and have a map
log.debug('find-matching-ingress-flow', logical_port=flow.logical_port, flow=flow.output)
candidate_flows = [f for f in upstream_flow_table.itervalues() if
f.in_port == flow.in_port and
f.logical_port == flow.logical_port and
f.output == flow.output and
f.evc_map is not None] # This weeds out this flow
log.debug('find-matching-ingress-flow', candidate_flows=candidate_flows)
return candidate_flows[0].evc_map if len(candidate_flows) > 0 else None
def add_flow(self, flow, evc):
Add a new flow to an existing EVC-MAP. This can be called to add:
o an ACL flow to an existing utility EVC, or
o an ACL flow to an existing User Data Flow, or
o a User Data Flow to an existing ACL flow (and this needs the EVC updated
as well.
Note that the Downstream EVC provided is the one that matches this flow. If
this is adding an ACL to and existing User data flow, we DO NOT want to
change the EVC Map's EVC
:param flow: (FlowEntry) New flow
:param evc: (EVC) Matching EVC for downstream flow
from flow_entry import FlowEntry
# Create temporary EVC-MAP
assert flow.flow_direction in FlowEntry.upstream_flow_types, \
'Only Upstream flows additions are supported at this time'
log.debug('add-flow-to-evc', flow=flow, evc=evc)
tmp_map = EVCMap.create_ingress_map(flow, evc, dry_run=True) \
if flow.flow_direction in FlowEntry.upstream_flow_types \
else EVCMap.create_egress_map(flow, evc, dry_run=True)
if tmp_map is None or not tmp_map.valid:
return None
self._flows[flow.flow_id] = flow
self._needs_update = True
# Are there ACLs to add to any existing (or empty) ACLs
if len(tmp_map._new_acls) > 0:
self._new_acls.update(tmp_map._new_acls) # New ACL flow
log.debug('add-acl-flows', map=str(self), new=tmp_map._new_acls)
# Look up existing EVC for this flow. If it is a service EVC for
# Packet In/Out, and this is a regular flow, migrate to the newer EVC
if self._evc.service_evc and not evc.service_evc:'new-evc-for-map',,
self._evc = evc
return self
def _remove_flow(self, flow):
Remove a specific flow from an EVC_MAP. This includes removing any
ACL entries associated with the flow and could result in moving the
EVC-MAP over to another EVC.
:param flow: (FlowEntry) Flow to remove
del self._flows[flow.flow_id]
log('remove-flow-to-evc', flow=flow)
# Remove any ACLs
acl_name = ACL.flow_to_name(flow)
acl = None
# if not yet installed just remove it from list
if acl_name in self._new_acls:
del self._new_acls[acl_name]
acl = self._existing_acls[acl_name]
if acl is not None:
# Remove ACL from EVC-MAP entry
map_xml = self._ingress_remove_acl_xml(self._gem_ids_and_vid, acl)
log.debug('remove', xml=map_xml,
results = yield self._handler.netconf_client.edit_config(map_xml)
if results.ok:
del self._existing_acls[]
# Scan EVC to see if it needs to move back to the Utility
# or Untagged EVC from a user data EVC
if self._evc and not self._evc.service_evc and\
len(self._flows) > 0 and\
all(f.is_acl_flow for f in self._flows.itervalues()):
first_flow = self._flows.itervalues().next()
self._evc = first_flow.get_utility_evc(True)
self._needs_update = True
except Exception as e:
log.exception('acl-remove-from-evc', e=e)
# Remove ACL itself
yield acl.remove()
except Exception as e:
log.exception('acl-remove', e=e)
except Exception as e:
log.exception('remove-failed', e=e)
def create_evc_map_name(flow):
# Note: When actually installed into the OLT, the .onu_id.gem_port is
# appended to the name
return EVC_MAP_NAME_FORMAT.format(flow.logical_port, flow.flow_id)
def decode_evc_map_name(name):
Reverse engineer EVC-MAP name parameters. Helpful in quick packet-in
:param name: (str) EVC Map Name
:return: (dict) Logical Ingress Port, OpenFlow Flow-ID
items = name.split('-') if name is not None else dict()
# Note: When actually installed into the OLT, the .onu_id.gem_port is
# appended to the name
return {'ingress-port': items[1],
'flow-id': items[2].split('.')[0]} if len(items) > 2 else dict()
def add_gem_port(self, gem_port, reflow=False):
# TODO: Refactor
if self._is_ingress_map:
def gem_ports():
ports = []
for gems_and_vids in self._gem_ids_and_vid.itervalues():
return ports
before = gem_ports()
after = gem_ports()
if reflow or len(before) < len(after):
self._installed = False
return self.install()
return succeed('nop')
