blob: f39a9944c81797fbffab05d25a7e9359e7b379b0 [file] [log] [blame]
from xproto_test_base import *
class XProtoTargetTests(XProtoTest):
def test_file_methods(self):
target = \
{%% if file_exists("%s") %%}
{{ include_file("%s") }}
{%% endif %%}
self.assertIn(TEST_OUTPUT, self.get_output())
def test_xproto_lib(self):
target = \
{{ xproto_first_non_empty([None, None, None, None, None, None, "Eureka"]) }}
self.assertIn("Eureka", self.get_output())
def test_context(self):
target = \
{{ context.what }}
self.generate(target=target, kv='what:what is what')
self.assertIn("what is what", self.get_output())
def test_pluralize(self):
proto = \
message TestPluralize {
// The following field has an explicitly specified plural
required int anecdote = 1 [plural = "data"];
// The following fields have automatically computed plurals
required int sheep = 2;
required int radius = 2;
required int slice = 2;
required int network = 2;
required int omf_friendly = 2;
target = \
{% for m in proto.messages.0.fields -%}
{{ xproto_pluralize(m) }},
{%- endfor %}
self.generate(xproto=proto, target=target)
self.assertEqual("data,sheep,radii,slices,networks,omf_friendlies", self.get_output().lstrip().rstrip().rstrip(','))
if __name__ == '__main__':