blob: 5bd6841f848d5cdb187e9476ccfe4283208362a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from scapy.fields import PadField
from scapy.packet import Raw
class OmciUninitializedFieldError(Exception):
class OmciInvalidTypeError(Exception):
class FixedLenField(PadField):
This Pad field limits parsing of its content to its size
def __init__(self, fld, align, padwith='\x00'):
super(FixedLenField, self).__init__(fld, align, padwith)
def getfield(self, pkt, s):
remain, val = self._fld.getfield(pkt, s[:self._align])
if isinstance(val.payload, Raw) and \
not val.payload.load.replace(self._padwith, ''):
# raw payload is just padding
return remain + s[self._align:], val
def bitpos_from_mask(mask, lsb_pos=0, increment=1):
Turn a decimal value (bitmask) into a list of indices where each
index value corresponds to the bit position of a bit that was set (1)
in the mask. What numbers are assigned to the bit positions is controlled
by lsb_pos and increment, as explained below.
:param mask: a decimal value used as a bit mask
:param lsb_pos: The decimal value associated with the LSB bit
:param increment: If this is +i, then the bit next to LSB will take
the decimal value of lsb_pos + i.
:return: List of bit positions where the bit was set in mask
out = []
while mask:
if mask & 0x01:
lsb_pos += increment
mask >>= 1
return sorted(out)
class AttributeAccess(Enum):
Readable = 1
R = 1
Writable = 2
W = 2
SetByCreate = 3
SBC = 3
OmciNullPointer = 0xffff
class EntityOperations(Enum):
# keep these numbers match msg_type field per OMCI spec
Create = 4
CreateComplete = 5
Delete = 6
Set = 8
Get = 9
GetComplete = 10
GetAllAlarms = 11
GetAllAlarmsNext = 12
MibUpload = 13
MibUploadNext = 14
MibReset = 15
AlarmNotification = 16
AttributeValueChange = 17
Test = 18
StartSoftwareDownload = 19
DownloadSection = 20
EndSoftwareDownload = 21
ActivateSoftware = 22
CommitSoftware = 23
SynchronizeTime = 24
Reboot = 25
GetNext = 26
TestResult = 27
GetCurrentData = 28
SetTable = 29 # Defined in Extended Message Set Only
class ReasonCodes(IntEnum):
# OMCI Result and reason codes
Success = 0, # Command processed successfully
ProcessingError = 1, # Command processing error
NotSupported = 2, # Command not supported
ParameterError = 3, # Parameter error
UnknownEntity = 4, # Unknown managed entity
UnknownInstance = 5, # Unknown managed entity instance
DeviceBusy = 6, # Device busy
InstanceExists = 7, # Instance Exists
AttributeFailure = 9, # Attribute(s) failed or unknown