blob: 62fa3687f8968b519c21edaa9b9a65dd541ac87f [file] [log] [blame]
/// <reference path="../../../../typings/index.d.ts" />
import * as $ from 'jquery';
import 'jasmine-jquery';
import * as angular from 'angular';
import 'angular-mocks';
import {xosHeader, INotification} from './header';
import {Subject} from 'rxjs';
let element, scope: angular.IRootScopeService, compile: ng.ICompileService, isolatedScope;
const events = new Subject();
const sendEvent = (event: INotification): void => {;
const MockStore = function() {
this.query = () => {
return events.asObservable();
const MockToastr = {
info: jasmine.createSpy('info')
const MockAuth = {
getUser: () => {
return {email: ''};
const MockToastrConfig = {};
const infoNotification = {
model: 'TestModel',
msg: {
changed_fields: ['backend_status'],
pk: 1,
object: {
name: 'TestName',
backend_status: '0 - In Progress'
describe('header component', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
.module('xosHeader', ['app/core/header/header.html', 'ui.router'])
.component('xosHeader', xosHeader)
.service('SynchronizerStore', MockStore)
.value('toastr', MockToastr)
.value('toastrConfig', MockToastrConfig)
.value('AuthService', MockAuth)
.value('NavigationService', {})
.value('StyleConfig', {
logo: 'cord-logo.png',
beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(($rootScope: ng.IRootScopeService, $compile: ng.ICompileService) => {
scope = $rootScope;
compile = $compile;
element = $compile('<xos-header></xos-header>')($rootScope);
isolatedScope = element.isolateScope();
// clear notifications
isolatedScope.notifications = [];
it('should render the appropriate logo', () => {
const header = $('a.navbar-brand img', element).attr('src');
// webpack convert img to base64, how to test?
it('should print user email', () => {
expect($('.profile-address', element).text()).toBe('');
it('should configure toastr', () => {
newestOnTop: false,
positionClass: 'toast-top-right',
preventDuplicates: false,
preventOpenDuplicates: false,
progressBar: true,
it('should display a toastr for a new notification', () => {
expect('Synchronization started for: TestName', 'TestModel');
// TODO test error and success toaster call