| {%- for m in proto.messages | sort(attribute='name') %} |
| {%- if m.name != 'XOSBase' and xproto_unquote(xproto_first_non_empty([m.options.gui_hidden, 'False'])) != 'True' %} |
| - app: {{ xproto_unquote(xproto_first_non_empty([m.options.name, m.options.app_label, options.name, context.app_label])) }} |
| {%- set id_field = {'type':'int32', 'name':'id', 'options':{}} %} |
| {% for f in (xproto_base_fields(m, proto.message_table) + m.fields + [id_field]) | sort(attribute='name') -%} |
| {% if xproto_unquote(xproto_first_non_empty([f.options.gui_hidden, 'False'])) != 'True' and (not f.link or f.options.link_type != 'manytomany') -%} |
| - hint: {% if f.options.help_text %}{{ xproto_unquote(f.options.help_text) }}{% else %}''{% endif %} |
| relation: {model: {{ f.options.model }}, type: {{ f.options.link_type }}} |
| type: {{ xproto_type_to_ui_type(f) }} |
| {% set validators = xproto_validators(f) -%} |
| {% for v in validators | sort(attribute='name',reverse=True) -%} |
| {%- set goodlinks = xproto_links_to_modeldef_relations( xproto_base_links(m, proto.message_table) + m.links ) %} |
| {{ goodlinks | join('\n') | indent(width=2)}} |