blob: 1b5e3ca1c7909ca270e4dff952f0512d1f65a752 [file] [log] [blame]
from django.views.generic import View
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url, include
from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter
from xosapi_helpers import XOSIndexViewSet
import os, sys
import inspect
import importlib
from rest_framework.serializers import DictField
raise Exception("Failed check for django-rest-framework >= 3.3.3")
urlpatterns = []
def import_module_from_filename(dirname, fn):
print "importing", dirname, fn
sys_path_save = sys.path
# __import__() and importlib.import_module() both import modules from
# sys.path. So we make sure that the path where we can find the views is
# the first thing in sys.path.
sys.path = [dirname] + sys.path
module = __import__(fn[:-3])
sys.path = sys_path_save
return module
def import_module_by_dotted_name(name):
print "import", name
module = __import__(name)
for part in name.split(".")[1:]:
module = getattr(module, part)
return module
def import_api_methods(dirname=None, api_path="api", api_module="api"):
has_index_view = False
if not dirname:
dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
view_urls = []
for fn in os.listdir(dirname):
pathname = os.path.join(dirname,fn)
if os.path.isfile(pathname) and fn.endswith(".py") and (fn!="") and (fn!=""):
#module = import_module_from_filename(dirname, fn)
module = import_module_by_dotted_name(api_module + "." + fn[:-3])
for classname in dir(module):
# print " ",classname
c = getattr(module, classname, None)
if inspect.isclass(c) and issubclass(c, View) and (classname not in globals()):
globals()[classname] = c
method_kind = getattr(c, "method_kind", None)
method_name = getattr(c, "method_name", None)
if method_kind:
if method_name:
method_name = os.path.join(api_path, method_name)
method_name = api_path
has_index_view = True
view_urls.append( (method_kind, method_name, classname, c) )
elif os.path.isdir(pathname):
urlpatterns.extend(import_api_methods(pathname, os.path.join(api_path, fn), api_module+"." + fn))
for view_url in view_urls:
if view_url[0] == "list":
urlpatterns.append(url(r'^' + view_url[1] + '/$', view_url[3].as_view(), name=view_url[1]+'list'))
elif view_url[0] == "detail":
urlpatterns.append(url(r'^' + view_url[1] + '/(?P<pk>[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)/$', view_url[3].as_view(), name=view_url[1]+'detail'))
elif view_url[0] == "viewset":
viewset = view_url[3]
if not has_index_view:
urlpatterns.append(url('^' + api_path + '/$', XOSIndexViewSet.as_view({'get': 'list'}, view_urls=view_urls, subdirs=subdirs), name="api_path"+"_index"))
return urlpatterns
urlpatterns = import_api_methods()