blob: ba9218fe687f81ec45526aecd28c1b77bc25ed01 [file] [log] [blame]
import {IXosServiceGraph} from '../interfaces';
export interface IXosServiceGraphReducers {
coarse: IXosServiceGraphReducer[];
finegrained: IXosServiceGraphReducer[];
export interface IXosServiceGraphReducer {
name: string;
reducer: IXosServiceGraphReducerFn;
export interface IXosServiceGraphReducerFn {
(graph: IXosServiceGraph): IXosServiceGraph;
export interface IXosServiceGraphExtender {
register(type: 'coarse' | 'finegrained', name: string, reducer: IXosServiceGraphReducerFn): boolean;
getCoarse(): IXosServiceGraphReducer[];
getFinegrained(): IXosServiceGraphReducer[];
export class XosServiceGraphExtender implements IXosServiceGraphExtender {
static $inject = ['$log'];
private reducers: IXosServiceGraphReducers = {
coarse: [],
finegrained: []
constructor (
private $log: ng.ILogService
) {
public getCoarse(): IXosServiceGraphReducer[] {
return this.reducers.coarse;
public getFinegrained(): IXosServiceGraphReducer[] {
return this.reducers.finegrained;
// as now extender support:
// - nodes property: x, y, d3Class (applied to the group element)
// - links propery: d3Class (applied to the line element, there's no group for now)
public register(type: 'coarse' | 'finegrained', name: string, reducer: IXosServiceGraphReducerFn): boolean {
this.$log.debug(`[XosServiceGraphExtender] Registering ${name} reducer in ${type} list`);
return false;