| import os |
| import base64 |
| import jinja2 |
| import string |
| import sys |
| import urllib2 |
| import urlparse |
| import xmlrpclib |
| |
| from xos.config import Config |
| from core.models import Service, ServiceController, ServiceControllerResource, LoadableModule, LoadableModuleResource, XOS |
| from xos.logger import Logger, logging |
| |
| from django.utils import timezone |
| |
| logger = Logger(level=logging.INFO) |
| |
| def add_unique(list, item): |
| if not item in list: |
| list.append(item) |
| |
| class XOSBuilder(object): |
| UI_KINDS=["models", "admin", "admin_template", "django_library", "rest_service", "rest_tenant", "tosca_custom_types", "tosca_resource","public_key","vendor_js"] |
| SYNC_CONTROLLER_KINDS=["synchronizer", "private_key", "public_key"] |
| SYNC_ALLCONTROLLER_KINDS=["models", "django_library"] |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| self.source_sync_image = "xosproject/xos" # "xosproject/xos-synchronizer-openstack" |
| self.build_dir = "/opt/xos/BUILD/" |
| self.build_tainted = False |
| |
| # stuff that has to do with downloading |
| |
| def get_base_dest_dir(self, scr): |
| xos_base = "opt/xos" |
| service_name = scr.loadable_module.name |
| base_dirs = {"models": "%s/services/%s/" % (xos_base, service_name), |
| "admin": "%s/services/%s/" % (xos_base, service_name), |
| "admin_template": "%s/services/%s/templates/" % (xos_base, service_name), |
| "django_library": "%s/services/%s/" % (xos_base, service_name), |
| "synchronizer": "%s/synchronizers/%s/" % (xos_base, service_name), |
| "tosca_custom_types": "%s/tosca/custom_types/" % (xos_base), |
| "tosca_resource": "%s/tosca/resources/" % (xos_base), |
| "rest_service": "%s/api/service/" % (xos_base), |
| "rest_tenant": "%s/api/tenant/" % (xos_base), |
| "private_key": "%s/services/%s/keys/" % (xos_base, service_name), |
| "public_key": "%s/services/%s/keys/" % (xos_base, service_name), |
| "vendor_js": "%s/core/xoslib/static/vendor/" % (xos_base)} |
| dest_dir = base_dirs[scr.kind] |
| |
| return dest_dir |
| |
| def get_dest_dir(self, scr): |
| dest_dir = self.get_base_dest_dir(scr) |
| |
| if scr.subdirectory: |
| dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, scr.subdirectory) |
| |
| return dest_dir |
| |
| def get_build_fn(self, scr): |
| dest_dir = self.get_dest_dir(scr) |
| dest_fn = os.path.split(urlparse.urlsplit(scr.full_url).path)[-1] |
| return os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_fn) |
| |
| def get_download_fn(self, scr): |
| dest_fn = self.get_build_fn(scr) |
| return os.path.join(self.build_dir, dest_fn) |
| |
| def read_manifest(self, scr, fn): |
| manifest = [] |
| manifest_lines = file(fn).readlines() |
| manifest_lines = [x.strip() for x in manifest_lines] |
| manifest_lines = [x for x in manifest_lines if x] |
| for line in manifest_lines: |
| url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(scr.full_url) |
| new_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(*os.path.split(url_parts.path)[:-1]),line) |
| url = urlparse.urlunsplit( (url_parts.scheme, url_parts.netloc, new_path, url_parts.query, url_parts.fragment) ) |
| |
| build_fn = os.path.join(self.get_dest_dir(scr), line) |
| download_fn = os.path.join(self.build_dir, build_fn) |
| |
| manifest.append( (url, download_fn, build_fn) ) |
| return manifest |
| |
| def download_file(self, url, dest_fn): |
| logger.info("Download %s to %s" % (url, dest_fn)) |
| if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest_fn)): |
| os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest_fn)) |
| obj = urllib2.urlopen(url) |
| file(dest_fn,"w").write(obj.read()) |
| |
| # make python files executable |
| if dest_fn.endswith(".py"): # and contents.startswith("#!"): |
| os.chmod(dest_fn, 0755) |
| |
| def download_resource(self, scr): |
| if scr.format == "manifest": |
| manifest_fn = self.get_download_fn(scr) |
