blob: 486eba83ef9d56d7dd751d76f266180dd5ac49c3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import structlog
import arrow
from transitions import Machine
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from random import uniform, shuffle
from twisted.internet import reactor
from common.utils.indexpool import IndexPool
from voltha.protos.omci_mib_db_pb2 import OpenOmciEventType
from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_defs import EntityOperations, ReasonCodes
from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_cc import OmciCCRxEvents, OMCI_CC, TX_REQUEST_KEY, \
from voltha.extensions.omci.database.mib_db_api import ATTRIBUTES_KEY
from voltha.extensions.omci.tasks.omci_get_request import OmciGetRequest
from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_entities import MacBridgePortConfigurationData
from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_entities import EthernetPMMonitoringHistoryData, \
FecPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData, \
XgPonTcPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData, \
XgPonDownstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData, \
XgPonUpstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData, \
EthernetFrameUpstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData, \
EthernetFrameDownstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData, \
EthernetFrameExtendedPerformanceMonitoring, \
EthernetFrameExtendedPerformanceMonitoring64Bit, AniG
RxEvent = OmciCCRxEvents
OP = EntityOperations
RC = ReasonCodes
class PerformanceIntervals(object):
OpenOMCI ONU Performance Monitoring Intervals State machine
This state machine focuses on L2 Internet Data Service and Classical
PM (for the v2.0 release).
DEFAULT_STATES = ['disabled', 'starting', 'synchronize_time', 'idle', 'create_pm_me',
'collect_data', 'threshold_exceeded']
{'trigger': 'start', 'source': 'disabled', 'dest': 'starting'},
{'trigger': 'tick', 'source': 'starting', 'dest': 'synchronize_time'},
{'trigger': 'success', 'source': 'synchronize_time', 'dest': 'idle'},
{'trigger': 'failure', 'source': 'synchronize_time', 'dest': 'synchronize_time'},
{'trigger': 'tick', 'source': 'idle', 'dest': 'collect_data'},
{'trigger': 'add_me', 'source': 'idle', 'dest': 'create_pm_me'},
{'trigger': 'delete_me', 'source': 'idle', 'dest': 'delete_pm_me'},
{'trigger': 'success', 'source': 'create_pm_me', 'dest': 'idle'},
{'trigger': 'failure', 'source': 'create_pm_me', 'dest': 'idle'},
{'trigger': 'success', 'source': 'delete_pm_me', 'dest': 'idle'},
{'trigger': 'failure', 'source': 'delete_pm_me', 'dest': 'idle'},
{'trigger': 'success', 'source': 'collect_data', 'dest': 'idle'},
{'trigger': 'failure', 'source': 'collect_data', 'dest': 'idle'},
# TODO: Add rebooted event transitions to disabled or synchronize_time
# TODO: Need to capture Threshold Crossing Alarms appropriately
# Do wildcard 'stop' trigger last so it covers all previous states
{'trigger': 'stop', 'source': '*', 'dest': 'disabled'},
{'trigger': 'reboot', 'source': '*', 'dest': 'rebooted'},
DEFAULT_RETRY = 10 # Seconds to delay after task failure/timeout/poll
DEFAULT_TICK_DELAY = 15 # Seconds between checks for collection tick
DEFAULT_INTERVAL_SKEW = 10 * 60 # Seconds to skew past interval boundary
DEFAULT_COLLECT_ATTEMPTS = 3 # Maximum number of collection fetch attempts
DEFAULT_CREATE_ATTEMPTS = 15 # Maximum number of attempts to create a PM Managed Entities
def __init__(self, agent, device_id, tasks,
Class initialization
:param agent: (OpenOmciAgent) Agent
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:param tasks: (dict) Tasks to run
:param advertise_events: (bool) Advertise events on OpenOMCI Event Bus
:param states: (list) List of valid states
:param transitions: (dict) Dictionary of triggers and state changes
:param initial_state: (str) Initial state machine state
:param timeout_delay: (int/float) Number of seconds after a timeout to pause
:param tick_delay: (int/float) Collection poll check delay while idle
:param interval_skew: (int/float) Seconds to randomly skew the next interval
collection to spread out requests for PM intervals
:param collect_attempts: (int) Max requests for a single PM interval before fail
:param create_attempts: (int) Max attempts to create PM Managed entities before stopping state machine
self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=device_id)
self._agent = agent
self._device_id = device_id
self._device = None
self._pm_config = None
self._timeout_delay = timeout_delay
self._tick_delay = tick_delay
self._interval_skew = interval_skew
