blob: 0349e8f6307cd61da3fc18b7f75be7e103ee6769 [file] [log] [blame]
from core.models import Service, TenantWithContainer
from django.db import transaction
HELLO_WORLD_KIND = "helloworldservice_complete"
# The class to represent the service. Most of the service logic is given for us
# in the Service class but, we have some configuration that is specific for
# this example.
class HelloWorldServiceComplete(Service):
class Meta:
# When the proxy field is set to True the model is represented as
# it's superclass in the database, but we can still change the python
# behavior. In this case HelloWorldServiceComplete is a Service in the
# database.
proxy = True
# The name used to find this service, all directories are named this
app_label = "helloworldservice_complete"
verbose_name = "Hello World Service"
# This is the class to represent the tenant. Most of the logic is given to use
# in TenantWithContainer, however there is some configuration and logic that
# we need to define for this example.
class HelloWorldTenantComplete(TenantWithContainer):
class Meta:
# Same as a above, HelloWorldTenantComplete is represented as a
# TenantWithContainer, but we change the python behavior.
proxy = True
# The kind of the service is used on forms to differentiate this service
# from the other services.
# Ansible requires that the sync_attributes field contain nat_ip and nat_mac
# these will be used to determine where to SSH to for ansible.
# Getters must be defined for every attribute specified here.
sync_attributes = ("nat_ip", "nat_mac",)
# default_attributes is used cleanly indicate what the default values for
# the fields are.
default_attributes = {'display_message': 'Hello World!'}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
helloworld_services = HelloWorldServiceComplete.get_service_objects().all()
# When the tenant is created the default service in the form is set
# to be the first created HelloWorldServiceComplete
if helloworld_services:
"provider_service").default = helloworld_services[0].id
super(HelloWorldTenantComplete, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(HelloWorldTenantComplete, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
# This call needs to happen so that an instance is created for this
# tenant is created in the slice. One instance is created per tenant.
def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Delete the instance that was created for this tenant
super(HelloWorldTenantComplete, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
# Getter for the message that will appear on the webpage
# By default it is "Hello World!"
def display_message(self):
return self.get_attribute(
# Setter for the message that will appear on the webpage
def display_message(self, value):
self.set_attribute("display_message", value)
def addresses(self):
if (not or (not self.instance):
return {}
addresses = {}
# The ports field refers to networks for the instance.
# This loop stores the details for the NAT network that will be
# necessary for ansible.
for ns in self.instance.ports.all():
if "nat" in
addresses["nat"] = (ns.ip, ns.mac)
return addresses
# This getter is necessary because nat_ip is a sync_attribute
def nat_ip(self):
return self.addresses.get("nat", (None, None))[0]
# This getter is necessary because nat_mac is a sync_attribute
def nat_mac(self):
return self.addresses.get("nat", (None, None))[1]
def model_policy_helloworld_tenant(pk):
# This section of code is atomic to prevent race conditions
with transaction.atomic():
# We find all of the tenants that are waiting to update
tenant = HelloWorldTenantComplete.objects.select_for_update().filter(pk=pk)
if not tenant:
# Since this code is atomic it is safe to always use the first tenant
tenant = tenant[0]