blob: 2ef84764ee1ea80137ab61724dc0efeab65ee384 [file] [log] [blame]
node('build') {
stage 'Checkout cord repo'
checkout([$class: 'RepoScm', currentBranch: true, manifestRepositoryUrl: '', quiet: true])
dir ('incubator/voltha') {
try {
stage 'Bring up voltha dev vm'
sh 'vagrant up voltha'
stage 'Remove the pre-created venv-linux'
sh 'vagrant ssh -c "rm -rf /cord/incubator/voltha/venv-linux"'
stage 'Use the jenkins voltha.yml file'
sh 'vagrant ssh -c "cp /cord/incubator/voltha/voltha/voltha.jenkins.yml /cord/incubator/voltha/voltha/voltha.yml"'
stage 'Build voltha'
sh 'vagrant ssh -c "cd /cord/incubator/voltha && source && make fetch-jenkins && make jenkins" voltha'
stage 'Bring up voltha containers'
sh 'vagrant ssh -c "cd /cord/incubator/voltha && source && docker-compose -f compose/docker-compose-docutests.yml up -d" voltha'
stage 'Run Integration Tests'
sh 'vagrant ssh -c "cd /cord/incubator/voltha && source && make jenkins-test" voltha'
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
slackSend channel: '#voltha', color: 'good', message: "${env.JOB_NAME} (${env.BUILD_NUMBER}) Build success.\n${env.BUILD_URL}"
} catch (err) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
slackSend channel: '#voltha', color: 'danger', message: ":dizzy_face: Build failed ${env.JOB_NAME} (${env.BUILD_NUMBER})\n${env.BUILD_URL}"
} finally {
sh 'vagrant destroy -f voltha'
echo "RESULT: ${currentBuild.result}"