blob: 4d589c954fde731d32dbd754c2aeacd1882b13e8 [file] [log] [blame]
uId=`id -u`
# Voltha directory
cd ..
# Blow away the settings file, we're going to set all the settings below
rm -f settings.vagrant.yaml
# Rename voltha for multi-user support
echo "---" > settings.vagrant.yaml
echo "# The name to use for the server" >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo 'server_name: "voltha'${uId}'"' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
# Make sure that we're using KVM and not virtualbox
echo '# Use KVM as the VM provider' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo 'vProvider: "KVM"' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo '# Use virtualbox as the VM provider' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo '#vProvider: "virtualbox"' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
# Build voltha in the specified mode if any
if [ $# -eq 1 -a "$1" == "test" ]; then
echo '# This determines if test mode is active' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo 'testMode: "true"' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo '# This determines if installer mode is active' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo 'installMode: "false"' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
elif [ $# -eq 1 -a "$1" == "install" ]; then
echo '# This determines if installer mode is active' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo 'installMode: "true"' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo '# This determines if test mode is active' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo 'testMode: "false"' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo '# This determines if installer mode is active' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo 'installMode: "false"' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo '# This determines if test mode is active' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
echo 'testMode: "false"' >> settings.vagrant.yaml
# This was required before as logging was different in production vs development. The
# logging decision was made at compile time.
# By using the docker logging option (docker swarm mode only) in the deployment
# files, now the logging decision is made at deployment time, hence the same voltha,
# netconf and ofagent images can be used both in development and production.
#cp voltha/voltha.production.yml voltha/voltha.yml
#cp ofagent/ofagent.production.yml ofagent/ofagent.yml
#cp netconf/netconf.production.yml netconf/netconf.yml
# Destroy the VM if it's running
vagrant destroy voltha${uId}
# Bring up the VM.
vagrant up voltha${uId}
# Get the VM's ip address
ipAddr=`virsh domifaddr $vmName | tail -n +3 | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed -e 's~/.*~~'`
# Run all the build commands
if [ $# -eq 1 -a "$1" == "test" ]; then
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i \
.vagrant/machines/voltha${uId}/libvirt/private_key vagrant@$ipAddr \
"cd /cord/incubator/voltha && . && make fetch && make build"
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i \
.vagrant/machines/voltha${uId}/libvirt/private_key vagrant@$ipAddr \
"cd /cord/incubator/voltha && . && make fetch && make production"
echo "Build return code: $rtrn"
exit $rtrn