blob: 0bd04d661aee5d8448f615cc9ed5ef7c8a8768c1 [file] [log] [blame]
Internal state of the device
import logging
from ofagent.utils import pp
import loxi.of13 as ofp
class GroupEntry(object):
def __init__(self, group_desc, group_stats):
assert isinstance(group_desc, ofp.group_desc_stats_entry)
assert isinstance(group_stats, ofp.group_stats_entry)
self.group_desc = group_desc
self.group_stats = group_stats
def flow_stats_entry_from_flow_mod_message(fmm):
assert isinstance(fmm, ofp.message.flow_mod)
# extract a flow stats entry from a flow_mod message
kw = fmm.__dict__
# drop these from the object
for k in ('xid', 'cookie_mask', 'out_port', 'buffer_id', 'out_group'):
del kw[k]
flow = ofp.flow_stats_entry(
return flow
def group_entry_from_group_mod_message(gmm):
assert isinstance(gmm, ofp.message.group_mod)
kw = gmm.__dict__
# drop these attributes from the object:
for k in ('xid',):
del kw[k]
group_desc = ofp.group_desc_stats_entry(
group_stats = ofp.group_stats_entry(
return GroupEntry(group_desc, group_stats)
class ObjectStore(object):
def __init__(self):
self.ports = [] # list of ofp.common.port_desc
self.flows = [] # list of ofp.common.flow_stats_entry
self.groups = {} # dict of (ofp.group_desc_stats_entry, ofp.group_stats_entry) tuples,
# keyed by the group_id field
self.agent = None
def set_agent(self, agent):
"""Set agent reference"""
self.agent = agent
def signal_flow_mod_error(self, code, flow_mod):
"""Forward error to agent"""
if self.agent is not None:
agent.signal_flow_mod_error(code, flow_mod)
def signal_flow_removal(self, flow):
"""Forward flow removal notification to agent"""
if self.agent is not None:
def signal_group_mod_error(self, code, group_mod):
if self.agent is not None:
agent.signal_group_mod_error(code, group_mod)
## <=========================== PORT HANDLERS ==================================>
def port_list(self):
return self.ports
def port_add(self, port):
def port_stats(self):
logging.warn("port_stats() not yet implemented")
return []
## <=========================== FLOW HANDLERS ==================================>
def flow_add(self, flow_add):
assert isinstance(flow_add, ofp.message.flow_add)
assert flow_add.cookie_mask == 0
check_overlap = flow_add.flags & ofp.OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP
if check_overlap:
if self._flow_find_overlapping_flows(flow_add, return_on_first_hit=True):
self.signal_flow_mod_error(ofp.OFPFMFC_OVERLAP, flow_add)
# free to add as new flow
flow = flow_stats_entry_from_flow_mod_message(flow_add)
flow = flow_stats_entry_from_flow_mod_message(flow_add)
idx = self._flow_find(flow)
if idx >= 0:
old_flow = self.flows[idx]
assert isinstance(old_flow, ofp.common.flow_stats_entry)
if not (flow_add.flags & ofp.OFPFF_RESET_COUNTS):
flow.byte_count = old_flow.byte_count
flow.packet_count = old_flow.packet_count
self.flows[idx] = flow
def flow_delete_strict(self, flow_delete_strict):
assert isinstance(flow_delete_strict, ofp.message.flow_delete_strict)
flow = flow_stats_entry_from_flow_mod_message(flow_delete_strict)
idx = self._flow_find(flow)
if (idx >= 0):
del self.flows[idx]"flow removed:\n%s" % pp(flow))
logging.error('Requesting strict delete of:\n%s\nwhen flow table is:\n\n' % pp(flow))
for f in self.flows:
print pp(f)
def flow_delete(self, flow_delete):
assert isinstance(flow_delete, ofp.message.flow_delete)
# build a list of what to keep vs what to delete
to_keep = []
to_delete = []
for f in self.flows:
list_to_append = to_delete if self._flow_matches_spec(f, flow_delete) else to_keep
# replace flow table with keepers
self.flows = to_keep
# send notifications for discarded flows as required by OF spec
def flow_modify_strict(self, flow_obj):
raise Exception("flow_modify_strict(): Not implemented yet")
def flow_modify(self, flow_obj):
raise Exception("flow_modify(): Not implemented yet")
def flow_list(self):
return self.flows
def _flow_find_overlapping_flows(self, flow_mod, return_on_first_hit=False):
Return list of overlapping flow(s)
Two flows overlap if a packet may match both and if they have the same priority.
def _flow_find(self, flow):
for i, f in enumerate(self.flows):
if self._flows_match(f, flow):
return i
return -1
def _flows_match(self, f1, f2):
keys_matter = ('table_id', 'priority', 'flags', 'cookie', 'match')
for key in keys_matter:
if getattr(f1, key) != getattr(f2, key):
return False
return True
def _flow_matches_spec(self, flow, flow_mod):
Return True if a given flow (flow_stats_entry) is "covered" by the wildcarded flow
mod or delete spec (as defined in the flow_mod or flow_delete message); otherwise
return False.
