blob: 06dfef9c3a371b518b725aff252df7706b922167 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as $ from 'jquery';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
export interface IXosSidePanelService {
open(): void;
close(): void;
injectComponent(componentName: string, attributes?: any, transclude?: string): void;
export class XosSidePanel implements IXosSidePanelService {
static $inject = ['$rootScope', '$compile'];
public sidePanelElName = 'xos-side-panel';
public sidePanelElClass = '.xos-side-panel';
public sidePanelEl: JQuery;
constructor (
private $rootScope: ng.IRootScopeService,
private $compile: ng.ICompileService
) {
this.sidePanelEl = $(`${this.sidePanelElName} > ${this.sidePanelElClass}`);
public open() {
$(`${this.sidePanelElName} > ${this.sidePanelElClass}`).addClass('open');
public close() {
$(`${this.sidePanelElName} > ${this.sidePanelElClass}`).removeClass('open');
public injectComponent(componentName: string, attributes?: any, transclude?: string) {
const componentTagName = this.camelToSnakeCase(componentName);
let scope = this.$rootScope.$new();
let attr: string = '';
// NOTE add a flag to keep the loaded compoenents?
if (angular.isDefined(attributes) && angular.isObject(attributes)) {
attr = this.stringifyAttributes(attributes);
scope = angular.merge(scope, attributes);
const componentTag = `<${componentTagName} ${attr}>${transclude || ''}</${componentTagName}>`;
const element = this.$compile(componentTag)(scope);
public removeInjectedComponents() {
private stringifyAttributes(attributes: any): string {
return _.reduce(Object.keys(attributes), (string: string, a: string) => {
string += `${a}="${a}"`;
return string;
}, '');
private camelToSnakeCase(name: string): string {
return name.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).map(w => w.toLowerCase()).join('-');