self._collect_attempts = collect_attempts
self._create_attempts = create_attempts
self._sync_time_task = tasks['sync-time']
self._get_interval_task = tasks['collect-data']
self._create_pm_task = tasks['create-pm']
self._delete_pm_task = tasks['delete-pm']
self._advertise_events = advertise_events
self._omci_cc_subscriptions = { # RxEvent.enum -> Subscription Object
RxEvent.MIB_Reset: None,
RxEvent.Create: None,
RxEvent.Delete: None
self._omci_cc_sub_mapping = {
RxEvent.MIB_Reset: self.on_mib_reset_response,
RxEvent.Create: self.on_create_response,
RxEvent.Delete: self.on_delete_response,
self._me_watch_list = {
MacBridgePortConfigurationData.class_id: {
'create-delete': self.add_remove_enet_frame_pm,
'instances': dict() # BP entity_id -> (PM class_id, PM entity_id)
self._deferred = None
self._task_deferred = None
self._current_task = None
self._add_me_deferred = None
self._delete_me_deferred = None
self._next_interval = None
self._enet_entity_id = IndexPool(1024, 1)
self._add_pm_me_retry = 0
# (Class ID, Instance ID) -> Collect attempts remaining
self._pm_me_collect_retries = dict()
self._add_pm_me = dict() # (pm cid, pm eid) -> (me cid, me eid, upstream)
self._del_pm_me = set()
# Pollable PM items
# Note that some items the KPI extracts are not listed below. These are the
# administrative states, operational states, and sensed ethernet type. The values
# in the MIB database should be accurate for these items.
self._ani_g_items = ["optical_signal_level", "transmit_optical_level"]
self._next_poll_time = datetime.utcnow()
self._poll_interval = 60 # TODO: Fixed at once a minute
# Statistics and attributes
# TODO: add any others if it will support problem diagnosis
# Set up state machine to manage states
self.machine = Machine(model=self, states=states,
def _cancel_deferred(self):
d1, self._deferred = self._deferred, None
d2, self._task_deferred = self._task_deferred, None
d3, self._add_me_deferred = self._add_me_deferred, None
d4, self._delete_me_deferred = self._delete_me_deferred, None
for d in [d1, d2, d3, d4]:
if d is not None and not d.called:
def _cancel_tasks(self):
task, self._current_task = self._current_task, None
if task is not None:
def __str__(self):
return 'PerformanceIntervals: Device ID: {}, State:{}'.format(self._device_id,
def delete(self):
Cleanup any state information
def device_id(self):
return self._device_id
def advertise_events(self):
return self._advertise_events
def advertise_events(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise TypeError('Advertise event is a boolean')
self._advertise_events = value
def advertise(self, event, info):
"""Advertise an event on the OpenOMCI event bus"""
if self._advertise_events:
'info': info,
'time': str(datetime.utcnow()),
'next': str(self._next_interval)
def set_pm_config(self, pm_config):
Set PM interval configuration
:param pm_config: (OnuPmIntervalMetrics) PM Interval configuration
self._pm_config = pm_config
def _me_is_supported(self, class_id):
Check to see if ONU supports this ME
:param class_id: (int) ME Class ID
:return: (bool) If ME is supported
supported = self._device.omci_capabilities.supported_managed_entities
return class_id in supported if supported is not None else False
def add_pm_me(self, pm_class_id, pm_entity_id, cid=0, eid=0, upstream=False):
Add a new Performance Monitoring ME.
The ME ID will be added to an internal list and will be added the next
time the idle state is reached. An 'add_pm_me' trigger will be raised in
case already in the Idle state.
:param pm_class_id: (int) ME Class ID (1..0xFFFE)
:param pm_entity_id: (int) Instance ID (1..0xFFFE)
:param cid: (int) Class ID of entity monitored, may be None
:param eid: (int) Instance ID of entity monitored, may be None
:param upstream: (bool): Flag indicating if PM is for upstream traffic
if not isinstance(pm_class_id, int):
raise TypeError('PM ME Instance ID is an integer')
if not 0 < pm_class_id < 0xFFFF:
raise ValueError('PM ME Instance ID must be 1..65534')
# Check to see if ONU supports this ME
if not self._me_is_supported(pm_class_id):
self.log.warn('unsupported-PM-me', class_id=pm_class_id)
key = (pm_class_id, pm_entity_id)
entry = (cid, eid, upstream)
if key not in self._pm_me_collect_retries and key not in self._add_pm_me:
self._add_pm_me[key] = entry
if self._add_me_deferred is None:
self._add_me_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.add_me)
if (pm_class_id, pm_entity_id) in self._del_pm_me:
self._del_pm_me.remove((pm_class_id, pm_entity_id))
def delete_pm_me(self, class_id, entity_id):
Remove a new Performance Monitoring ME.