#import pdb
assert isinstance(flow, ofp.common.flow_stats_entry)
assert isinstance(flow_mod, (ofp.message.flow_delete, ofp.message.flow_mod))
# Check if flow.cookie is a match for flow_mod cookie/cookie_mask
if (flow.cookie & flow_mod.cookie_mask) != (flow_mod.cookie & flow_mod.cookie_mask):
return False
# Check if flow.table_id is covered by flow_mod.table_id
if flow_mod.table_id != ofp.OFPTT_ALL and flow.table_id != flow_mod.table_id:
return False
# Check out_port
if flow_mod.out_port != ofp.OFPP_ANY and not self._flow_has_out_port(flow, flow_mod.out_port):
return False
# Check out_group
if flow_mod.out_group != ofp.OFPG_ANY and not self._flow_has_out_group(flow, flow_mod.out_group):
return False
# Priority is ignored
# Check match condition
# If the flow_mod match field is empty, that is a special case and indicate the flow entry matches
match = flow_mod.match
assert isinstance(match, ofp.common.match_v3)
if not match.oxm_list:
return True # If we got this far and the match is empty in the flow spec, than the flow matches
raise NotImplementedError("_flow_matches_spec(): No flow match analysys yet")
def _flow_has_out_port(self, flow, out_port):
"""Return True if flow has a output command with the given out_port"""
assert isinstance(flow, ofp.common.flow_stats_entry)
for instruction in flow.instructions:
assert isinstance(instruction, ofp.instruction.instruction)
if instruction.type == ofp.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS:
assert isinstance(instruction, ofp.instruction.apply_actions)
for action in instruction.actions:
assert isinstance(action, ofp.action.action)
if action.type == ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT:
assert isinstance(action, ofp.action.output)
if action.port == out_port:
return True
# otherwise...
return False
def _flow_has_out_group(self, flow, out_group):
"""Return True if flow has a output command with the given out_group"""
assert isinstance(flow, ofp.common.flow_stats_entry)
for instruction in flow.instructions:
assert isinstance(instruction, ofp.instruction.instruction)
if instruction.type == ofp.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS:
assert isinstance(instruction, ofp.instruction.apply_actions)
for action in instruction.actions:
assert isinstance(action, ofp.action.action)
if action.type == ofp.OFPAT_GROUP:
assert isinstance(action,
if action.group_id == out_group:
return True
# otherwise...
return False
def _flows_delete_by_group_id(self, group_id):
"""Delete any flow referring to given group id"""
to_keep = []
to_delete = []
for f in self.flows:
list_to_append = to_delete if self._flow_has_out_group(f, group_id) else to_keep
# replace flow table with keepers
self.flows = to_keep
# send notifications for discarded flows as required by OF spec
def _announce_flows_deleted(self, flows):
for f in flows:
def _announce_flow_deleted(self, flow):
"""Send notification to controller if flow is flagged with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag"""
if flow.flags & ofp.OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM:
raise NotImplementedError("_announce_flow_deleted()")
## <=========================== GROUP HANDLERS =================================>
def group_add(self, group_add):
assert isinstance(group_add, ofp.message.group_add)
if group_add.group_id in self.groups:
self.signal_group_mod_error(ofp.OFPGMFC_GROUP_EXISTS, group_add)
group_entry = group_entry_from_group_mod_message(group_add)
self.groups[group_add.group_id] = group_entry
def group_modify(self, group_modify):
assert isinstance(group_modify, ofp.message.group_modify)
if group_modify.group_id not in self.groups:
self.signal_group_mod_error(ofp.OFPGMFC_INVALID_GROUP, group_modify)
# replace existing group entry with new group definition
group_entry = group_entry_from_group_mod_message(group_modify)
self.groups[group_modify.group_id] = group_entry
def group_delete(self, group_delete):
assert isinstance(group_delete, ofp.message.group_mod)
if group_delete.group_id == ofp.OFPG_ALL: # drop all groups
# we must delete all flows that point to this group and signal controller as
# requested by the flows' flag
self.groups = {}"all groups deleted")
if group_delete.group_id not in self.groups:
# per the spec, this is silent;y ignored
del self.groups[group_delete.group_id]"group %d deleted" % group_delete.group_id)
def group_list(self):
return [group_entry.group_desc for group_entry in self.groups.values()]
def group_stats(self):
return [group_entry.group_stats for group_entry in self.groups.values()]
## <=========================== TABLE HANDLERS =================================>
def table_stats(self):
"""Scan through flow entries and create table stats"""
stats = {}
for flow in self.flows:
table_id = flow.table_id
entry = stats.setdefault(table_id, ofp.common.table_stats_entry(table_id))
entry.active_count += 1
entry.lookup_count += 1 # FIXME how to count these?
entry.matched_count += 1 # FIXME how to count these?
stats[table_id] = entry
return sorted(stats.values(), key=lambda e: e.table_id)