blob: d4b9ace6e0e62633a5b30fab1b6c23934a95c444 [file] [log] [blame]
""" ModelAccessor
A class for abstracting access to models. Used to get any djangoisms out
of the synchronizer code base.
This module will import all models into this module's global scope, so doing
a "from modelaccessor import *" from a calling module ought to import all
models into the calling module's scope.
import functools
import os
from xos.config import Config
from diag import update_diag
class ModelAccessor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.all_model_classes = self.get_all_model_classes()
def get_all_model_classes(self):
""" Build a dictionary of all model class names """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def get_model_class(self, name):
""" Given a class name, return that model class """
return self.all_model_classes[name]
def has_model_class(self, name):
""" Given a class name, return that model class """
return name in self.all_model_classes
def fetch_pending(self, name, deletion=False):
""" Execute the default fetch_pending query """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def reset_queries(self):
""" Reset any state between passes of synchronizer. For django, to
limit memory consumption of cached queries.
def connection_close(self):
""" Close any active database connection. For django, to limit memory
def check_db_connection_okay(self):
""" Checks to make sure the db connection is okay """
def obj_exists(self, o):
""" Return True if the object exists in the data model """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def obj_in_list(self, o, olist):
""" Return True if o is the same as one of the objects in olist """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def now(self):
""" Return the current time for timestamping purposes """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def update_diag(self, loop_end=None, loop_start=None, syncrecord_start=None, sync_start=None, backend_status=None):
if self.has_model_class("Diag"):
return update_diag(self.get_model_class("Diag"), loop_end, loop_start, syncrecord_start, sync_start, backend_status)
def is_type(self, obj, name):
""" returns True is obj is of model type "name" """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def is_instance(self, obj, name):
""" returns True if obj is of model type "name" or is a descendant """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def journal_object(self, o, operation, msg=None, timestamp=None):
def import_models_to_globals():
# add all models to globals
for (k, v) in model_accessor.all_model_classes.items():
globals()[k] = v
# plcorebase doesn't exist from the synchronizer's perspective, so fake out
# ModelLink.
if "ModelLink" not in globals():
class ModelLink:
def __init__(self,dest,via,into=None):
globals()["ModelLink"] = ModelLink
def grpcapi_reconnect(client, reactor):
global model_accessor
# this will prevent updated timestamps from being automatically updated
client.xos_orm.caller_kind = "synchronizer"
from apiaccessor import CoreApiModelAccessor
model_accessor = CoreApiModelAccessor(orm = client.xos_orm)
# Synchronizer framework isn't ready to embrace reactor yet...
def config_accessor():
global model_accessor
accessor_kind = getattr(Config(), "observer_accessor_kind", "django")
if (accessor_kind == "django"):
from djangoaccessor import DjangoModelAccessor
model_accessor = DjangoModelAccessor()
grpcapi_endpoint = getattr(Config(), "observer_accessor_endpoint", "xos-core.cord.lab:50051")
grpcapi_username = getattr(Config(), "observer_accessor_username", "")
grpcapi_password = getattr(Config(), "observer_accessor_password")
# if password starts with "@", then retreive the password from a file
if grpcapi_password.startswith("@"):
fn = grpcapi_password[1:]
if not os.path.exists(fn):
raise Exception("%s does not exist" % fn)
grpcapi_password = open(fn).readline().strip()
from xosapi.xos_grpc_client import SecureClient
from twisted.internet import reactor
grpcapi_client = SecureClient(endpoint = grpcapi_endpoint, username = grpcapi_username, password=grpcapi_password)
grpcapi_client.set_reconnect_callback(functools.partial(grpcapi_reconnect, grpcapi_client, reactor))
# Start reactor. This will cause the client to connect and then execute
# grpcapi_callback().