blob: 9be159175e4194c1ece672ca07e33b41a8b7967c [file] [log] [blame]
from xosresource import XOSResource
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter
import os, sys
import inspect
import importlib
# XXX based on core/dashboard/views/
# Find all modules in the current directory that have descendents of the XOSResource
# object, and add them as globals to this module. Also, build up a list of urls
# based on the "url" field of the view classes.
resources = {}
sys_path_save = sys.path
# __import__() and importlib.import_module() both import modules from
# sys.path. So we make sure that the path where we can find the views is
# the first thing in sys.path.
view_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path = [view_dir] + sys.path
view_urls = []
for fn in os.listdir(view_dir):
pathname = os.path.join(view_dir,fn)
if os.path.isfile(pathname) and fn.endswith(".py") and (fn!=""):
module = __import__(fn[:-3])
for classname in dir(module):
c = getattr(module, classname, None)
if inspect.isclass(c) and (getattr(c,"xos_base_class",None)=="XOSResource") and (classname not in globals()):
provides = getattr(c, "provides", None)
if provides:
globals()[classname] = c
if isinstance(provides, basestring):
resources[provides] = c
# allow provides= to be a list
for p in provides:
resources[p] = c
sys.path = sys_path_save