blob: 1d4eccd5cff506f5a46113b52e2c332175da3bad [file] [log] [blame]
import {IXosTableCfg} from '../../core/table/table';
import {IModelStoreService} from '../../datasources/stores/';
import {IXosConfigHelpersService} from '../../core/services/helpers/config.helpers';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
export interface IXosCrudData {
model: string;
related: string[];
xosTableCfg: IXosTableCfg;
class CrudController {
static $inject = ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'ModelStore', 'ConfigHelpers'];
public data: IXosCrudData;
public tableCfg: IXosTableCfg;
public formCfg: any;
public stateName: string;
public baseUrl: string;
public list: boolean;
public title: string;
public tableData: any[];
public model: any;
public related: string[];
private $scope: angular.IScope,
private $state: angular.ui.IStateService,
private $stateParams: ng.ui.IStateParamsService,
private store: IModelStoreService,
private ConfigHelpers: IXosConfigHelpersService
) { = this.$;
this.tableCfg =;
this.title = this.ConfigHelpers.pluralize(;
this.list = true;
this.stateName = $;
this.baseUrl = '#/core' + $state.current.url.toString().replace(':id?', '');
this.related = $;
this.formCfg = {
formName: 'sampleForm',
actions: [
label: 'Save',
icon: 'ok', // refers to bootstraps glyphicon
cb: (item) => { // receive the model
class: 'success'
(event) => {
// NOTE Observable mess with $digest cycles, we need to schedule the expression later
$scope.$evalAsync(() => {
this.title = this.ConfigHelpers.pluralize(, event.length);
this.tableData = event;
// if it is a detail page
if ($stateParams['id']) {
this.model = _.find(this.tableData, {id: parseInt($stateParams['id'], 10)});
// if it is a detail page
if ($stateParams['id']) {
this.list = false;
public getRelatedItem(relation: string, item: any): number {
if (angular.isDefined(item[relation.toLowerCase()])) {
return item[relation.toLowerCase()];
return 0;
export const xosCrud: angular.IComponentOptions = {
template: require('./crud.html'),
controllerAs: 'vm',
controller: CrudController