blob: bf7541b0b118d3b41a6bf0c5371ac9dc7725f3ba [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Adtran, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import random
import arrow
import structlog
from port import AdtnPort
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from adtran_olt_handler import AdtranOltHandler
from net.adtran_rest import RestInvalidResponseCode
from codec.olt_config import OltConfig
from onu import Onu
from voltha.extensions.alarms.onu.onu_los_alarm import OnuLosAlarm
from voltha.extensions.alarms.onu.onu_discovery_alarm import OnuDiscoveryAlarm
from voltha.protos.common_pb2 import AdminState
from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Port
from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_tcont_body_pb2 import TcontsConfigData
from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2 import TrafficDescriptorProfileData
from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_gemport_body_pb2 import GemportsConfigData
from xpon.olt_traffic_descriptor import OltTrafficDescriptor
import resources.adtranolt_platform as platform
class PonPort(AdtnPort):
MAX_DEPLOYMENT_RANGE = 25000 # Meters (OLT-PB maximum)
# AutoActivate should be used if xPON configuration is not supported
_SUPPORTED_ACTIVATION_METHODS = ['autodiscovery', 'autoactivate']
def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs):
super(PonPort, self).__init__(parent, **kwargs)
assert 'pon-id' in kwargs, 'PON ID not found'
self._parent = parent
self._pon_id = kwargs['pon-id']
self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=parent.device_id, pon_id=self._pon_id)
self._port_no = kwargs['port_no']
self._physical_port_name = 'xpon 0/{}'.format(self._pon_id+1)
self._label = 'pon-{}'.format(self._pon_id)
self._in_sync = False
self._expedite_sync = False
self._expedite_count = 0
self._discovery_tick = 20.0
self._no_onu_discover_tick = self._discovery_tick / 2
self._discovered_onus = [] # List of serial numbers
self._discovery_deferred = None # Specifically for ONU discovery
self._onus = {} # serial_number-base64 -> ONU
self._onu_by_id = {} # onu-id -> ONU
self._mcast_gem_ports = {} # VLAN -> GemPort
self._active_los_alarms = set() # ONU-ID
# xPON configuration
self._activation_method = 'autoactivate'
self._downstream_fec_enable = True
self._upstream_fec_enable = True
self._deployment_range = 25000
self._authentication_method = 'serial-number'
self._mcast_aes = False
# Statistics
self.tx_bip_errors = 0
def __str__(self):
return "PonPort-{}: Admin: {}, Oper: {}, OLT: {}".format(self._label,
def get_port(self):
Get the VOLTHA PORT object for this port
:return: VOLTHA Port object
if self._port is None:
self._port = Port(port_no=self._port_no,
return self._port
def pon_id(self):
return self._pon_id
def onus(self):
Get a set of all ONUs. While the set is immutable, do not use this method
to get a collection that you will iterate through that my yield the CPU
such as inline callback. ONUs may be deleted at any time and they will
set some references to other objects to NULL during the 'delete' call.
Instead, get a list of ONU-IDs and iterate on these and call the 'onu'
method below (which will return 'None' if the ONU has been deleted.
:return: (frozenset) collection of ONU objects on this PON
return frozenset(self._onus.values())
def onu_ids(self):
return frozenset(self._onu_by_id.keys())
def onu(self, onu_id):
return self._onu_by_id.get(onu_id)
def in_service_onus(self):
return len({onu.onu_id for onu in self.onus
if onu.onu_id not in self._active_los_alarms})
def closest_onu_distance(self):
distance = -1
for onu in self.onus:
if onu.fiber_length < distance or distance == -1:
distance = onu.fiber_length
return distance
def downstream_fec_enable(self):
return self._downstream_fec_enable
def downstream_fec_enable(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, bool), 'downstream FEC enabled is a boolean'
if self._downstream_fec_enable != value:
self._downstream_fec_enable = value
if self.state == AdtnPort.State.RUNNING:
self.deferred = self._set_pon_config("downstream-fec-enable", value)
def upstream_fec_enable(self):
return self._upstream_fec_enable
def upstream_fec_enable(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, bool), 'upstream FEC enabled is a boolean'
if self._upstream_fec_enable != value:
self._upstream_fec_enable = value
if self.state == AdtnPort.State.RUNNING:
self.deferred = self._set_pon_config("upstream-fec-enable", value)
def any_upstream_fec_enabled(self):
for onu in self.onus:
if onu.upstream_fec_enable and onu.enabled:
return True
return False
def mcast_aes(self):
return self._mcast_aes
def mcast_aes(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, bool), 'MCAST AES is a boolean'
if self._mcast_aes != value:
self._mcast_aes = value
if self.state == AdtnPort.State.RUNNING:
pass # TODO
def deployment_range(self):
"""Maximum deployment range (in meters)"""
return self._deployment_range
def deployment_range(self, value):
"""Maximum deployment range (in meters)"""
if not 0 <= value <= PonPort.MAX_DEPLOYMENT_RANGE:
raise ValueError('Deployment range should be 0..{} meters'.
