blob: 0318ad68f853c8a994db359bf0e480d64f082d0e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import sys
import time
from django.db.models import Q, F
from synchronizers.new_base.modelaccessor import *
from synchronizers.new_base.SyncInstanceUsingAnsible import SyncInstanceUsingAnsible
parentdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")
sys.path.insert(0, parentdir)
class ServiceGraphException(Exception):
class SyncVSPGWCTenant(SyncInstanceUsingAnsible):
observes = VSPGWCTenant
template_name = "vspgwctenant_playbook.yaml"
service_key_name = "/opt/xos/configurations/mcord/mcord_private_key"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SyncVSPGWCTenant, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_extra_attributes(self, o):
scenario = self.get_scenario(o)
if scenario == 'cord_4_1_scenario':
return self.get_values_for_CORD_4_1(o)
elif scenario == 'cord_5_0_scenario':
return self.get_values_for_CORD_5_0(o)
return self.get_extra_attributes_for_manual(o)
# fields for manual case
def get_extra_attributes_for_manual(self, o):
fields = {}
fields['scenario'] = "manual"
fields['cord_version'] = "manual"
# for interface.cfg file
fields['zmq_sub_ip'] = "manual"
fields['zmq_pub_ip'] = "manual"
fields['dp_comm_ip'] = "manual"
fields['cp_comm_ip'] = "manual"
fields['fpc_ip'] = "manual"
fields['cp_nb_server_ip'] = "manual"
# for cp_config.cfg file
fields['s11_sgw_ip'] = "manual"
fields['s11_mme_ip'] = "manual"
fields['s1u_sgw_ip'] = "manual"
# for rules setup in ONOS
fields['sgi_as_ip'] = "manual"
fields['sgi_spgwu_ip'] = "manual"
return fields
def get_values_for_CORD_4_1(self, o):
fields = {}
fields['cord_version'] = "4.1"
fields['scenario'] = "cord_4_1_scenario"
# for interface.cfg file
fields['zmq_sub_ip'] = ""
fields['zmq_pub_ip'] = ""
fields['dp_comm_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance(
'spgw_network', "VSPGWUTenant", o, 'dp_comm_ip')
fields['cp_comm_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance_instance(
'spgw_network', o, o, 'cp_comm_ip')
fields['fpc_ip'] = ""
fields['cp_nb_server_ip'] = ""
# for cp_config.cfg file
fields['s11_sgw_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance_instance(
's11_network', o, o, 's11_sgw_ip')
fields['s1u_sgw_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance(
's1u_network', "VSPGWUTenant", o, 's1u_sgw_ip')
fields['s11_mme_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance(
's11_network', "VENBServiceInstance", o, 's11_mme_ip')
# for rules setup in ONOS
fields['sgi_as_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance(
'sgi_network', "VENBServiceInstance", o, 'sgi_as_ip')
fields['sgi_spgwu_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance(
'sgi_network', "VSPGWUTenant", o, 'sgi_spgwu_ip')
return fields
def get_values_for_CORD_5_0(self, o):
fields = {}
fields['cord_version'] = "5.0"
fields['scenario'] = "cord_5_0_scenario"
# for interface.cfg file
fields['zmq_sub_ip'] = ""
fields['zmq_pub_ip'] = ""
fields['dp_comm_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance(
'spgw_network', "VSPGWUTenant", o, 'dp_comm_ip')
fields['cp_comm_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance_instance(
'spgw_network', o, o, 'cp_comm_ip')
fields['fpc_ip'] = ""
fields['cp_nb_server_ip'] = ""
# for cp_config.cfg file
fields['s11_sgw_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance_instance(
's11_network', o, o, 's11_sgw_ip')
fields['s1u_sgw_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance(
'flat_network_s1u', "VSPGWUTenant", o, 's1u_sgw_ip')
fields['s11_mme_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance(
's11_network', "VMMETenant", o, 's11_mme_ip')
# for rules setup in ONOS
internetemulator_flag = self.has_instance("InternetEmulatorServiceInstance", o)
if (internetemulator_flag):
fields['sgi_as_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance(
'sgi_network', "InternetEmulatorServiceInstance", o, 'sgi_as_ip')
fields['sgi_as_ip'] = o.appserver_ip_addr
