blob: 3f0804f90fde669a45df1cfe98d4cae36c7271a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
vOLT-HA Discovery Test Case module
import testCaseUtils
import logging
import os
class Discovery(object):
This class implements voltha discovery test
def __init__(self):
self.dirs = dict()
self.dirs['log'] = None
self.dirs['root'] = None
self.dirs['voltha'] = None
self.__logicalDeviceType = None
self.__oltType = None
self.__onuType = None
self.__onuCount = None
self.__fields = []
self.__logicalDeviceId = None
self.__oltDeviceId = None
self.__onuDeviceIds = []
self.__peers = None
def d_set_log_dirs(self, log_dir):
testCaseUtils.config_dirs(self, log_dir)
def d_configure(self, logical_device_type, olt_type, onu_type, onu_count):
self.__logicalDeviceType = logical_device_type
self.__oltType = olt_type
self.__onuType = onu_type
self.__onuCount = onu_count
def logical_device(self):'Logical Device Info')
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_voltha_cli(testCaseUtils.get_dir(self, 'log'),
'voltha_logical_devices.log', 'logical_devices')
testCaseUtils.print_log_file(self, 'voltha_logical_devices.log')
statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, '-i olt', 'voltha_logical_devices.log')
assert statusLines, 'No Logical Device listed under logical devices'
self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(statusLines, '|')
self.__logicalDeviceId = self.__fields[1].strip()
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_voltha_cli(testCaseUtils.get_dir(self, 'log'),
'voltha_logical_device.log', 'logical_device ' + self.__logicalDeviceId,
'voltha_logical_device_ports.log', 'ports', 'voltha_logical_device_flows.log', 'flows')
assert os.path.exists(testCaseUtils.get_dir(self, 'log') + '/voltha_logical_device.log') and \
(os.path.getsize(testCaseUtils.get_dir(self, 'log') + '/voltha_logical_device.log') is 0), \
'voltha_logical_device.log is not 0 length'
testCaseUtils.print_log_file(self, 'voltha_logical_device_ports.log')
testCaseUtils.print_log_file(self, 'voltha_logical_device_flows.log')
def logical_device_ports_should_exist(self):
statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, self.__oltDeviceId, 'voltha_logical_device_ports.log')
assert statusLines, 'No Olt ports listed under logical device ports'
self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(statusLines, '|')
portType = self.__fields[1].strip()
assert portType.count('nni') == 1, 'Port type for %s does not match expected nni' % self.__oltDeviceId
for onuDeviceId in self.__onuDeviceIds:
statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, onuDeviceId, 'voltha_logical_device_ports.log')
assert statusLines, 'No Onu device %s listed under logical device ports' % onuDeviceId
self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(statusLines, '|')
portType = self.__fields[1].strip()
assert portType.count('uni') == 1, 'Port type for %s does not match expected uni' % onuDeviceId
def logical_device_should_have_at_least_one_flow(self):
statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, 'Flows', 'voltha_logical_device_flows.log')
assert statusLines, 'No Logical device flows listed for logical device'
before, flows, numFlows = statusLines.partition('Flows')
plainNumber = numFlows.strip().strip('():')
if plainNumber.isdigit():
assert int(plainNumber) > 0, 'Zero number of flows for logical device'
def olt_discovery(self):'Olt Discovery')
statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, self.__oltType, 'voltha_devices_after_enable.log')
assert statusLines, 'No Olt listed under devices'
self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(statusLines, '|')
self.__oltDeviceId = self.__fields[1].strip()
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_voltha_cli(testCaseUtils.get_dir(self, 'log'),
'voltha_olt_device.log', 'device ' + self.__oltDeviceId, 'voltha_olt_ports.log',
'ports', 'voltha_olt_flows.log', 'flows')
testCaseUtils.print_log_file(self, 'voltha_olt_ports.log')
testCaseUtils.print_log_file(self, 'voltha_olt_flows.log')
def onu_discovery(self):'Onu Discovery')
statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, self.__onuType, 'voltha_devices_after_enable.log')
assert statusLines, 'No Onu listed under devices'
lines = statusLines.splitlines()