if self._deployment_range != value:
self._deployment_range = value
if self.state == AdtnPort.State.RUNNING:
self.deferred = self._set_pon_config("deployment-range", value)
def discovery_tick(self):
return self._discovery_tick * 10
def discovery_tick(self, value):
if value < 0:
raise ValueError("Polling interval must be >= 0")
if self.discovery_tick != value:
self._discovery_tick = value / 10
if self._discovery_deferred is not None and \
not self._discovery_deferred.called:
self._discovery_deferred = None
if self._discovery_tick > 0:
self._discovery_deferred = reactor.callLater(self._discovery_tick,
def activation_method(self):
return self._activation_method
def activation_method(self, value):
value = value.lower()
raise ValueError('Invalid ONU activation method')
self._activation_method = value
def authentication_method(self):
return self._authentication_method
def authentication_method(self, value):
value = value.lower()
raise ValueError('Invalid ONU authentication method')
self._authentication_method = value
def cancel_deferred(self):
super(PonPort, self).cancel_deferred()
d, self._discovery_deferred = self._discovery_deferred, None
if d is not None and not d.called:
except Exception as e:
def _update_adapter_agent(self):
Update the port status and state in the core
self.log.debug('update-adapter-agent', admin_state=self._admin_state,
# because the core does not provide methods for updating admin
# and oper status per port, we need to copy any existing port
# info so that we don't wipe out the peers
if self._port is not None:
agent_ports = self.adapter_agent.get_ports(self.olt.device_id, Port.PON_OLT)
agent_port = next((ap for ap in agent_ports if ap.port_no == self._port_no), None)
# copy current Port info
if agent_port is not None:
self._port = agent_port
# set new states
self._port.admin_state = self._admin_state
self._port.oper_status = self._oper_status
# adapter_agent add_port also does an update of existing port
self.adapter_agent.add_port(self.olt.device_id, self.get_port())
def finish_startup(self):
Do all startup offline since REST may fail
if self.state != AdtnPort.State.INITIAL:
results = None
self.deferred = self._get_pon_config()
results = yield self.deferred
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('initial-GET', e=e)
self.deferred = reactor.callLater(5, self.finish_startup)
# Load config from hardware
enabled = results.get('enabled', False)
downstream_fec_enable = results.get('downstream-fec-enable', False)
upstream_fec_enable = results.get('upstream-fec-enable', False)
deployment_range = results.get('deployment-range', 25000)
self._in_sync = True
if enabled != self._enabled:
self.deferred = self._set_pon_config("enabled", True)
yield self.deferred
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('final-startup-enable', e=e)
self.deferred = reactor.callLater(3, self.finish_startup)
if downstream_fec_enable != self._downstream_fec_enable:
self.deferred = self._set_pon_config("downstream-fec-enable",
yield self.deferred
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning('final-startup-downstream-FEC', e=e)
self._in_sync = False
# Non-fatal. May have failed due to no SFQ in slot
if upstream_fec_enable != self._upstream_fec_enable:
self.deferred = self._set_pon_config("upstream-fec-enable",
yield self.deferred
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning('final-startup-upstream-FEC', e=e)
self._in_sync = False
# Non-fatal. May have failed due to no SFQ in slot
if deployment_range != self._deployment_range:
self.deferred = self._set_pon_config("deployment-range",
yield self.deferred
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning('final-startup-deployment-range', e=e)
self._in_sync = False
# Non-fatal. May have failed due to no SFQ in slot
if len(self._onus) > 0:
dl = []
for onu_id in self.onu_ids:
