blob: 4dd0349a0772399fb4b124cc082ef16c05084db4 [file] [log] [blame]
# group_vars/all
# Defaults for XOS container build and publish roles.
# Can be overridden by variables in the profile manifest.
# the path below is a hack, and going away soon
build_cord_dir: "{{ playbook_dir ~ '/../..' }}"
- "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos/containers/chameleon/tmp.chameleon"
- "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos/containers/xos/tmp.chameleon"
- name: "xosproject/xos-base"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos/containers/xos"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.base"
pull: False
build: True
publish: False
- name: "xosproject/xos-postgres"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos/containers/postgresql"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile"
pull: True
publish: True
- name: "xosproject/xos-libraries"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos"
dockerfile: "containers/xos/Dockerfile.libraries"
pull: False
publish: True
- name: "xosproject/xos"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos"
dockerfile: "containers/xos/Dockerfile.xos"
pull: False
publish: True
- name: "xosproject/chameleon"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos/containers/chameleon"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.chameleon"
pull: False
publish: True
- name: "xosproject/xos-client"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos"
dockerfile: "containers/xos/Dockerfile.client"
pull: False
publish: True
- name: "xosproject/xos-synchronizer-base"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos"
dockerfile: "containers/xos/Dockerfile.synchronizer-base"
pull: False
publish: True
- name: "xosproject/xos-ws"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos-rest-gw" # TODO rename repo
dockerfile: "Dockerfile"
pull: False
publish: True
- name: "xosproject/xos-gui"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos-gui"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile"
pull: False
publish: True
- name: "xosproject/xos-gui-extension-builder"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos-gui/"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.xos-gui-extension-builder"
pull: False
publish: False
- name: "xosproject/xos-corebuilder"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos"
dockerfile: "containers/xos/Dockerfile.corebuilder"
pull: False
publish: True
- name: "nginx:latest"
path: ""
dockerfile: ""
pull: True
publish: False
- name: "gliderlabs/consul-server:latest"
path: ""
dockerfile: ""
pull: True
publish: False
- name: "gliderlabs/registrator:latest"
path: ""
dockerfile: ""
pull: True
publish: False
- name: "xosproject/xos-tosca"
path: "{{ build_cord_dir }}/orchestration/xos-tosca"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile"
pull: False
publish: True
- name: "node:7.9.0"
path: ""
dockerfile: ""
pull: True
publish: False
build_optional_images: False
- name: "xosproject/xos-test"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.test"
pull: False
publish: False
build_docker_tag: "candidate"
misc_docker_images: []
enabled_gui_extensions: []
frontend_only: False
xos_services: []