blob: e81572111d39a88fe177fd6ec863163730c35141 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
from django.db import models
from core.models import PlCoreBase
from core.models import Slice
class SliceTag(PlCoreBase):
slice = models.ForeignKey(Slice, related_name='slicetags')
NAME_CHOICES = (('privatekey', 'Private Key'), ('publickey', 'Public Key'))
name = models.CharField(help_text="The name of this tag", max_length=30, choices=NAME_CHOICES)
value = models.CharField(help_text="The value of this tag", max_length=1024)
def can_update(self, user):
return self.slice.can_update(user)
def save_by_user(self, user, *args, **kwds):
if self.can_update(user):
super(SliceTag, self).save(*args, **kwds)
def select_by_user(user):
if user.is_admin:
qs = SliceTag.objects.all()
st_ids = [ for st in SliceTag.objects.filter(user=user)]
qs = SliceTag.objects.filter(id__in=st_ids)
return qs