onu = self.onu(onu_id)
if onu is not None:
yield defer.gatherResults(dl, consumeErrors=True)
# Begin to ONU discovery and hardware sync
self._discovery_deferred = reactor.callLater(5, self._discover_onus)
# If here, initial settings were successfully written to hardware
super(PonPort, self).finish_startup()
def finish_stop(self):
# Remove all existing ONUs. They will need to be re-discovered
dl = []
onu_ids = frozenset(self._onu_by_id.keys())
for onu_id in onu_ids:
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('onu-cleanup', onu_id=onu_id, e=e)
dl.append(self._set_pon_config("enabled", False))
results = yield defer.gatherResults(dl, consumeErrors=True)
def reset(self):
Set the PON Port to a known good state on initial port startup. Actual
PON 'Start' is done elsewhere
initial_port_state = AdminState.ENABLED'reset', initial_state=initial_port_state)
self.deferred = self._get_pon_config()
results = yield self.deferred
enabled = results.get('enabled', False)
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('get-config', e=e)
enabled = False
enable = initial_port_state == AdminState.ENABLED
if enable != enabled:
self.deferred = yield self._set_pon_config("enabled", enable)
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('reset-enabled', e=e, enabled=enabled)
# TODO: Move to 'set_pon_config' method and also make sure GRPC/Port is ok
self._admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED if enable else AdminState.DISABLED
# Walk the provisioned ONU list and disable any existing ONUs
results = yield self._get_onu_config()
if isinstance(results, list) and len(results) > 0:
onu_configs = OltConfig.Pon.Onu.decode(results)
dl = []
for onu_id in onu_configs.iterkeys():
if len(dl) > 0:
yield defer.gatherResults(dl, consumeErrors=True)
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('rest-ONU-delete', e=e)
pass # Non-fatal
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('onu-delete', e=e)
returnValue('Reset complete')
def gem_ids(self, logical_port, flow_vlan, multicast_gems=False):
Get all GEM Port IDs used on a given PON
:param logical_port: (int) Logical port number of ONU. None if for all ONUs
on PON, if Multicast, VID for Multicast, or None for all
Multicast GEMPorts
:param flow_vlan: (int) If not None, this is the ingress tag (c-tag)
:param multicast_gems: (boolean) Select from available Multicast GEM Ports
:return: (dict) data_gem -> key -> onu-id, value -> tuple(sorted list of GEM Port IDs, onu_vid)
mcast_gem-> key -> mcast-vid, value -> GEM Port IDs
gem_ids = {}
if multicast_gems:
# Multicast GEMs belong to the PON, but we may need to register them on
# all ONUs. TODO: Rework when BBF MCAST is addressed in VOLTHA v2.O+
for vlan, gem_port in self._mcast_gem_ports.iteritems():
if logical_port is None or (logical_port == vlan and logical_port in self.olt.multicast_vlans):
gem_ids[vlan] = ([gem_port.gem_id], None)
raise NotImplemented('TODO: This is deprecated')
# for onu_id, onu in self._onu_by_id.iteritems():
# if logical_port is None or logical_port == onu.logical_port:
# gem_ids[onu_id] = (onu.gem_ids(), flow_vlan)
return gem_ids
def _get_pon_config(self):
uri = AdtranOltHandler.GPON_PON_CONFIG_URI.format(self._pon_id)
name = 'pon-get-config-{}'.format(self._pon_id)
return self._parent.rest_client.request('GET', uri, name=name)
def _get_onu_config(self, onu_id=None):
if onu_id is None:
uri = AdtranOltHandler.GPON_ONU_CONFIG_LIST_URI.format(self._pon_id)
uri = AdtranOltHandler.GPON_ONU_CONFIG_URI.format(self._pon_id, onu_id)
name = 'pon-get-onu_config-{}-{}'.format(self._pon_id, onu_id)
return self._parent.rest_client.request('GET', uri, name=name)
def _set_pon_config(self, leaf, value):
data = json.dumps({leaf: value})
uri = AdtranOltHandler.GPON_PON_CONFIG_URI.format(self._pon_id)
