blob: ca713f48175975a3bf2a9dde9a64cfd2b2fd28ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Generated by typings
// Source:
declare module 'module' {
var mod: {
config: () => any;
id: string;
uri: string;
export = mod;
interface RequireError extends Error {
* The error ID that maps to an ID on a web page.
requireType: string;
* Required modules.
requireModules: string[];
* The original error, if there is one (might be null).
originalError: Error;
interface RequireShim {
* List of dependencies.
deps?: string[];
* Name the module will be exported as.
exports?: string;
* Initialize function with all dependcies passed in,
* if the function returns a value then that value is used
* as the module export value instead of the object
* found via the 'exports' string.
* @param dependencies
* @return
init?: (...dependencies: any[]) => any;
interface RequireConfig {
// The root path to use for all module lookups.
baseUrl?: string;
// Path mappings for module names not found directly under
// baseUrl.
paths?: { [key: string]: any; };
// Dictionary of Shim's.
// does not cover case of key->string[]
shim?: { [key: string]: RequireShim; };
* For the given module prefix, instead of loading the
* module with the given ID, substitude a different
* module ID.
* @example
* requirejs.config({
* map: {
* 'some/newmodule': {
* 'foo': 'foo1.2'
* },
* 'some/oldmodule': {
* 'foo': 'foo1.0'
* }
* }
* });
map?: {
[id: string]: {
[id: string]: string;
* Allows pointing multiple module IDs to a module ID that contains a bundle of modules.
* @example
* requirejs.config({
* bundles: {
* 'primary': ['main', 'util', 'text', 'text!template.html'],
* 'secondary': ['text!secondary.html']
* }
* });
bundles?: { [key: string]: string[]; };
* AMD configurations, use module.config() to access in
* define() functions
config?: { [id: string]: {}; };
* Configures loading modules from CommonJS packages.
packages?: {};
* The number of seconds to wait before giving up on loading
* a script. The default is 7 seconds.
waitSeconds?: number;
* A name to give to a loading context. This allows require.js
* to load multiple versions of modules in a page, as long as
* each top-level require call specifies a unique context string.
context?: string;
* An array of dependencies to load.
deps?: string[];
* A function to pass to require that should be require after
* deps have been loaded.
* @param modules
callback?: (...modules: any[]) => void;
* If set to true, an error will be thrown if a script loads
* that does not call define() or have shim exports string
* value that can be checked.
enforceDefine?: boolean;
* If set to true, document.createElementNS() will be used
* to create script elements.
xhtml?: boolean;
* Extra query string arguments appended to URLs that RequireJS
* uses to fetch resources. Most useful to cache bust when
* the browser or server is not configured correctly.
* @example
* urlArgs: "bust= + (new Date()).getTime()
urlArgs?: string;
* Specify the value for the type="" attribute used for script
* tags inserted into the document by RequireJS. Default is
* "text/javascript". To use Firefox's JavasScript 1.8
* features, use "text/javascript;version=1.8".
scriptType?: string;
* If set to true, skips the data-main attribute scanning done
* to start module loading. Useful if RequireJS is embedded in
* a utility library that may interact with other RequireJS
* library on the page, and the embedded version should not do
* data-main loading.
skipDataMain?: boolean;
* Allow extending requirejs to support Subresource Integrity
* (SRI).
onNodeCreated?: (node: HTMLScriptElement, config: RequireConfig, moduleName: string, url: string) => void;
// todo: not sure what to do with this guy
interface RequireModule {
config(): {};
interface RequireMap {
prefix: string;
name: string;
parentMap: RequireMap;
url: string;
originalName: string;
fullName: string;
interface Require {
* Configure require.js
config(config: RequireConfig): Require;
* CommonJS require call
* @param module Module to load
* @return The loaded module
(module: string): any;
* Start the main app logic.
* Callback is optional.
* Can alternatively use deps and callback.
* @param modules Required modules to load.
(modules: string[]): void;
* @see Require()
* @param ready Called when required modules are ready.
(modules: string[], ready: Function): void;
* @see
* @param ready Called when required modules are ready.
(modules: string[], ready: Function, errback: Function): void;
* Generate URLs from require module
* @param module Module to URL
* @return URL string
toUrl(module: string): string;
* Returns true if the module has already been loaded and defined.
* @param module Module to check
defined(module: string): boolean;
* Returns true if the module has already been requested or is in the process of loading and should be available at some point.
* @param module Module to check
specified(module: string): boolean;
* On Error override
* @param err
onError(err: RequireError, errback?: (err: RequireError) => void): void;
* Undefine a module
* @param module Module to undefine.
undef(module: string): void;
* Semi-private function, overload in special instance of undef()
onResourceLoad(context: Object, map: RequireMap, depArray: RequireMap[]): void;
interface RequireDefine {
* Define Simple Name/Value Pairs
* @param config Dictionary of Named/Value pairs for the config.
(config: { [key: string]: any; }): void;
* Define function.
* @param func: The function module.
(func: () => any): void;
* Define function with dependencies.
* @param deps List of dependencies module IDs.
* @param ready Callback function when the dependencies are loaded.
* callback param deps module dependencies
* callback return module definition
(deps: string[], ready: Function): void;
* Define module with simplified CommonJS wrapper.
* @param ready
* callback require requirejs instance
* callback exports exports object
* callback module module
* callback return module definition
(ready: (require: Require, exports: { [key: string]: any; }, module: RequireModule) => any): void;
* Define a module with a name and dependencies.
* @param name The name of the module.
* @param deps List of dependencies module IDs.
* @param ready Callback function when the dependencies are loaded.
* callback deps module dependencies
* callback return module definition
(name: string, deps: string[], ready: Function): void;
* Define a module with a name.
* @param name The name of the module.
* @param ready Callback function when the dependencies are loaded.
* callback return module definition
(name: string, ready: Function): void;
* Used to allow a clear indicator that a global define function (as needed for script src browser loading) conforms
* to the AMD API, any global define function SHOULD have a property called "amd" whose value is an object.
* This helps avoid conflict with any other existing JavaScript code that could have defined a define() function
* that does not conform to the AMD API.
* define.amd.jQuery is specific to jQuery and indicates that the loader is able to account for multiple version
* of jQuery being loaded simultaneously.
amd: Object;
// Ambient declarations for 'require' and 'define'
declare var requirejs: Require;
declare var require: Require;
declare var define: RequireDefine;