assert len(lines) == self.__onuCount, 'Onu count mismatch found: %s, should be: %s' % (len(lines), self.__onuCount)
for line in lines:
self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(line, '|')
onuDeviceId = self.__fields[1].strip()
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_voltha_cli(testCaseUtils.get_dir(self, 'log'),
'voltha_onu_device_' + str(self.__onuDeviceIds.index(onuDeviceId)) + '.log',
'device ' + onuDeviceId, 'voltha_onu_ports_' +
str(self.__onuDeviceIds.index(onuDeviceId)) + '.log', 'ports', 'voltha_onu_flows_' +
str(self.__onuDeviceIds.index(onuDeviceId)) + '.log', 'flows')
testCaseUtils.print_log_file(self, 'voltha_onu_ports_' + str(self.__onuDeviceIds.index(onuDeviceId)) + '.log')
testCaseUtils.print_log_file(self, 'voltha_onu_flows_' + str(self.__onuDeviceIds.index(onuDeviceId)) + '.log')
def olt_ports_should_be_enabled_and_active(self):
statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, self.__oltDeviceId, 'voltha_olt_ports.log')
assert statusLines, 'No Olt device listed under ports'
lines = statusLines.splitlines()
for line in lines:
self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(line, '|')
assert (self.check_states(self.__oltDeviceId) is True), 'States of %s does match expected ' % self.__oltDeviceId
portType = self.__fields[3].strip()
assert (portType == 'ETHERNET_NNI' or portType == 'PON_OLT' or portType == 'ETHERNET_UNI'),\
'Port type for %s does not match expected ETHERNET_NNI or PON_OLT' % self.__oltDeviceId
if portType == 'PON_OLT':
self.__peers = self.__fields[7].strip()
peerFields = self.__peers.split(',')
peerDevices = peerFields[1::2]
for peerDevice in peerDevices:
deviceFields = peerDevice.split(':')
deviceId = deviceFields[1].replace("'", "").replace('u', '').rstrip("}]").strip()
assert deviceId in self.__onuDeviceIds, 'ONU Device %s not found as Peer' % deviceId
def onu_ports_should_be_enabled_and_active(self):
for onuDeviceId in self.__onuDeviceIds:
statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, onuDeviceId, 'voltha_onu_ports_' +
str(self.__onuDeviceIds.index(onuDeviceId)) + '.log')
assert statusLines, 'No Onu device listed under ports'
lines = statusLines.splitlines()
for line in lines:
self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(line, '|')
assert (self.check_states(onuDeviceId) is True), 'States of %s does match expected ' % onuDeviceId
portType = self.__fields[3].strip()
assert (portType == 'ETHERNET_UNI' or portType == 'PON_ONU'),\
'Port type for %s does not match expected ETHERNET_UNI or PON_ONU' % onuDeviceId
if portType == 'PON_ONU':
self.__peers = self.__fields[7].strip()
peerFields = self.__peers.split(',')
peerDevice = peerFields[1]
deviceFields = peerDevice.split(':')
deviceId = deviceFields[1].replace("'", "").replace('u', '').rstrip("}]").strip()
assert deviceId == self.__oltDeviceId, 'OLT Device %s not found as Peer' % deviceId
def check_states(self, device_id):
result = True
stateMatchCount = 0
for field in self.__fields:
field_no_space = field.strip()
if field_no_space == 'ENABLED' or field_no_space == 'ACTIVE':
stateMatchCount += 1
assert stateMatchCount == 2, 'State of %s is not ENABLED or ACTIVE' % device_id
return result
def olt_should_have_at_least_one_flow(self):
statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, 'Flows', 'voltha_olt_flows.log')
assert statusLines, 'No Olt flows under device %s' % self.__oltDeviceId
before, flows, numFlows = statusLines.partition('Flows')
plainNumber = numFlows.strip().strip('():')
if plainNumber.isdigit():
assert int(plainNumber) > 0, 'Zero number of flows for Olt %s' % self.__oltDeviceId
def onu_should_have_at_least_one_flow(self):
for onuDeviceId in self.__onuDeviceIds:
statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, 'Flows', 'voltha_onu_flows_' +
str(self.__onuDeviceIds.index(onuDeviceId)) + '.log')
assert statusLines, 'No Onu flows under device %s' % onuDeviceId
before, flows, numFlows = statusLines.partition('Flows')
plainNumber = numFlows.strip().strip('():')
if plainNumber.isdigit():
assert int(plainNumber) > 0, 'Zero number of flows for Onu %s' % onuDeviceId
def run_test(logical_device_type, olt_type, onu_type, onu_count, log_dir):
discovery = Discovery()
discovery.d_configure(logical_device_type, olt_type, onu_type, onu_count)