blob: 38e2deffd589085fff4df5cbc5f0cbcf99db9f84 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import base64
import jinja2
import string
import sys
import urllib2
import urlparse
import xmlrpclib
from xos.config import Config
from core.models import Service, ServiceController, ServiceControllerResource, LoadableModule, LoadableModuleResource, XOS
from xos.logger import Logger, logging
from django.utils import timezone
logger = Logger(level=logging.INFO)
def add_unique(list, item):
if not item in list:
class XOSBuilder(object):
UI_KINDS=["models", "admin", "admin_template", "django_library", "rest_service", "rest_tenant", "tosca_custom_types", "tosca_resource","public_key","vendor_js"]
SYNC_CONTROLLER_KINDS=["synchronizer", "private_key", "public_key"]
SYNC_ALLCONTROLLER_KINDS=["models", "django_library"]
def __init__(self):
self.source_sync_image = "xosproject/xos" # "xosproject/xos-synchronizer-openstack"
self.build_dir = "/opt/xos/BUILD/"
self.build_tainted = False
# stuff that has to do with downloading
def get_base_dest_dir(self, scr):
xos_base = "opt/xos"
service_name =
base_dirs = {"models": "%s/services/%s/" % (xos_base, service_name),
"admin": "%s/services/%s/" % (xos_base, service_name),
"admin_template": "%s/services/%s/templates/" % (xos_base, service_name),
"django_library": "%s/services/%s/" % (xos_base, service_name),
"synchronizer": "%s/synchronizers/%s/" % (xos_base, service_name),
"tosca_custom_types": "%s/tosca/custom_types/" % (xos_base),
"tosca_resource": "%s/tosca/resources/" % (xos_base),
"rest_service": "%s/api/service/" % (xos_base),
"rest_tenant": "%s/api/tenant/" % (xos_base),
"private_key": "%s/services/%s/keys/" % (xos_base, service_name),
"public_key": "%s/services/%s/keys/" % (xos_base, service_name),
"vendor_js": "%s/core/xoslib/static/vendor/" % (xos_base)}
dest_dir = base_dirs[scr.kind]
return dest_dir
def get_dest_dir(self, scr):
dest_dir = self.get_base_dest_dir(scr)
if scr.subdirectory:
dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, scr.subdirectory)
return dest_dir
def get_build_fn(self, scr):
dest_dir = self.get_dest_dir(scr)
dest_fn = os.path.split(urlparse.urlsplit(scr.full_url).path)[-1]
return os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_fn)
def get_download_fn(self, scr):
dest_fn = self.get_build_fn(scr)
return os.path.join(self.build_dir, dest_fn)
def read_manifest(self, scr, fn):
manifest = []
manifest_lines = file(fn).readlines()
manifest_lines = [x.strip() for x in manifest_lines]
manifest_lines = [x for x in manifest_lines if x]
for line in manifest_lines:
url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(scr.full_url)
new_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(*os.path.split(url_parts.path)[:-1]),line)
url = urlparse.urlunsplit( (url_parts.scheme, url_parts.netloc, new_path, url_parts.query, url_parts.fragment) )
build_fn = os.path.join(self.get_dest_dir(scr), line)
download_fn = os.path.join(self.build_dir, build_fn)
manifest.append( (url, download_fn, build_fn) )
return manifest
def download_file(self, url, dest_fn):"Download %s to %s" % (url, dest_fn))
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest_fn)):
obj = urllib2.urlopen(url)
# make python files executable
if dest_fn.endswith(".py"): # and contents.startswith("#!"):
os.chmod(dest_fn, 0755)
def download_resource(self, scr):
if scr.format == "manifest":
manifest_fn = self.get_download_fn(scr)
self.download_file(scr.full_url, manifest_fn)
manifest = self.read_manifest(scr, manifest_fn)
for (url, download_fn, build_fn) in manifest:
self.download_file(url, download_fn)
self.download_file(scr.full_url, self.get_download_fn(scr))
