blob: 8926080fcfda9be094c9b534a671ff055ed3c42a [file] [log] [blame]
import './header.scss';
import {IWSEvent} from '../../datasources/websocket/global';
import {IStoreService} from '../../datasources/stores/';
import {IXosAuthService} from '../../datasources/rest/';
import {IXosNavigationService, IXosNavigationRoute} from '../services/navigation';
import {IStateService} from 'angular-ui-router';
import * as $ from 'jquery';
import {IXosStyleConfig} from '../../../index';
import {IXosSearchService, IXosSearchResult} from '../../datasources/helpers/search.service';
import {IXosKeyboardShortcutService} from '../services/keyboard-shortcut';
export interface INotification extends IWSEvent {
viewed?: boolean;
class HeaderController {
static $inject = ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$state', 'AuthService', 'SynchronizerStore', 'toastr', 'toastrConfig', 'NavigationService', 'StyleConfig', 'SearchService', 'XosKeyboardShortcut'];
public notifications: INotification[] = [];
public newNotifications: INotification[] = [];
public version: string;
public userEmail: string;
public routeSelected: (route: IXosSearchResult) => void;
public states: IXosNavigationRoute[];
public query: string;
public search: (query: string) => any[];
private $scope: angular.IScope,
private $rootScope: ng.IScope,
private $state: IStateService,
private authService: IXosAuthService,
private syncStore: IStoreService,
private toastr: ng.toastr.IToastrService,
private toastrConfig: ng.toastr.IToastrConfig,
private NavigationService: IXosNavigationService,
private StyleConfig: IXosStyleConfig,
private SearchService: IXosSearchService,
private XosKeyboardShortcut: IXosKeyboardShortcutService
) {
this.version = require('../../../../package.json').version;
angular.extend(this.toastrConfig, {
newestOnTop: false,
positionClass: 'toast-top-right',
preventDuplicates: false,
preventOpenDuplicates: false,
progressBar: true,
// autoDismiss: false,
// closeButton: false,
// timeOut: 0,
// tapToDismiss: false
}); = (query: string) => {
// listen for keypress
key: 'f',
description: 'Select search box',
cb: () => {
$('.navbar-form input').focus();
}, 'global');
// redirect to selected page
this.routeSelected = (item: IXosSearchResult) => {
if (angular.isString(item.state)) {
else {
this.$state.go(, item.state.params);
this.query = null;
this.userEmail = this.authService.getUser() ? this.authService.getUser().email : '';
(event: IWSEvent) => {
$scope.$evalAsync(() => {
let toastrMsg: string;
let toastrLevel: string;
if (event.msg.object.backend_status.indexOf('0') > -1) {
toastrMsg = 'Synchronization started for:';
toastrLevel = 'info';
else if (event.msg.object.backend_status.indexOf('1') > -1) {
toastrMsg = 'Synchronization succedeed for:';
toastrLevel = 'success';
else if (event.msg.object.backend_status.indexOf('2') > -1) {
toastrMsg = 'Synchronization failed for:';
toastrLevel = 'error';
if (toastrLevel && toastrMsg) {
this.toastr[toastrLevel](`${toastrMsg} ${}`, event.model);
// this.notifications.unshift(event);
// this.newNotifications = this.getNewNotifications(this.notifications);
public getLogo(): string {
return require(`../../images/brand/${this.StyleConfig.logo}`);
// TODO display a list of notification in the template (if it make sense)
// public viewNotification = (notification: INotification) => {
// notification.viewed = true;
// this.newNotifications = this.getNewNotifications(this.notifications);
// };
// private getNewNotifications = (notifications: INotification[]) => {
// return this.notifications.filter((n: INotification) => {
// return !n.viewed;
// });
// };
export const xosHeader: angular.IComponentOptions = {
template: require('./header.html'),
controllerAs: 'vm',
controller: HeaderController