| self.download_file(scr.full_url, manifest_fn) |
| manifest = self.read_manifest(scr, manifest_fn) |
| for (url, download_fn, build_fn) in manifest: |
| self.download_file(url, download_fn) |
| else: |
| self.download_file(scr.full_url, self.get_download_fn(scr)) |
| |
| # XXX docker creates a new container and commits it for every single COPY |
| # line in the dockerfile. This causes services with many files (for example, |
| # vsg) to take ~ 10-15 minutes to build the docker file. So instead we'll copy |
| # the whole build directory, and then run a script that copies the files |
| # we want. |
| |
| # def get_docker_lines(self, scr): |
| # if scr.format == "manifest": |
| # manifest_fn = self.get_download_fn(scr) |
| # manifest = self.read_manifest(scr, manifest_fn) |
| # lines = [] |
| # for (url, download_fn, build_fn) in manifest: |
| # script.append("mkdir -p |
| # #lines.append("COPY %s /%s" % (build_fn, build_fn)) |
| # return lines |
| # else: |
| # build_fn = self.get_build_fn(scr) |
| # #return ["COPY %s /%s" % (build_fn, build_fn)] |
| |
| # def get_controller_docker_lines(self, controller, kinds): |
| # need_service_init_py = False |
| # dockerfile=[] |
| # for scr in controller.loadable_module_resources.all(): |
| # if scr.kind in kinds: |
| # lines = self.get_docker_lines(scr) |
| # dockerfile = dockerfile + lines |
| # if scr.kind in ["admin", "models"]: |
| # need_service_init_py = True |
| # |
| # if need_service_init_py: |
| # file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "opt/xos/empty__init__.py"),"w").write("") |
| # dockerfile.append("COPY opt/xos/empty__init__.py /opt/xos/services/%s/__init__.py" % controller.name) |
| # |
| # return dockerfile |
| |
| def get_script_lines(self, scr): |
| if scr.format == "manifest": |
| manifest_fn = self.get_download_fn(scr) |
| manifest = self.read_manifest(scr, manifest_fn) |
| lines = [] |
| for (url, download_fn, build_fn) in manifest: |
| lines.append("mkdir -p /%s" % os.path.dirname(build_fn)) |
| lines.append("cp /build/%s /%s" % (build_fn, build_fn)) |
| return lines |
| else: |
| build_fn = self.get_build_fn(scr) |
| return ["mkdir -p /%s" % os.path.dirname(build_fn), |
| "cp /build/%s /%s" % (build_fn, build_fn)] |
| |
| def get_controller_script_lines(self, controller, kinds): |
| need_service_init_py = False |
| script=[] |
| inits=[] |
| for scr in list(controller.loadable_module_resources.all()): |
| if not (scr.kind in kinds): |
| continue |
| |
| # Check and see if the resource we're trying to install has |
| # disappeared. This may happen if the onboarding synchronizer |
| # container has been destroyed and restarted. In this case, flag |
| # the resource for re-download, and set the build_tainted bit |
| # so we can throw an exception after we've evaluated all |
| # resources. |
| |
| download_fn = self.get_download_fn(scr) |
| if not os.path.exists(download_fn): |
| logger.info("File %s is missing; dirtying the resource" % download_fn) |
| scr.backend_status = "2 - download_fn is missing" |
| scr.updated = timezone.now() |
| scr.save(update_fields=['backend_status', 'updated']) |
| self.build_tainted = True |
| continue |
| |
| lines = self.get_script_lines(scr) |
| script = script + lines |
| |
| # compute the set of __init__.py files that we will need |
| if scr.kind in ["admin", "models", "rest_service", "rest_tenant"]: |
| dir = self.get_base_dest_dir(scr) |
| add_unique(inits, dir) |
| |
| if scr.subdirectory: |
| for part in scr.subdirectory.split("/"): |
| dir = os.path.join(dir, part) |
| add_unique(inits, dir) |
| |
| for init in inits: |
| script.append("echo > %s" % os.path.join("/",init,"__init__.py")) |
| |
| return script |
| |
| def check_controller_unready(self, controller): |
| unready_resources=[] |
| for scr in controller.loadable_module_resources.all(): |
| if (not scr.backend_status) or (not scr.backend_status.startswith("1")): |