The ME ID will be added to an internal list and will be removed the next
time the idle state is reached. An 'delete_pm_me' trigger will be raised in
case already in the Idle state.
:param class_id: (int) ME Class ID (1..0xFFFE)
:param entity_id: (int) Instance ID (1..0xFFFE)
if not isinstance(class_id, int):
raise TypeError('PM ME Class ID is an integer')
if not 0 < class_id < 0xFFFF:
raise ValueError('PM ME Class ID must be 1..65534')
# Check to see if ONU supports this ME
if not self._me_is_supported(class_id):
self.log.warn('unsupported-PM-me', class_id=class_id)
key = (class_id, entity_id)
if key in self._pm_me_collect_retries and key not in self._del_pm_me:
if self._delete_me_deferred is None:
self._delete_me_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.delete_me)
if key in self._add_pm_me:
def on_enter_disabled(self):
State machine is being stopped
self.advertise(OpenOmciEventType.state_change, self.state)
self._next_interval = None
# Drop OMCI ME Response subscriptions
for event, sub in self._omci_cc_subscriptions.iteritems():
if sub is not None:
self._omci_cc_subscriptions[event] = None
# Manually remove ani ANI/PON and UNI PM interval MEs
config = self._device.configuration
anis = config.ani_g_entities
unis = config.uni_g_entities
if anis is not None:
for entity_id in anis.iterkeys():
self.delete_pm_me(FecPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData.class_id, entity_id)
self.delete_pm_me(XgPonTcPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData.class_id, entity_id)
self.delete_pm_me(XgPonDownstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData.class_id, entity_id)
self.delete_pm_me(XgPonUpstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData.class_id, entity_id)
if unis is not None:
for entity_id in config.uni_g_entities.iterkeys():
self.delete_pm_me(EthernetPMMonitoringHistoryData.class_id, entity_id)
def on_enter_starting(self):
""" Add the PON/ANI and UNI PM intervals"""
self.advertise(OpenOmciEventType.state_change, self.state)
self._device = self._agent.get_device(self._device_id)
# Set up OMCI ME Response subscriptions
for event, sub in self._omci_cc_sub_mapping.iteritems():
if self._omci_cc_subscriptions[event] is None:
self._omci_cc_subscriptions[event] = \
topic=OMCI_CC.event_bus_topic(self._device_id, event),
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('omci-cc-subscription-setup', e=e)
# Manually start some ANI/PON and UNI PM interval MEs
config = self._device.configuration
anis = config.ani_g_entities
unis = config.uni_g_entities
if anis is not None:
for entity_id in anis.iterkeys():
if unis is not None:
for entity_id in config.uni_g_entities.iterkeys():
self.add_pm_me(EthernetPMMonitoringHistoryData.class_id, entity_id)
# Look for existing instances of dynamically created ME's that have PM
# associated with them and add them now
for class_id in self._me_watch_list.iterkeys():
instances = {k: v for k, v in
if isinstance(k, int)}
for entity_id, data in instances.items():
method = self._me_watch_list[class_id]['create-delete']
cid, eid = method(None, class_id, entity_id,
add=True, attributes=data[ATTRIBUTES_KEY])
if cid > 0:
# BP entity_id -> (PM class_id, PM entity_id)
instances = self._me_watch_list[class_id]['instances']
instances[entity_id] = (cid, eid)
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('pm-me-setup', e=e)
# Got to synchronize_time state
self._deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.tick)
def on_enter_synchronize_time(self):
State machine has just transitioned to the synchronize_time state
self.advertise(OpenOmciEventType.state_change, self.state)
def success(_results):
self._current_task = None
self._deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.success)
# Calculate next interval time
self._next_interval = self.get_next_interval
def failure(reason):'sync-time-failure', reason=reason)
self._current_task = None
self._deferred = reactor.callLater(self._timeout_delay, self.failure)
# Schedule a task to set the ONU time
self._current_task = self._sync_time_task(self._agent, self._device_id)
self._task_deferred = self._device.task_runner.queue_task(self._current_task)
self._task_deferred.addCallbacks(success, failure)
def on_enter_idle(self):
State machine has just transitioned to the idle state
In this state, any added PM MEs that need to be created will be.
