blob: 4070c1efec11579ed134add75079cc6b3d064999 [file] [log] [blame]
message ServiceController {
required int32 xos = 1 [ null = False, default = "get_xos()", blank = False, help_text = "Pointer to XOS", model = XOS, modifier = required, type = link, port = loadable_modules, db_index = True ];
required string name = 2 [ null = False, max_length = 30, content_type = "stripped", blank = False, help_text = "Service Name", modifier = required, db_index = False ];
optional string base_url = 3 [ null = True, max_length = 1024, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "Base URL, allows use of relative URLs for resources", modifier = optional, db_index = False ];
optional string version = 4 [ null = True, default = "1.0.0", max_length = 30, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "Version of Service Controller", modifier = optional, db_index = False ];
optional string provides = 5 [ null = True, max_length = 254, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "Comma-separated list of things provided", modifier = optional, db_index = False ];
optional string requires = 6 [ null = True, max_length = 254, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "Comma-separated list of required Service Controllers", modifier = optional, db_index = False ];
optional string synchronizer_run = 7 [ null = True, max_length = 1024, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "synchronizer run command", modifier = optional, db_index = False ];
optional string synchronizer_config = 8 [ null = True, max_length = 1024, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "synchronizer config file", modifier = optional, db_index = False ];
optional string image = 9 [ null = True, max_length = 200, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "docker image name", modifier = optional, db_index = False ];
required bool no_start = 10 [ null = False, default = False, blank = True, help_text = "Do not start the Synchronizer", modifier = required, db_index = False ];
required bool no_build = 11 [ null = False, default = False, blank = True, help_text = "Do not build the Synchronizer container", modifier = required, db_index = False ];
required bool no_deploy = 12 [ null = False, default = False, blank = True, help_text = "Do not add synchronizer container to onboarding-docker-compose", modifier = required, db_index = False ];