| unready_resources.append(scr) |
| |
| return unready_resources |
| |
| # stuff that has to do with building |
| |
| def create_xos_app_data(self, name, script, app_list, migration_list): |
| if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.build_dir,"opt/xos/xos")): |
| os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.build_dir,"opt/xos/xos")) |
| |
| if app_list: |
| script.append("mkdir -p /opt/xos/xos") |
| script.append("cp /build/opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_app_list /opt/xos/xos/xosbuilder_app_list" % name) |
| #dockerfile.append("COPY opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_app_list /opt/xos/xos/xosbuilder_app_list" % name) |
| file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_app_list") % name, "w").write("\n".join(app_list)+"\n") |
| |
| if migration_list: |
| script.append("mkdir -p /opt/xos/xos") |
| script.append("cp /build/opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_migration_list /opt/xos/xos/xosbuilder_migration_list" % name) |
| #dockerfile.append("COPY opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_migration_list /opt/xos/xos/xosbuilder_migration_list" % name) |
| file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_migration_list") % name, "w").write("\n".join(migration_list)+"\n") |
| |
| def create_ui_dockerfile(self): |
| self.build_tainted = False |
| xos = XOS.objects.all()[0] |
| dockerfile_fn = "Dockerfile.UI" |
| |
| app_list = [] |
| migration_list = [] |
| |
| dockerfile = ["FROM %s" % xos.source_ui_image] |
| script = [] |
| for controller in LoadableModule.objects.all(): |
| if self.check_controller_unready(controller): |
| logger.warning("Loadable Module %s has unready resources" % str(controller)) |
| continue |
| |
| #dockerfile = dockerfile + self.get_controller_docker_lines(controller, self.UI_KINDS) |
| script = script + self.get_controller_script_lines(controller, self.UI_KINDS) |
| if controller.loadable_module_resources.filter(kind="models").exists(): |
| app_list.append("services." + controller.name) |
| migration_list.append(controller.name) |
| |
| self.create_xos_app_data("ui", script, app_list, migration_list) |
| |
| file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "install-xos.sh"), "w").write("\n".join(script)+"\n") |
| dockerfile.append("COPY . /build/") |
| dockerfile.append("RUN bash /build/install-xos.sh") |
| |
| file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, dockerfile_fn), "w").write("\n".join(dockerfile)+"\n") |
| |
| if self.build_tainted: |
| raise Exception("Build was tainted due to errors") |
| |
| return {"dockerfile_fn": dockerfile_fn, |
| "docker_image_name": "xosproject/xos-ui"} |
| |
| def create_synchronizer_dockerfile(self, controller): |
| self.build_tainted = False |
| |
| if not controller.loadable_module_resources.filter(kind="synchronizer").exists(): |
| # it doesn't have a synchronizer, therefore it doesn't need a dockerfile |
| return None |
| |
| # bake in the synchronizer from this controller |
| sync_lines = self.get_controller_script_lines(controller, self.SYNC_CONTROLLER_KINDS) |
| |
| if self.build_tainted: |
| raise Exception("Build was tainted due to errors") |
| |
| # If there's no sync_lines for this ServiceController, then it must not |
| # have a synchronizer. |
| if not sync_lines: |
| return None |
| |
| dockerfile_fn = "Dockerfile.%s" % controller.name |
| dockerfile = ["FROM %s" % self.source_sync_image] |
| script = [] |
| |
| # Now bake in models from this controller as well as the others |
| # It's important to bake all services in, because some services' |
| # synchronizers may depend on models from another service. |
| app_list = [] |
| for c in LoadableModule.objects.all(): |
| script = script + self.get_controller_script_lines(c, self.SYNC_ALLCONTROLLER_KINDS) |
| if c.loadable_module_resources.filter(kind="models").exists(): |
| app_list.append("services." + c.name) |