TODO: some non-interval PM stats (if there are any) are collected here
self.advertise(OpenOmciEventType.state_change, self.state)
if len(self._del_pm_me) and self._delete_me_deferred is None:
self._delete_me_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.delete_me)
elif len(self._add_pm_me) and self._add_me_deferred is None:
self._add_me_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.add_me)
elif datetime.utcnow() >= self._next_poll_time:
def success(results):
self._device.timestamp = arrow.utcnow().float_timestamp
self._next_poll_time = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=self._poll_interval)
def failure(reason):'poll-failure', reason=reason)
self._device.timestamp = None
return None
# Scan all ANI-G ports
ani_g_entities = self._device.configuration.ani_g_entities
ani_g_entities_ids = ani_g_entities.keys() if ani_g_entities is not None else None
if ani_g_entities_ids is not None and len(ani_g_entities_ids):
for entity_id in ani_g_entities_ids:
task = OmciGetRequest(self._agent, self.device_id,
AniG, entity_id,
self._ani_g_items, allow_failure=True)
self._task_deferred = self._device.task_runner.queue_task(task)
self._task_deferred.addCallbacks(success, failure)
self._next_poll_time = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=self._poll_interval)
# TODO: Compute a better mechanism than just polling here, perhaps based on
# the next time to fetch data for 'any' interval
self._deferred = reactor.callLater(self._tick_delay, self.tick)
def on_enter_create_pm_me(self):
State machine has just transitioned to the create_pm_me state
self.advertise(OpenOmciEventType.state_change, self.state)
mes, self._add_pm_me = self._add_pm_me, dict()
def success(results):
self.log.debug('create-me-success', results=results)
# Check if already here. The create request could have received
# an already-exists status code which we consider successful
for pm, me in mes.items():
self._pm_me_collect_retries[pm] = self.pm_collected(pm)
self._current_task = None
self._deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.success)
def failure(reason):'create-me-failure', reason=reason, retries=self._add_pm_me_retry)
self._current_task = None
if self._add_pm_me_retry <= self._create_attempts:
for pm, me in mes.items():
self._add_pm_me[pm] = me
self._add_pm_me_retry += 1
self._deferred = reactor.callLater(self._timeout_delay, self.failure)
# we cant seem to create any collection me, no point in doing anything
self.log.warn('unable-to-create-pm-me-disabling-collection', reason=reason, device_id=self._device_id)
self._deferred = reactor.callLater(self._timeout_delay, self.stop)
self._current_task = self._create_pm_task(self._agent, self._device_id, mes)
self._task_deferred = self._device.task_runner.queue_task(self._current_task)
self._task_deferred.addCallbacks(success, failure)
def on_enter_delete_pm_me(self):
State machine has just transitioned to the delete_pm_me state
self.advertise(OpenOmciEventType.state_change, self.state)
mes, self._del_pm_me = self._del_pm_me, set()
def success(results):
self.log.debug('delete-me-success', results=results)
self._current_task = None
for me in mes:
self._deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.success)
def failure(reason):'delete-me-failure', reason=reason)
self._current_task = None
for me in mes:
self._deferred = reactor.callLater(self._timeout_delay, self.failure)
self._current_task = self._delete_pm_task(self._agent, self._device_id, mes)
self._task_deferred = self._device.task_runner.queue_task(self._current_task)
self._task_deferred.addCallbacks(success, failure)
def on_enter_collect_data(self):
State machine has just transitioned to the collect_data state
if self._next_interval is not None and self._next_interval > datetime.utcnow():'wait-next-interval')
# Not ready for next interval, transition back to idle and we should get
# called again after a short delay
reactor.callLater(0, self.success)
self.advertise(OpenOmciEventType.state_change, self.state)
keys = self._pm_me_collect_retries.keys()
for key in keys:
class_id = key[0]
entity_id = key[1]"in-enter-collect-data", key=key, retries=self._pm_me_collect_retries[key])
# Collect the data ?
if self._pm_me_collect_retries[key] > 0:
def success(results):'collect-success', results=results,
self._current_task = None
self._pm_me_collect_retries[key] = 0
self._deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.success)
return results
def failure(reason):'collect-failure', reason=reason)
self._current_task = None
self._pm_me_collect_retries[key] -= 1
self._deferred = reactor.callLater(self._timeout_delay, self.failure)
return reason # Halt callback processing
# start the task'collect-task-start')
self._current_task = self._get_interval_task(self._agent, self._device_id,
class_id, entity_id)
self._task_deferred = self._device.task_runner.queue_task(self._current_task)
self._task_deferred.addCallbacks(success, failure)
# Here if all intervals have been collected (we are up to date)
self._next_interval = self.get_next_interval'collect-calculate-next', next=self._next_interval)
self._pm_me_collect_retries = dict.fromkeys(self._pm_me_collect_retries, self._collect_attempts)
reactor.callLater(0, self.success)
def on_enter_threshold_exceeded(self):
State machine has just transitioned to the threshold_exceeded state
pass # TODO: Not sure if we want this state. Need to get alarm synchronizer working first
def get_next_interval(self):
Determine the time for the next interval collection for all of this
ONUs PM Intervals. Earliest fetch time is at least 1 minute into the
next interval.
:return: (datetime) UTC time to get the next interval
now = datetime.utcnow()
# Get delta seconds to at least 1 minute into next interval
next_delta_secs = (16 - (now.minute % 15)) * 60
next_interval = now + timedelta(seconds=next_delta_secs)
# NOTE: For debugging, uncomment next section to perform collection
# right after initial code startup/mib-sync
if self._next_interval is None:
return now # Do it now (just for debugging purposes)
# Skew the next time up to the maximum specified
# TODO: May want to skew in a shorter range and select the minute
# based off some device property value to make collection a
# little more predictable on a per-ONU basis.
return next_interval + timedelta(seconds=uniform(0, self._interval_skew))
def pm_collected(self, key):
Query database and determine if PM data needs to be collected for this ME
class_id = key[0]
entity_id = key[1]
return self._collect_attempts # TODO: Implement persistent storage
def publish_data(self, results):
Publish the PM interval results on the appropriate bus. The results are
a dictionary with the following format.
'class-id': (int) ME Class ID,
'entity-id': (int) ME Entity ID,
'me-name': (str) ME Class name, # Mostly for debugging...
'interval-end-time': None,
'interval-utc-time': (DateTime) UTC time when retrieved from ONU,
Counters added here as they are retrieved with the format of
'counter-attribute-name': value (int)
:param results: (dict) PM results
self.log.debug('collect-publish', results=results)
if self._pm_config is not None:
pass # TODO: Save off last time interval fetched to persistent storage?
def on_mib_reset_response(self, _topic, msg):
Called upon receipt of a MIB Reset Response for this ONU
:param _topic: (str) OMCI-RX topic
:param msg: (dict) Dictionary with 'rx-response' and 'tx-request' (if any)
self.log.debug('on-mib-reset-response', state=self.state)
response = msg[RX_RESPONSE_KEY]
omci_msg = response.fields['omci_message'].fields
status = omci_msg['success_code']
if status == RC.Success:
for class_id in self._me_watch_list.iterkeys():
# BP entity_id -> (PM class_id, PM entity_id)
instances = self._me_watch_list[class_id]['instances']
for _, me_pair in instances.items():
self._me_watch_list[class_id]['create-delete'](None, me_pair[0],
me_pair[1], add=False)
self._me_watch_list[class_id]['instances'] = dict()
except KeyError:
pass # NOP
def on_create_response(self, _topic, msg):
Called upon receipt of a Create Response for this ONU.
:param _topic: (str) OMCI-RX topic
:param msg: (dict) Dictionary with 'rx-response' and 'tx-request' (if any)
self.log.debug('on-create-response', state=self.state)
def valid_request(stat, c_id, e_id):
return self._omci_cc_subscriptions[RxEvent.Delete] is not None\
and stat in (RC.Success, RC.InstanceExists) \
and c_id in self._me_watch_list.keys() \
and e_id not in self._me_watch_list[c_id]['instances']
response = msg[RX_RESPONSE_KEY]
omci = response.fields['omci_message'].fields
class_id = omci['entity_class']
entity_id = omci['entity_id']
status = omci['success_code']
if valid_request(status, class_id, entity_id):
request = msg[TX_REQUEST_KEY]
method = self._me_watch_list[class_id]['create-delete']
cid, eid = method(request, class_id, entity_id, add=True)
if cid > 0:
# BP entity_id -> (PM class_id, PM entity_id)
instances = self._me_watch_list[class_id]['instances']
instances[entity_id] = (cid, eid)
def on_delete_response(self, _topic, msg):
Called upon receipt of a Delete Response for this ONU
:param _topic: (str) OMCI-RX topic
:param msg: (dict) Dictionary with 'rx-response' and 'tx-request' (if any)
self.log.debug('on-delete-response', state=self.state)
def valid_request(stat, cid, eid):
return self._omci_cc_subscriptions[RxEvent.Delete] is not None\
and stat in (RC.Success, RC.UnknownInstance) \
and cid in self._me_watch_list.keys() \
and eid in self._me_watch_list[cid]['instances']
response = msg[RX_RESPONSE_KEY]
omci = response.fields['omci_message'].fields
class_id = omci['entity_class']
entity_id = omci['entity_id']
status = omci['success_code']
if valid_request(status, class_id, entity_id):
request = msg[TX_REQUEST_KEY]
method = self._me_watch_list[class_id]['create-delete']
method(request, class_id, entity_id, add=False)
# BP entity_id -> (PM class_id, PM entity_id)
instances = self._me_watch_list[class_id]['instances']
del instances[entity_id]
def get_pm_entity_id_for_add(self, pm_cid, eid):
Select the Entity ID to use for a specific PM Class ID. For extended
PM ME's, an entity id (>0) is allocated
:param pm_cid: (int) PM ME Class ID to create/get entry ID for
:param eid: (int) Reference class's entity ID. Used as PM entity ID for non-
extended PM history PMs
:return: (int) Entity ID to use
if pm_cid in (EthernetFrameExtendedPerformanceMonitoring.class_id,
return self._enet_entity_id.get_next()
return eid
def release_pm_entity_id(self, pm_cid, eid):
if pm_cid in (EthernetFrameExtendedPerformanceMonitoring.class_id,
def add_remove_enet_frame_pm(self, request, class_id, entity_id,
Add/remove PM for the dynamic MAC Port configuration data.
This can be called in a variety of ways:
o If from an Response event from OMCI_CC, the request will contain
the original create/delete request. The class_id and entity_id will
be the MAC Data Configuration Data class and instance ID.
add = True if create, False if delete
o If starting up (and the associated ME is already created), the MAC
Data Configuration Data class and instance ID, and attributes are
provided. request = None and add = True
o If cleaning up (stopping), the PM ME class_id, entity_id are provided.
request = None and add = False
:return: (int, int) PM ME class_id and entity_id for add/remove was performed.
class and entity IDs are non-zero on success
pm_entity_id = 0
cid = 0
eid = 0
upstream = False
def tp_type_to_pm(tp):
# TODO: Support 64-bit extended Monitoring MEs.
# This will result in the need to maintain entity IDs of PMs differently
upstream_types = [ # EthernetFrameExtendedPerformanceMonitoring64Bit.class_id,
EthernetFrameUpstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData.class_id], True
downstream_types = [ # EthernetFrameExtendedPerformanceMonitoring64Bit.class_id,
EthernetFrameDownstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData.class_id], False
return {
1: downstream_types,
3: upstream_types,
5: downstream_types,
6: downstream_types,
}.get(tp, None)
if request is not None:
assert class_id == MacBridgePortConfigurationData.class_id
# Is this associated with the ANI or the UNI side of the bridge?
# For VOLTHA v2.0, only high-speed internet data service is
attributes = request.fields['omci_message'].fields['data']
pm_class_ids, upstream = tp_type_to_pm(attributes['tp_type'])
cid = request.fields['omci_message'].fields['entity_class']
eid = request.fields['omci_message'].fields['entity_id']
if not add:
instances = self._me_watch_list[cid]['instances']
_, pm_entity_id = instances.get(eid, (None, None))
elif add:
assert class_id == MacBridgePortConfigurationData.class_id
assert isinstance(attributes, dict)
# Is this associated with the ANI or the UNI side of the bridge?
pm_class_ids, upstream = tp_type_to_pm(attributes.get('tp_type'))
cid = class_id
eid = entity_id
assert class_id in (EthernetFrameUpstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData.class_id,
pm_class_ids = [class_id]
if pm_class_ids is None:
return False # Unable to select a supported ME for this ONU
if add:
for pm_class_id in pm_class_ids:
if self._me_is_supported(pm_class_id):
pm_entity_id = self.get_pm_entity_id_for_add(pm_class_id, eid)
self.add_pm_me(pm_class_id, pm_entity_id, cid=cid, eid=eid,
return pm_class_id, pm_entity_id
for pm_class_id in pm_class_ids:
if self._me_is_supported(pm_class_id):
self.delete_pm_me(pm_class_id, pm_entity_id)
self.release_pm_entity_id(pm_class_id, pm_entity_id)
return pm_class_id, pm_entity_id
return 0, 0