blob: 96d13934a433e9b307f18ae25b44caff049e2b24 [file] [log] [blame]
from view_common import *
from core.xoslib.objects.sliceplus import SlicePlus
# This was intended to serve as a download feature for the tenant view. Found
# a better way to do it. This is deprecated.
class DownloadSSHCommandsView(View):
url = r'^sshcommands/(?P<sliceid>\d+)/$'
def get(self, request, sliceid=None, **kwargs):
#slice = Slices.objects.get(id=sliceid);
#for sliver in slice.slivers.all():
# if (sliver.instance_id && sliver.instance_name):
slice = SlicePlus.objects.get(id=sliceid)
return HttpResponse(slice.getSliceInfo()["sshCommands"], content_type='text/text')