| |
| self.create_xos_app_data(controller.name, script, app_list, None) |
| |
| script = script + sync_lines |
| |
| file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "install-%s.sh" % controller.name), "w").write("\n".join(script)+"\n") |
| dockerfile.append("COPY . /build/") |
| dockerfile.append("RUN bash /build/install-%s.sh" % controller.name) |
| |
| file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, dockerfile_fn), "w").write("\n".join(dockerfile)+"\n") |
| |
| if self.build_tainted: |
| raise Exception("Build was tainted due to errors") |
| |
| return {"dockerfile_fn": dockerfile_fn, |
| "docker_image_name": "xosproject/xos-synchronizer-%s" % controller.name} |
| |
| def create_docker_compose(self): |
| xos = XOS.objects.all()[0] |
| |
| volume_list = [] |
| for volume in xos.volumes.all(): |
| volume_list.append({"host_path": volume.host_path, |
| "container_path": volume.container_path, |
| "read_only": volume.read_only}) |
| |
| if xos.extra_hosts: |
| extra_hosts = [x.strip() for x in xos.extra_hosts.split(",")] |
| else: |
| extra_hosts = [] |
| |
| containers = {} |
| |
| # containers["xos_db"] = \ |
| # {"image": "xosproject/xos-postgres", |
| # "expose": [5432]} |
| |
| containers["xos_ui"] = \ |
| {"image": "xosproject/xos-ui", |
| "command": "python /opt/xos/manage.py runserver --insecure --makemigrations" % xos.ui_port, |
| "ports": {"%d"%xos.ui_port : "%d"%xos.ui_port}, |
| #"links": ["xos_db"], |
| "external_links": ["%s:%s" % (xos.db_container_name, "xos_db")], |
| "extra_hosts": extra_hosts, |
| "volumes": volume_list} |
| |
| if xos.no_start: |
| containers["xos_ui"]["command"] = "sleep 864000" |
| |
| # containers["xos_bootstrap_ui"] = {"image": "xosproject/xos", |
| # "command": "python /opt/xos/manage.py runserver --insecure --makemigrations" % xos.bootstrap_ui_port, |
| # "ports": {"%d"%xos.bootstrap_ui_port : "%d"%xos.bootstrap_ui_port}, |
| # #"external_links": ["%s:%s" % (xos.db_container_name, "xos_db")], |
| # "links": ["xos_db"], |
| # "volumes": volume_list} |
| |
| if not xos.frontend_only: |
| for c in ServiceController.objects.all(): |
| if self.check_controller_unready(c): |
| logger.warning("Controller %s has unready resources" % str(c)) |
| continue |
| |
| if c.loadable_module_resources.filter(kind="synchronizer").exists(): |
| if c.synchronizer_run and c.synchronizer_config: |
| command = 'bash -c "sleep 120; cd /opt/xos/synchronizers/%s; python ./%s -C %s"' % (c.name, c.synchronizer_run, c.synchronizer_config) |
| else: |
| command = 'bash -c "sleep 120; cd /opt/xos/synchronizers/%s; bash ./run.sh"' % c.name |
| |
| containers["xos_synchronizer_%s" % c.name] = \ |
| {"image": "xosproject/xos-synchronizer-%s" % c.name, |
| "command": command, |
| "external_links": ["%s:%s" % (xos.db_container_name, "xos_db")], |
| "extra_hosts": extra_hosts, |
| "volumes": volume_list} |
| |
| if c.no_start: |
| containers["xos_synchronizer_%s" % c.name]["command"] = "sleep 864000" |
| |
| vars = { "containers": containers } |
| |
| template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( "/opt/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/templates/" ) |
| template_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=template_loader) |
| template = template_env.get_template("docker-compose.yml.j2") |
| buffer = template.render(vars) |
| |
| if not os.path.exists("/opt/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/docker-compose"): |
| os.makedirs("/opt/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/docker-compose") |
| file("/opt/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml", "w").write(buffer) |
| |
| # def build_xos(self): |
| # dockerfiles=[] |
| # dockerfiles.append(self.create_ui_dockerfile()) |
| # |
| # for controller in ServiceController.objects.all(): |
| # dockerfiles.append(self.create_synchronizer_dockerfile(controller)) |
| |
| |
| |