name = 'pon-set-config-{}-{}-{}'.format(self._pon_id, leaf, str(value))
# If no optics on PON, then PON config fails with status 400, suppress this
suppress_error = len(self.onu_ids) == 0
return self._parent.rest_client.request('PATCH', uri, data=data, name=name,
def _discover_onus(self):
self.log.debug('discovery', state=self._admin_state, in_sync=self._in_sync)
if self._admin_state == AdminState.ENABLED:
if self._in_sync:
data = json.dumps({'pon-id': self._pon_id})
uri = AdtranOltHandler.GPON_PON_DISCOVER_ONU
name = 'pon-discover-onu-{}'.format(self._pon_id)
self._discovery_deferred = self._parent.rest_client.request('POST', uri, data, name=name)
self.discovery_deferred = reactor.callLater(0,
def _onu_discovery_init_complete(self, _result):
This method is called after the REST POST to request ONU discovery is
completed. The results (body) of the post is always empty / 204 NO CONTENT
delay = self._no_onu_discover_tick if len(self._onus) == 0 else self._discovery_tick
delay += random.uniform(-delay / 10, delay / 10)
self._discovery_deferred = reactor.callLater(delay, self._discover_onus)
def sync_hardware(self):
if self.state == AdtnPort.State.RUNNING or self.state == AdtnPort.State.STOPPED:
def read_config(results):
self.log.debug('read-config', results=results)
config = OltConfig.Pon.decode([results])
assert self.pon_id in config, 'sync-pon-not-found-{}'.format(self.pon_id)
config = config[self.pon_id]
self._in_sync = True
dl = []
if self.enabled != config.enabled:
self._in_sync = False
self._expedite_sync = True
dl.append(self._set_pon_config("enabled", self.enabled))
elif self.state == AdtnPort.State.RUNNING:
if self.deployment_range != config.deployment_range:
self._in_sync = False
self._expedite_sync = True
# A little side note: FEC enable/disable cannot be changed and
# will remain in the previous status until an optical module
# is plugged in.
if self.downstream_fec_enable != config.downstream_fec_enable:
self._in_sync = False
if self.upstream_fec_enable != config.upstream_fec_enable:
self._in_sync = False
self._expedite_sync = True
defer.gatherResults(dl, consumeErrors=True)
return config.onus
def sync_onus(hw_onus):
if self.state == AdtnPort.State.RUNNING:
self.log.debug('sync-pon-onu-results', config=hw_onus)
# ONU's have their own sync task, extra (should be deleted) are
# handled here.
hw_onu_ids = frozenset(hw_onus.keys())
my_onu_ids = frozenset(self._onu_by_id.keys())
extra_onus = hw_onu_ids - my_onu_ids
dl = [self.delete_onu(onu_id, hw_only=True) for onu_id in extra_onus]
if self.activation_method == "autoactivate":
# Autoactivation of ONUs requires missing ONU detection. If
# not found, create them here but let the TCont/GEM-Port restore
# be handle by ONU H/w sync logic.
for onu in [self._onu_by_id[onu_id] for onu_id in my_onu_ids - hw_onu_ids
if self._onu_by_id.get(onu_id) is not None]:
return defer.gatherResults(dl, consumeErrors=True)
def failure(reason, what):
self.log.error('hardware-sync-{}-failed'.format(what), reason=reason)
self._in_sync = False
self._expedite_sync = False
def reschedule(_):
# Speed up sequential resync a limited number of times if out of sync.
delay = self.sync_tick
if self._expedite_sync:
self._expedite_count += 1
if self._expedite_count < 5:
delay = 1
self._expedite_count = 0
delay += random.uniform(-delay / 10, delay / 10)
self.sync_deferred = reactor.callLater(delay, self.sync_hardware)
self.sync_deferred = self._get_pon_config()
self.sync_deferred.addCallbacks(read_config, failure, errbackArgs=['get-config'])
self.sync_deferred.addCallbacks(sync_onus, failure, errbackArgs=['pon-sync'])
def process_status_poll(self, status):
Process PON status poll request
:param status: (OltState.Pon object) results from RESTCONF GET
self.log.debug('process-status-poll', status=status)
if self._admin_state != AdminState.ENABLED:
# Process LOS list
# Get new/missing from the discovered ONU leaf. Stale ONUs from previous
# configs are now cleaned up during h/w re-sync/reflow.
new, rediscovered_onus = self._process_status_onu_discovered_list(status.discovered_onu)
# Process newly discovered ONU list and rediscovered ONUs
for serial_number in new | rediscovered_onus:
reactor.callLater(0, self.add_onu, serial_number, status)
# PON Statistics
timestamp = arrow.utcnow().float_timestamp
self._process_statistics(status, timestamp)
# Process ONU info. Note that newly added ONUs will not be processed
# until the next pass
self._update_onu_status(status.onus, timestamp)
# Process GEM Port information
self._update_gem_status(status.gems, timestamp)
def _process_statistics(self, status, timestamp):
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.rx_packets = status.rx_packets
self.rx_bytes = status.rx_bytes
self.tx_packets = status.tx_packets
self.tx_bytes = status.tx_bytes
self.tx_bip_errors = status.tx_bip_errors
def _update_onu_status(self, onus, timestamp):
Process ONU status for this PON
:param onus: (dict) onu_id: ONU State
for onu_id, onu_status in onus.iteritems():
if onu_id in self._onu_by_id:
onu = self._onu_by_id[onu_id]
onu.timestamp = timestamp
onu.rssi = onu_status.rssi
onu.equalization_delay = onu_status.equalization_delay
onu.equalization_delay = onu_status.equalization_delay
onu.fiber_length = onu_status.fiber_length
onu.password = onu_status.reported_password
def _update_gem_status(self, gems, timestamp):
for gem_id, gem_status in gems.iteritems():
onu = self._onu_by_id.get(gem_status.onu_id)
if onu is not None:
gem_port = onu.gem_port(gem_status.gem_id)
if gem_port is not None:
gem_port.timestamp = timestamp
gem_port.rx_packets = gem_status.rx_packets
gem_port.rx_bytes = gem_status.rx_bytes
gem_port.tx_packets = gem_status.tx_packets
gem_port.tx_bytes = gem_status.tx_bytes
def _process_los_alarms(self, ont_los):
Walk current LOS and set/clear LOS as appropriate
:param ont_los: (frozenset) ONU IDs of ONUs in LOS alarm state
cleared_alarms = self._active_los_alarms - ont_los
new_alarms = ont_los - self._active_los_alarms
if len(cleared_alarms) > 0 or len(new_alarms) > 0:'onu-los', cleared=cleared_alarms, new=new_alarms)
for onu_id in cleared_alarms:
OnuLosAlarm(self.olt.alarms, onu_id, self.port_no).clear_alarm()
for onu_id in new_alarms:
OnuLosAlarm(self.olt.alarms, onu_id, self.port_no).raise_alarm()
reactor.callLater(0, self.delete_onu, onu_id)
def _process_status_onu_discovered_list(self, discovered_onus):
Look for new ONUs
:param discovered_onus: (frozenset) Set of ONUs currently discovered
self.log.debug('discovered-ONUs', list=discovered_onus)
# Only request discovery if activation is auto-discovery or auto-activate
continue_discovery = ['autodiscovery', 'autoactivate']
if self._activation_method not in continue_discovery:
return set(), set()
my_onus = frozenset(self._onus.keys())
new_onus = discovered_onus - my_onus
rediscovered_onus = my_onus & discovered_onus
return new_onus, rediscovered_onus
def _get_onu_info(self, serial_number):
Parse through available xPON information for ONU configuration settings
:param serial_number: (string) Decoded (not base64) serial number string
:return: (dict) onu config data or None on lookup failure
if self.activation_method == "autodiscovery":
# if self.authentication_method == 'serial-number':
raise NotImplemented('autodiscovery: Not supported at this time')
elif self.activation_method == "autoactivate":
onu_id = self.get_next_onu_id
enabled = True
upstream_fec_enabled = True
self.log.error('unsupported-activation-method', method=self.activation_method)
return None
onu_info = {
'device-id': self.olt.device_id,
'serial-number': serial_number,
'pon': self,
'onu-id': onu_id,
'enabled': enabled,
'upstream-fec': upstream_fec_enabled,
'password': Onu.DEFAULT_PASSWORD,
pon_id = self.olt.pon_id_to_port_number(self._pon_id)
# TODO: Currently only one UNI port and it is hardcoded to port 0
onu_info['uni-ports'] = [platform.mk_uni_port_num(pon_id, onu_id)]
# return onu_info
return onu_info
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('get-onu-info-tech-profiles', e=e)
return None
def add_onu(self, serial_number_64, status):
Add an ONU to the PON
:param serial_number_64: (str) base-64 encoded serial number
:param status: (dict) OLT PON status. Used to detect if ONU is already provisioned
serial_number = Onu.serial_number_to_string(serial_number_64)'add-onu', serial_number=serial_number,
serial_number_64=serial_number_64, status=status)
# It takes a little while for a new ONU to be removed from the discovery
# list. Return early here so extra ONU IDs are not allocated
if serial_number_64 in self._onus:
if serial_number_64 in status.onus:
# Handles fast entry into this task before FPGA can clear results of ONU delete
# At our limit? TODO: Retrieve from device resource manager if available
if len(self._onus) >= self.MAX_ONUS_SUPPORTED:
self.log.warning('max-onus-provisioned', count=len(self._onus))
onu_info = self._get_onu_info(serial_number)
onu_id = onu_info['onu-id']
if onu_id is None:
self.log.warning('no-onu-ids-available', serial_number=serial_number,
# TODO: Is the best before or after creation in parent device?
alarm = OnuDiscoveryAlarm(self.olt.alarms, self.pon_id, serial_number)
reactor.callLater(0, alarm.raise_alarm)
# Have the core create the ONU device
self._parent.add_onu_device(self.pon_id, onu_id, serial_number)
onu = Onu(onu_info)
self._onus[serial_number_64] = onu
self._onu_by_id[onu.onu_id] = onu
# Add Multicast to PON on a per-ONU basis
# for id_or_vid, gem_port in gem_ports.iteritems():
# try:
# if gem_port.multicast:
# self.log.debug('id-or-vid', id_or_vid=id_or_vid)
# vid = self.olt.multicast_vlans[0] if len(self.olt.multicast_vlans) else None
# if vid is not None:
# self.add_mcast_gem_port(gem_port, vid)
# except Exception as e:
# self.log.exception('id-or-vid', e=e)
_results = yield onu.create()
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning('add-onu', serial_number=serial_number_64, e=e)
# allowable exception. H/w re-sync will recover/fix any issues
def get_next_onu_id(self):
return self._parent.resource_mgr.get_onu_id(self._pon_id)
def release_onu_id(self, onu_id):
self._parent.resource_mgr.free_onu_id(self._pon_id, onu_id)
def _remove_from_hardware(self, onu_id):
uri = AdtranOltHandler.GPON_ONU_CONFIG_URI.format(self._pon_id, onu_id)
name = 'pon-delete-onu-{}-{}'.format(self._pon_id, onu_id)
yield self._parent.rest_client.request('DELETE', uri, name=name)
except RestInvalidResponseCode as e:
if e.code != 404:
self.log.exception('onu-delete', e=e)
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('onu-hw-delete', onu_id=onu_id, e=e)
def delete_onu(self, onu_id, hw_only=False):
onu = self._onu_by_id.get(onu_id)
# Remove from any local dictionary
if onu_id in self._onu_by_id:
del self._onu_by_id[onu_id]
if onu is not None:
if onu.serial_number_64 in self._onus:
del self._onus[onu.serial_number_64]
proxy_address = onu.proxy_address
onu.delete() # Remove from hardware
# And removal from VOLTHA adapter agent
if not hw_only:
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('onu-delete', serial_number=onu.serial_number, e=e)
yield self._remove_from_hardware(onu_id)
except Exception as e:
self.log.debug('onu-remove', serial_number=onu.serial_number, e=e)
# Remove from LOS list if needed TODO: Should a 'clear' alarm be sent as well ?
if onu is not None and in self._active_los_alarms:
def add_mcast_gem_port(self, mcast_gem, vlan):
Add any new Multicast GEM Ports to the PON
:param mcast_gem: (GemPort)
if vlan in self._mcast_gem_ports:
assert len(self._mcast_gem_ports) == 0, 'Only 1 MCAST GEMPort until BBF Support'
assert 1 <= vlan <= 4095, 'Invalid Multicast VLAN ID'
assert len(self.olt.multicast_vlans) == 1, 'Only support 1 MCAST VLAN until BBF Support'
self._mcast_gem_ports[vlan] = mcast_gem