def remove_gem_port(self, gem_port):
# TODO: Refactor
if self._is_ingress_map:
def gem_ports():
ports = []
for gems_and_vids in self._gem_ids_and_vid.itervalues():
return ports
before = gem_ports()
after = gem_ports()
if len(before) > len(after):
if len(after) == 0:
return self._remove()
self._installed = False
return self.install()
return succeed('nop')
def _setup_gem_ids(self):
# all flows should have same GEM port setup
flow = self._flows.itervalues().next()
is_pon = flow.handler.is_pon_port(flow.in_port)
if self._is_ingress_map and is_pon:
pon_port = flow.handler.get_southbound_port(flow.in_port)
if pon_port is not None:
self._pon_id = pon_port.pon_id
self._gem_ids_and_vid = pon_port.gem_ids(flow.logical_port,
def _decode(self, evc):
from evc import EVC
from flow_entry import FlowEntry
# Only called from initializer, so first flow is only flow
flow = self._flows.itervalues().next()
self._name = EVCMap.create_evc_map_name(flow)
if evc:
self._evc_connection = EVCMap.EvcConnection.EVC
self._status_message = 'Can only create EVC-MAP if EVC supplied'
return False
is_pon = flow.handler.is_pon_port(flow.in_port)
is_uni = flow.handler.is_uni_port(flow.in_port)
if is_pon or is_uni:
# Preserve CE VLAN tag only if utility VLAN/EVC
self._uni_port = flow.handler.get_port_name(flow.in_port)
evc.ce_vlan_preservation = evc.ce_vlan_preservation or False
self._status_message = 'EVC-MAPS without UNI or PON ports are not supported'
return False # UNI Ports handled in the EVC Maps
# ACL logic
self._eth_type = flow.eth_type
if self._eth_type == FlowEntry.EtherType.IPv4:
self._ip_protocol = flow.ip_protocol
self._ipv4_dst = flow.ipv4_dst
if self._ip_protocol == FlowEntry.IpProtocol.UDP:
self._udp_dst = flow.udp_dst
self._udp_src = flow.udp_src
# If no match of VLAN this may be for untagged traffic or upstream and needs to
# match the gem-port vid
# self._match_untagged = flow.vlan_id is None and flow.inner_vid is None
self._c_tag = flow.inner_vid or flow.vlan_id
# If a push of a single VLAN is present with a POP of the VLAN in the EVC's
# flow, then this is a traditional EVC flow
evc.men_to_uni_tag_manipulation = EVC.Men2UniManipulation.POP_OUT_TAG_ONLY
evc.switching_method = EVC.SwitchingMethod.DOUBLE_TAGGED \
if self._c_tag is not None else EVC.SwitchingMethod.SINGLE_TAGGED
acl = ACL.create(flow)
if not in self._new_acls:
self._new_acls[] = acl
except Exception as e:
log.exception('ACL-decoding', e=e)
return False
return True
# Bulk operations
def remove_all(client, regex_=EVC_MAP_NAME_REGEX_ALL):
Remove all matching EVC Maps from hardware
:param client: (ncclient) NETCONF Client to use
:param regex_: (String) Regular expression for name matching
:return: (deferred)
# Do a 'get' on the evc-map config an you should get the names
get_xml = """
<evc-maps xmlns="">
log.debug('query', xml=get_xml, regex=regex_)
def request_failed(results, operation):
log.error('{}-failed'.format(operation), results=results)
# No further actions. Periodic poll later on will scrub any old EVC-Maps if needed
def delete_complete(results):
log.debug('delete-complete', results=results)
def do_delete(rpc_reply, regexpr):
log.debug('query-complete', rpc_reply=rpc_reply)
if rpc_reply.ok:
result_dict = xmltodict.parse(rpc_reply.data_xml)
entries = result_dict['data']['evc-maps'] if 'evc-maps' in result_dict['data'] else {}
if 'evc-map' in entries:
p = re.compile(regexpr)
if isinstance(entries['evc-map'], list):
names = {entry['name'] for entry in entries['evc-map']
if 'name' in entry and p.match(entry['name'])}
names = set()
for item in entries['evc-map'].items():
if isinstance(item, tuple) and item[0] == 'name':
if len(names) > 0:
del_xml = '<evc-maps xmlns=""' + \
' xc:operation = "delete">'
for name in names:
del_xml += '<evc-map>'
del_xml += '<name>{}</name>'.format(name)
del_xml += '</evc-map>'
del_xml += '</evc-maps>'
log.debug('removing', xml=del_xml)
return client.edit_config(del_xml)
return succeed('no entries')
d = client.get(get_xml)
d.addCallbacks(do_delete, request_failed, callbackArgs=[regex_], errbackArgs=['get'])
d.addCallbacks(delete_complete, request_failed, errbackArgs=['edit-config'])
return d
def _cancel_deferred(self):
d, self._deferred = self._deferred, None
if d is not None and not d.called: