blob: a34fd7f5c58eac1d31f611f60398443f8375c643 [file] [log] [blame]
import ast
def xproto_check_synchronizer(m):
sync_step_path = 'synchronizer/steps/'%m['name'].lower()
sync_step = open(sync_step_path).read()
except IOError:
return '510 Model needs a sync step %s'%sync_step_path
sync_step_ast = ast.parse(sync_step)
except SyntaxError:
return '511 Could not parse sync step %s'%sync_step_path
classes = filter(lambda x:isinstance(x, ast.ClassDef), sync_step_ast.body)
found_sync_step_class = False
for c in classes:
base_names = [ for v in c.bases]
if 'SyncStep' in base_names or 'SyncInstanceUsingAnsible' in base_names:
attributes = filter(lambda x:isinstance(x, ast.Assign), c.body)
for a in attributes:
target_names = [ for t in a.targets]
values = a.value.elts if isinstance(a.value, ast.List) else [a.value]
value_names = [ for v in values]
if 'observes' in target_names and m['name'] in value_names:
found_sync_step_class = True
if not found_sync_step_class:
return '512 Synchronizer needs a sync step class with an observes field containing %s'%m['name']
return '200 OK'
def xproto_check_policy(m):
model_policy_path = 'synchronizer/model_policies/'%m['name'].lower()
model_policy = open(model_policy_path).read()
except IOError:
return '510 Model needs a model policy %s'%model_policy_path
model_policy_ast = ast.parse(model_policy)
except SyntaxError:
return '511 Could not parse sync step %s'%model_policy_path
classes = filter(lambda x:isinstance(x, ast.ClassDef), model_policy_ast.body)
found_model_policy_class = False
for c in classes:
base_names = [ for v in c.bases]
if 'Policy' in base_names or 'TenantWithContainerPolicy' in base_names:
found_model_policy_class = True
if not found_model_policy_class:
return '513 Synchronizer needs a model policy class'
return '200 OK'