# XXX docker creates a new container and commits it for every single COPY
# line in the dockerfile. This causes services with many files (for example,
# vsg) to take ~ 10-15 minutes to build the docker file. So instead we'll copy
# the whole build directory, and then run a script that copies the files
# we want.
# def get_docker_lines(self, scr):
# if scr.format == "manifest":
# manifest_fn = self.get_download_fn(scr)
# manifest = self.read_manifest(scr, manifest_fn)
# lines = []
# for (url, download_fn, build_fn) in manifest:
# script.append("mkdir -p
# #lines.append("COPY %s /%s" % (build_fn, build_fn))
# return lines
# else:
# build_fn = self.get_build_fn(scr)
# #return ["COPY %s /%s" % (build_fn, build_fn)]
# def get_controller_docker_lines(self, controller, kinds):
# need_service_init_py = False
# dockerfile=[]
# for scr in controller.loadable_module_resources.all():
# if scr.kind in kinds:
# lines = self.get_docker_lines(scr)
# dockerfile = dockerfile + lines
# if scr.kind in ["admin", "models"]:
# need_service_init_py = True
# if need_service_init_py:
# file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "opt/xos/"),"w").write("")
# dockerfile.append("COPY opt/xos/ /opt/xos/services/%s/" %
# return dockerfile
def get_script_lines(self, scr):
if scr.format == "manifest":
manifest_fn = self.get_download_fn(scr)
manifest = self.read_manifest(scr, manifest_fn)
lines = []
for (url, download_fn, build_fn) in manifest:
lines.append("mkdir -p /%s" % os.path.dirname(build_fn))
lines.append("cp /build/%s /%s" % (build_fn, build_fn))
return lines
build_fn = self.get_build_fn(scr)
return ["mkdir -p /%s" % os.path.dirname(build_fn),
"cp /build/%s /%s" % (build_fn, build_fn)]
def get_controller_script_lines(self, controller, kinds):
need_service_init_py = False
for scr in list(controller.loadable_module_resources.all()):
if not (scr.kind in kinds):
# Check and see if the resource we're trying to install has
# disappeared. This may happen if the onboarding synchronizer
# container has been destroyed and restarted. In this case, flag
# the resource for re-download, and set the build_tainted bit
# so we can throw an exception after we've evaluated all
# resources.
download_fn = self.get_download_fn(scr)
if not os.path.exists(download_fn):"File %s is missing; dirtying the resource" % download_fn)
scr.backend_status = "2 - download_fn is missing"
scr.updated =['backend_status', 'updated'])
self.build_tainted = True
lines = self.get_script_lines(scr)
script = script + lines
# compute the set of files that we will need
if scr.kind in ["admin", "models", "rest_service", "rest_tenant"]:
dir = self.get_base_dest_dir(scr)
add_unique(inits, dir)
if scr.subdirectory:
for part in scr.subdirectory.split("/"):
dir = os.path.join(dir, part)
add_unique(inits, dir)
for init in inits:
script.append("echo > %s" % os.path.join("/",init,""))
return script
def check_controller_unready(self, controller):
for scr in controller.loadable_module_resources.all():
if (not scr.backend_status) or (not scr.backend_status.startswith("1")):
return unready_resources
# stuff that has to do with building
def create_xos_app_data(self, name, script, app_list, migration_list):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.build_dir,"opt/xos/xos")):
if app_list:
script.append("mkdir -p /opt/xos/xos")
script.append("cp /build/opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_app_list /opt/xos/xos/xosbuilder_app_list" % name)
#dockerfile.append("COPY opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_app_list /opt/xos/xos/xosbuilder_app_list" % name)
file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_app_list") % name, "w").write("\n".join(app_list)+"\n")
if migration_list:
script.append("mkdir -p /opt/xos/xos")
script.append("cp /build/opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_migration_list /opt/xos/xos/xosbuilder_migration_list" % name)
#dockerfile.append("COPY opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_migration_list /opt/xos/xos/xosbuilder_migration_list" % name)
file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_migration_list") % name, "w").write("\n".join(migration_list)+"\n")
def create_ui_dockerfile(self):
self.build_tainted = False
xos = XOS.objects.all()[0]
dockerfile_fn = "Dockerfile.UI"
app_list = []
migration_list = []
dockerfile = ["FROM %s" % xos.source_ui_image]
script = []
for controller in LoadableModule.objects.all():
if self.check_controller_unready(controller):
logger.warning("Loadable Module %s has unready resources" % str(controller))
#dockerfile = dockerfile + self.get_controller_docker_lines(controller, self.UI_KINDS)
script = script + self.get_controller_script_lines(controller, self.UI_KINDS)
if controller.loadable_module_resources.filter(kind="models").exists():
app_list.append("services." +
self.create_xos_app_data("ui", script, app_list, migration_list)
file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, ""), "w").write("\n".join(script)+"\n")
dockerfile.append("COPY . /build/")
dockerfile.append("RUN bash /build/")
file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, dockerfile_fn), "w").write("\n".join(dockerfile)+"\n")
if self.build_tainted:
raise Exception("Build was tainted due to errors")
return {"dockerfile_fn": dockerfile_fn,
"docker_image_name": "xosproject/xos-ui"}
def create_synchronizer_dockerfile(self, controller):
self.build_tainted = False
if not controller.loadable_module_resources.filter(kind="synchronizer").exists():
# it doesn't have a synchronizer, therefore it doesn't need a dockerfile
return None
# bake in the synchronizer from this controller
sync_lines = self.get_controller_script_lines(controller, self.SYNC_CONTROLLER_KINDS)
if self.build_tainted:
raise Exception("Build was tainted due to errors")
