blob: 1a7d207aba88365c4d51ba0f7aa83db5db32b31a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from common.utils.asleep import asleep
from structlog import get_logger
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
log = get_logger()
class KVPair():
def __init__(self, key, value, index):
self.key = key
self.value = value
self.index = index
class Event():
PUT = 0
def __init__(self, event_type, key, value):
self.event_type = event_type
self.key = key
self.value = value
RETRY_BACKOFF = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]
for i in range(len(RETRY_BACKOFF)):
class KVClient():
def __init__(self, kv_host, kv_port): = kv_host
self.port = kv_port
self.key_reservations = {}
self.key_watches = {}
self.retries = 0
self.retry_time = 0
def get(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
This method returns the value of the given key in KV store.
:param key: The key whose value is requested
:param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
:return: (KVPair, error) where KVPair is None if an error occurred
raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
def list(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
The list method returns an array of key-value pairs all of which
share the same key prefix.
:param key: The key prefix
:param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
:return: ([]KVPair, error) where []KVPair is a list of KVPair objects
raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
def put(self, key, value, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
The put method writes a value to the given key in KV store.
Do NOT modify a reserved key in an etcd store; doing so seems
to nullify the TTL of the key. In other words, the key lasts
:param key: The key to be written to
:param value: The value of the key
:param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
:return: error, which is set to None for a successful write
raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
def delete(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
The delete method removes a key from the KV store.
:param key: The key to be deleted
:param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
:return: error, which is set to None for a successful deletion
raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
def reserve(self, key, value, ttl, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
This method acts essentially like a semaphore. The underlying mechanism
differs depending on the KV store: etcd uses a test-and-set transaction;
consul uses an acquire lock. If using etcd, do NOT write to the key
subsequent to the initial reservation; the TTL functionality may become
impaired (i.e. the reservation never expires).
:param key: The key under reservation
:param value: The reservation owner
:param ttl: The time-to-live (TTL) for the reservation. The key is unreserved
by the KV store when the TTL expires.
:param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
:return: (key_value, error) If the key is acquired, then the value returned will
be the value passed in. If the key is already acquired, then the value assigned
to that key will be returned.
raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
def renew_reservation(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
This method renews the reservation for a given key. A reservation expires
after the TTL (Time To Live) period specified when reserving the key.
:param key: The reserved key
:param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
:return: error, which is set to None for a successful renewal
raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
def release_reservation(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
The release_reservation method cancels the reservation for a given key.
:param key: The reserved key
:param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
:return: error, which is set to None for a successful cancellation
raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
def release_all_reservations(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
This method cancels all key reservations made previously
using the reserve API.
:param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
:return: error, which is set to None for a successful cancellation
raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
def watch(self, key, key_change_callback, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
This method provides a watch capability for the given key. If the value of the key
changes or the key is deleted, then an event indicating the change is passed to
the given callback function.
:param key: The key to be watched
:param key_change_callback: The function invoked whenever the key changes
:param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
:return: There is no return; key change events are passed to the callback function
raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
def close_watch(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
This method closes the watch on the given key. Once the watch is closed, key
change events are no longer passed to the key change callback function.
:param key: The key under watch
:param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
:return: There is no return
raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
def _backoff(self, msg):
wait_time = RETRY_BACKOFF[min(self.retries, len(RETRY_BACKOFF) - 1)]
self.retry_time += wait_time
self.retries += 1
log.error(msg, next_retry_in_secs=wait_time,
total_delay_in_secs = self.retry_time,
return asleep(wait_time)
def _clear_backoff(self):
if self.retries:
log.debug('reset-backoff', after_retries=self.retries)
self.retries = 0
self.retry_time = 0