fields['sgi_spgwu_ip'] = self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance(
'sgi_network', "VSPGWUTenant", o, 'sgi_spgwu_ip')
return fields
def get_scenario(self, o):
venb_flag = self.has_instance("VENBServiceInstance", o)
vmme_flag = self.has_instance("VMMETenant", o)
sdncontroller_flag = self.has_instance(
"SDNControllerServiceInstance", o)
vspgwu_flag = self.has_instance("VSPGWUTenant", o)
internetemulator_flag = self.has_instance(
"InternetEmulatorServiceInstance", o)
vhss_flag = self.has_instance("VHSSTenant", o)
hssdb_flag = self.has_instance("HSSDBServiceInstance", o)
if (o.blueprint == "build") or (o.blueprint == "MCORD 4.1"):
if not venb_flag:
self.defer_sync(o, "Waiting for eNB image to become available")
if not vspgwu_flag:
self.defer_sync(o, "Waiting for SPGWU image to become available")
return 'cord_4_1_scenario'
if (o.blueprint == "mcord_5") or (o.blueprint == "MCORD 5"):
if not hssdb_flag:
self.defer_sync(o, "Waiting for HSS_DB image to become available")
if not vhss_flag:
self.defer_sync(o, "Waiting for vHSS image to become available")
if not vmme_flag:
self.defer_sync(o, "Waiting for vMME image to become available")
if not vspgwu_flag:
self.defer_sync(o, "Waiting for vSPGWU image to become available")
return 'cord_5_0_scenario'
return 'manual'
def get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance(self, network_name, sitype, o, parameter=None):
peer_si = self.get_peer_serviceinstance_of_type(sitype, o)
return self.get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance_instance(network_name, peer_si, o, parameter)
def get_ip_address_from_peer_service_instance_instance(self, network_name, peer_si, o, parameter=None):
net_id = self.get_network_id(network_name)
ins_id = peer_si.leaf_model.instance_id
ip_address = Port.objects.get(
network_id=net_id, instance_id=ins_id).ip
except Exception:
self.log.error("Failed to fetch parameter",
self.defer_sync(o, "Waiting for parameters to become available")
return ip_address
def get_peer_serviceinstance_of_type(self, sitype, o):
global_list = self.get_all_instances_in_graph(o)
peer_service = next(p for p in global_list if p.leaf_model_name == sitype)
except StopIteration:
'Could not find service type in service graph', service_type=sitype, object=o)
raise ServiceGraphException(
"Synchronization failed due to incomplete service graph")
return peer_service
def has_instance_in_list(self, list, o):
for instance in list:
if instance.leaf_model_name == o.leaf_model_name:
return True
return False
def get_all_instances_in_graph(self, o):
to_search_list = self.get_one_hop_instances_in_graph(o)
result_list = []
while len(to_search_list) > 0:
tmp_obj = to_search_list[0]
tmp_list = self.get_one_hop_instances_in_graph(tmp_obj)
for index_obj in tmp_list:
if (not self.has_instance_in_list(to_search_list, index_obj)) and (
not self.has_instance_in_list(result_list, index_obj)):
return result_list
def get_one_hop_instances_in_graph(self, o):
instance_list = []
# 1 hop forward and backward
prov_links = ServiceInstanceLink.objects.filter(
subs_links = ServiceInstanceLink.objects.filter(
# add instances located in 1 hop into instance_list
for tmp_link1 in prov_links:
if not self.has_instance_in_list(instance_list, tmp_link1.provider_service_instance):
for tmp_link1 in subs_links:
if not self.has_instance_in_list(instance_list, tmp_link1.subscriber_service_instance):
return instance_list
# To get each network id
def get_network_id(self, network_name):
return Network.objects.get(name=network_name).id
# To get service_instance (assumption: there is a single instance for each service)
def get_instance_id(self, serviceinstance):
instances = serviceinstance.objects.all()
instance_id = instances[0].instance_id
return instance_id
def has_instance(self, sitype, o):
i = self.get_peer_serviceinstance_of_type(sitype, o)
except ServiceGraphException:"Missing in ServiceInstance graph",
return False
return i.leaf_model.instance_id