blob: d1d7c92f98d2ce51bb6aa0d77e85038ef92a9871 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Port
Encoding of identifiers
GEM port ID
GEM port id is unique per PON port
10 3 0
|1 | onu id | GEM |
| | | idx |
GEM port id range (0, 1023) is reserved
onu id = 7 bits = 128 ONUs per PON
GEM index = 3 bits = 8 GEM ports per ONU
Alloc ID
Uniquely identifies a T-CONT
Ranges from 0 to 4095
Unique per PON interface
12 6 0
| onu id | Alloc idx |
onu id = 7 bits = 128 ONUs per PON
Alloc index = 6 bits = 64 GEM ports per ONU
Flow id
Identifies a flow within a single OLT
Flow Id is unique per OLT
Multiple GEM ports can map to same flow id
13 11 4 0
| pon id | onu id | Flow |
| | | idx |
14 bits = 16384 flows (per OLT).
pon id = 4 bits = 16 PON ports
onu id = 7 bits = 128 ONUss per PON port
Flow index = 3 bits = 4 bi-directional flows per ONU
= 8 uni-directional flows per ONU
Logical (OF) UNI port number
OpenFlow port number corresponding to PON UNI
15 11 4 0
|0 | pon id | onu id | 0 |
pon id = 4 bits = 16 PON ports
onu id = 7 bits = 128 ONUs per PON port
PON OLT (OF) port number
OpenFlow port number corresponding to PON OLT ports
31 28 0
| 0x2 | pon intf id |
def mk_uni_port_num(intf_id, onu_id):
return intf_id << 11 | onu_id << 4
def mk_alloc_id(onu_id, idx=0):
# FIXME - driver should do prefixing 1 << 10 as it is Maple specific
# return 1<<10 | onu_id<<6 | idx
return 1023 + onu_id # FIXME
def mk_gemport_id(onu_id, idx=0):
return 1 << 10 | onu_id << 3 | idx
def onu_id_from_gemport_id(gemport_id):
return (gemport_id & ~(1 << 10)) >> 3
def mk_flow_id(intf_id, onu_id, idx):
return intf_id << 11 | onu_id << 4 | idx
def onu_id_from_port_num(port_num):
return (port_num >> 4) & 0x7F
def intf_id_from_uni_port_num(port_num):
return (port_num >> 11) & 0xF
def intf_id_from_pon_port_no(port_no):
return port_no & 0xF
def intf_id_to_port_no(intf_id, intf_type):
if intf_type is Port.ETHERNET_NNI:
# FIXME - Remove hardcoded '128'
return intf_id + 128
elif intf_type is Port.PON_OLT:
return 0x2 << 28 | intf_id
raise Exception('Invalid port type')
def intf_id_from_nni_port_num(port_num):
return port_num - 128