# If there's no sync_lines for this ServiceController, then it must not
# have a synchronizer.
if not sync_lines:
return None
dockerfile_fn = "Dockerfile.%s" %
dockerfile = ["FROM %s" % self.source_sync_image]
script = []
# Now bake in models from this controller as well as the others
# It's important to bake all services in, because some services'
# synchronizers may depend on models from another service.
app_list = []
for c in LoadableModule.objects.all():
script = script + self.get_controller_script_lines(c, self.SYNC_ALLCONTROLLER_KINDS)
if c.loadable_module_resources.filter(kind="models").exists():
app_list.append("services." +
self.create_xos_app_data(, script, app_list, None)
script = script + sync_lines
file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "" %, "w").write("\n".join(script)+"\n")
dockerfile.append("COPY . /build/")
dockerfile.append("RUN bash /build/" %
file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, dockerfile_fn), "w").write("\n".join(dockerfile)+"\n")
if self.build_tainted:
raise Exception("Build was tainted due to errors")
return {"dockerfile_fn": dockerfile_fn,
"docker_image_name": "xosproject/xos-synchronizer-%s" %}
def create_docker_compose(self):
xos = XOS.objects.all()[0]
volume_list = []
for volume in xos.volumes.all():
volume_list.append({"host_path": volume.host_path,
"container_path": volume.container_path,
"read_only": volume.read_only})
if xos.extra_hosts:
extra_hosts = [x.strip() for x in xos.extra_hosts.split(",")]
extra_hosts = []
containers = {}
# containers["xos_db"] = \
# {"image": "xosproject/xos-postgres",
# "expose": [5432]}
containers["xos_ui"] = \
{"image": "xosproject/xos-ui",
"command": "python /opt/xos/ runserver --insecure --makemigrations" % xos.ui_port,
"ports": {"%d"%xos.ui_port : "%d"%xos.ui_port},
#"links": ["xos_db"],
"external_links": ["%s:%s" % (xos.db_container_name, "xos_db")],
"extra_hosts": extra_hosts,
"volumes": volume_list}
if xos.no_start:
containers["xos_ui"]["command"] = "sleep 864000"
# containers["xos_bootstrap_ui"] = {"image": "xosproject/xos",
# "command": "python /opt/xos/ runserver --insecure --makemigrations" % xos.bootstrap_ui_port,
# "ports": {"%d"%xos.bootstrap_ui_port : "%d"%xos.bootstrap_ui_port},
# #"external_links": ["%s:%s" % (xos.db_container_name, "xos_db")],
# "links": ["xos_db"],
# "volumes": volume_list}
if not xos.frontend_only:
for c in ServiceController.objects.all():
if self.check_controller_unready(c):
logger.warning("Controller %s has unready resources" % str(c))
if c.loadable_module_resources.filter(kind="synchronizer").exists():
if c.synchronizer_run and c.synchronizer_config:
command = 'bash -c "sleep 120; cd /opt/xos/synchronizers/%s; python ./%s -C %s"' % (, c.synchronizer_run, c.synchronizer_config)
command = 'bash -c "sleep 120; cd /opt/xos/synchronizers/%s; bash ./"' %
containers["xos_synchronizer_%s" %] = \
{"image": "xosproject/xos-synchronizer-%s" %,
"command": command,
"external_links": ["%s:%s" % (xos.db_container_name, "xos_db")],
"extra_hosts": extra_hosts,
"volumes": volume_list}
if c.no_start:
containers["xos_synchronizer_%s" %]["command"] = "sleep 864000"
vars = { "containers": containers }
template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( "/opt/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/templates/" )
template_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=template_loader)
template = template_env.get_template("docker-compose.yml.j2")
buffer = template.render(vars)
if not os.path.exists("/opt/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/docker-compose"):
file("/opt/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml", "w").write(buffer)
# def build_xos(self):
# dockerfiles=[]
# dockerfiles.append(self.create_ui_dockerfile())
# for controller in ServiceController.objects.all():
# dockerfiles.append(self.create_synchronizer_dockerfile(controller))