split developer and cdnoperations out of welcome.html
diff --git a/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/developer.html b/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/developer.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5d2421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/developer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<div id="developerview"></div>
+<div id="confirmNodeAdded" title="Added Node to Site"><p>Added Node to Site</p></div>
+<div id="confirmNodeRemoved" title="Removed Node from Site"><p>Added Node to Site</p></div>
+var oTable;
+function updateUserSliceTable(){
+ log.debug("Should grab user slice info");
+ jQuery.ajax({
+ async:true,
+ dataType: 'json',
+ url: '/hpcdashuserslices',
+ success: function(data){
+ log.info("Got Data back for User SliceTable");
+ //parseData(data);
+ //createUserSliceTable(data);
+ setTimeout(function () { updateUserSliceTable() }, 5000);
+ },
+ error: function(data){
+ log.debug("COULDNT GET DATA BACK");
+ setTimeout(function () { updateUserSliceTable() }, 5000);
+ }
+ });
+function createUserSliceTable(data) {
+ log.debug("Creating User Slice Table");
+ //Add check for #dynamicusersliceinfo_filter label-> input having focus here
+ $('#developerview').html( '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="dynamicusersliceinfo"></table>' );
+ var actualEntries = [];
+ log.debug(data['userSliceInfo']['rows'][0]['slicename']);
+ var rows = data['userSliceInfo']['rows'];
+ for (row in rows) {
+ log.debug(row[0]);
+ slicename = rows[row]['slicename'];
+ sliceid = rows[row]['sliceid'];
+ role = rows[row]['role'];
+ slivercount = rows[row]['slivercount'];
+ sitecount = rows[row]['sitecount'];
+ actualEntries.push(['<a href="http://{{request.get_host}}/admin/core/slice/' + sliceid + '">' + slicename + '</a>',
+ role, slivercount, sitecount]);
+ }
+ oTable = $('#dynamicusersliceinfo').dataTable( {
+ "bJQueryUI": true,
+ "aaData": actualEntries ,
+ "bStateSave": true,
+ "aoColumns": [
+ { "sTitle": "Slice" },
+ { "sTitle": "Privilege" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
+ { "sTitle": "Number of Slivers" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
+ { "sTitle": "Number of Sites" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
+ ]
+ } );
+ // If the filter had focus, reapply here
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ jQuery.ajax({
+ url: '/hpcdashuserslices',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ success: function(data){ createUserSliceTable(data); },
+ complete: function(){ },
+ });
+ }, 10000);
+function initTable(){
+ log.debug("Initializing Table")
+ jQuery.ajax({
+ url: '/hpcdashuserslices',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ success: function(data){ createUserSliceTable(data); },
+ complete: function(){
+ }
+ });
+ updateUserSliceTable();