blob: 051b1d0afef5c3ee12da6491b81a692039ff3744 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from . import helpers # noqa: F401
import unittest
from tosca.parser import TOSCA_Parser
class TOSCA_Parser_Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_tosca_models_by_name(self):
[TOSCA_Parser] get_tosca_models_by_name: should extract models from the TOSCA recipe and store them in a dict
class FakeNode:
def __init__(self, name): = name
class FakeTemplate:
nodetemplates = [FakeNode("model1"), FakeNode("model2")]
res = TOSCA_Parser.get_tosca_models_by_name(FakeTemplate)
self.assertIsInstance(res["model1"], FakeNode)
self.assertIsInstance(res["model2"], FakeNode)
self.assertEqual(res["model1"].name, "model1")
self.assertEqual(res["model2"].name, "model2")
def test_populate_dependencies(self):
[TOSCA_Parser] populate_dependencies: if a recipe has dependencies, it
should find the ID of the requirements and add it to the model
class FakeRecipe:
requirements = [
"site": {
"node": "site_onlab",
"relationship": "tosca.relationship.BelongsToOne",
class FakeSite:
id = 1
name = "onlab"
class FakeModel:
name = ""
saved_models = {"site_onlab": FakeSite}
model = TOSCA_Parser.populate_dependencies(
FakeModel, FakeRecipe.requirements, saved_models
self.assertEqual(model.site_id, 1)
def test_get_ordered_models_template(self):
[TOSCA_Parser] get_ordered_models_template: Create a list of templates based on topsorted models
ordered_models = ["foo", "bar"]
templates = {"foo": "foo_template", "bar": "bar_template"}
ordered_templates = TOSCA_Parser.get_ordered_models_template(
ordered_models, templates
self.assertEqual(ordered_templates[0], "foo_template")
self.assertEqual(ordered_templates[1], "bar_template")
def test_topsort_dependencies(self):
[TOSCA_Parser] topsort_dependencies: Create a list of models based on dependencies
class FakeTemplate:
def __init__(self, name, deps): = name
self.dependencies_names = deps
templates = {
"deps": FakeTemplate("deps", ["main"]),
"main": FakeTemplate("main", []),
sorted = TOSCA_Parser.topsort_dependencies(templates)
self.assertEqual(sorted[0], "main")
self.assertEqual(sorted[1], "deps")
def test_compute_dependencies(self):
[TOSCA_Parser] compute_dependencies: augment the TOSCA nodetemplate
with information on requirements (aka related models)
parser = TOSCA_Parser("", "user", "pass")
class FakeNode:
def __init__(self, name, requirements): = name
self.requirements = requirements
main = FakeNode("main", [])
dep = FakeNode("dep", [{"relation": {"node": "main"}}])
models_by_name = {"main": main, "dep": dep}
class FakeTemplate:
nodetemplates = [dep, main]
parser.compute_dependencies(FakeTemplate, models_by_name)
templates = FakeTemplate.nodetemplates
augmented_dep = templates[0]
augmented_main = templates[1]
self.assertIsInstance(augmented_dep.dependencies[0], FakeNode)
self.assertEqual(augmented_dep.dependencies[0].name, "main")
self.assertEqual(augmented_dep.dependencies_names[0], "main")
self.assertEqual(len(augmented_main.dependencies), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(augmented_main.dependencies_names), 0)
def test_populate_model(self):
[TOSCA_Parser] populate_model: augment the GRPC model with data from TOSCA
class FakeModel:
data = {"name": "test", "foo": "bar", "number": 1}
model = TOSCA_Parser.populate_model(FakeModel, data)
self.assertEqual(, "test")
self.assertEqual(, "bar")
self.assertEqual(model.number, 1)
def test_populate_model_error(self):
[TOSCA_Parser] populate_model: should print a meaningful error message
class FakeModel:
model_name = "FakeModel"
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == "foo":
raise TypeError("reported exception")
super(FakeModel, self).__setattr__(name, value)
data = {"name": "test", "foo": None, "number": 1}
model = FakeModel()
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
model = TOSCA_Parser.populate_model(model, data)
'Failed to set None on field foo for class FakeModel, Exception was: "reported exception"',
def test_translate_exception(self):
[TOSCA_Parser] translate_exception: convert a TOSCA Parser exception in a user readable string
e = TOSCA_Parser._translate_exception("Non tosca exception")
self.assertEqual(e, "Non tosca exception")
e = TOSCA_Parser._translate_exception(
MissingRequiredFieldError: some message
followed by unreadable
and mystic
python error
starting at line
38209834 of some file
UnknownFieldError: with some message
followed by useless things
ImportError: with some message
followed by useless things
InvalidTypeError: with some message
followed by useless things
TypeMismatchError: with some message
followed by useless things
"""MissingRequiredFieldError: some message
UnknownFieldError: with some message
ImportError: with some message
InvalidTypeError: with some message
TypeMismatchError: with some message