blob: b4ff12f4970cb6f5dbf62b3f8c8129d18fbfe0ed [file] [log] [blame]
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from core.models import Service, TenantWithContainer
from django.db import transaction
from xos.exceptions import XOSConfigurationError, XOSValidationError
VPN_KIND = "vpn"
class VPNService(Service):
"""Defines the Service for creating VPN servers."""
OPENVPN_PREFIX = "/opt/openvpn/"
EASYRSA_LOC = OPENVPN_PREFIX + "easyrsa3/easyrsa"
def execute_easyrsa_command(cls, pki_dir, command):
full_command = (
VPNService.EASYRSA_COMMAND + " --pki-dir=" +
pki_dir + " " + command)
proc = Popen(
full_command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE
(stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
if (proc.returncode != 0):
raise XOSConfigurationError(
full_command + " failed with standard out:" + str(stdout) +
" and stderr: " + str(stderr))
class Meta:
proxy = True
# The name used to find this service, all directories are named this
app_label = "vpn"
verbose_name = "VPN Service"
default_attributes = {'exposed_ports': None,
'exposed_ports_str': None}
def exposed_ports(self):
return self.get_attribute("exposed_ports",
def exposed_ports(self, value):
self.set_attribute("exposed_ports", value)
def exposed_ports_str(self):
return self.get_attribute("exposed_ports_str",
def exposed_ports_str(self, value):
self.set_attribute("exposed_ports_str", value)
def get_next_available_port(self, protocol):
if protocol != "udp" and protocol != "tcp":
raise XOSValidationError("Port protocol must be udp or tcp")
if not self.exposed_ports[protocol]:
raise XOSValidationError(
"No availble ports for protocol: " + protocol)
tenants = [
tenant for tenant in VPNTenant.get_tenant_objects().all()
if tenant.protocol == protocol]
port_numbers = self.exposed_ports[protocol]
for port_number in port_numbers:
if (
tenant for tenant in tenants
if tenant.port_number == port_number]) == 0):
return port_number
class VPNTenant(TenantWithContainer):
"""Defines the Tenant for creating VPN servers."""
class Meta:
proxy = True
verbose_name = "VPN Tenant"
sync_attributes = ("nat_ip", "nat_mac",)
default_attributes = {'vpn_subnet': None,
'server_network': None,
'clients_can_see_each_other': True,
'is_persistent': True,
'ca_crt': None,
'port': None,
'script_text': None,
'pki_dir': None,
'use_ca_from': list(),
'failover_servers': set(),
'protocol': None}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
vpn_services = VPNService.get_service_objects().all()
if vpn_services:
"provider_service").default = vpn_services[0].id
super(VPNTenant, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(VPNTenant, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(VPNTenant, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
def protocol(self):
return self.get_attribute(
"protocol", self.default_attributes["protocol"])
def protocol(self, value):
self.set_attribute("protocol", value)
def use_ca_from(self):
return self.get_attribute(
"use_ca_from", self.default_attributes["use_ca_from"])
def use_ca_from(self, value):
self.set_attribute("use_ca_from", value)
def pki_dir(self):
return self.get_attribute(
"pki_dir", self.default_attributes["pki_dir"])
def pki_dir(self, value):
self.set_attribute("pki_dir", value)
def addresses(self):
"""Mapping[str, str]: The ip, mac address, and subnet of the NAT
network of this Tenant."""
if (not or (not self.instance):
return {}
addresses = {}
for ns in self.instance.ports.all():
if "nat" in
addresses["ip"] = ns.ip
addresses["mac"] = ns.mac
return addresses
# This getter is necessary because nat_ip is a sync_attribute
def nat_ip(self):
"""str: The IP of this Tenant on the NAT network."""
return self.addresses.get("ip", None)
# This getter is necessary because nat_mac is a sync_attribute
def nat_mac(self):
"""str: The MAC address of this Tenant on the NAT network."""
return self.addresses.get("mac", None)
def server_network(self):
"""str: The IP address of the server on the VPN."""
return self.get_attribute(
def server_network(self, value):
self.set_attribute("server_network", value)
def vpn_subnet(self):
"""str: The IP address of the client on the VPN."""
return self.get_attribute(
def vpn_subnet(self, value):
self.set_attribute("vpn_subnet", value)
def is_persistent(self):
"""bool: True if the VPN connection is persistence, false otherwise."""
return self.get_attribute(
def is_persistent(self, value):
self.set_attribute("is_persistent", value)
def failover_servers(self):
return self.get_attribute(
"failover_servers", self.default_attributes["failover_servers"])
def failover_servers(self, value):
self.set_attribute("failover_servers", value)
def clients_can_see_each_other(self):
"""bool: True if the client can see the subnet of the server, false
return self.get_attribute(
def clients_can_see_each_other(self, value):
self.set_attribute("clients_can_see_each_other", value)
def ca_crt(self):
"""str: the string for the ca certificate"""
return self.get_attribute("ca_crt", self.default_attributes['ca_crt'])
def ca_crt(self, value):
self.set_attribute("ca_crt", value)
def port_number(self):
"""int: the integer representing the port number for this server"""
return self.get_attribute("port", self.default_attributes['port'])
def port_number(self, value):
self.set_attribute("port", value)
def script_text(self):
return self.get_attribute(
"script_text", self.default_attributes['script_text'])
def script_text(self, value):
self.set_attribute("script_text", value)
def create_client_script(self, client_name):
script = ""
# write the configuration portion
script += ("printf \"%b\" \"")
script += self.generate_client_conf(client_name)
script += ("\" > client.conf\n")
script += ("printf \"%b\" \"")
for line in self.ca_crt:
script += (line.rstrip() + r"\n")
script += ("\" > ca.crt\n")
script += ("printf \"%b\" \"")
for line in self.get_client_cert(client_name):
script += (line.rstrip() + r"\n")
script += ("\" > " + client_name + ".crt\n")
for line in self.get_client_key(client_name):
script += (line.rstrip() + r"\n")
script += ("\" > " + client_name + ".key\n")
# make sure openvpn is installed
script += ("apt-get update\n")
script += ("apt-get install openvpn\n")
script += ("openvpn client.conf &\n")
# close the script
return script
def get_client_cert(self, client_name):
with open(self.pki_dir + "/issued/" + client_name + ".crt", 'r') as f:
return f.readlines()
def get_client_key(self, client_name):
with open(self.pki_dir + "/private/" + client_name + ".key", 'r') as f:
return f.readlines()
def generate_client_conf(self, client_name):
"""str: Generates the client configuration to use to connect to this
VPN server.
conf = ("client\n" +
"dev tun\n" +
self.nat_ip, self.port_number, self.protocol))
for remote in self.failover_servers:
conf += self.get_remote_line(
remote.nat_ip, remote.port_number, remote.protocol)
conf += ("resolv-retry 60\n" +
"nobind\n" +
"ca ca.crt\n" +
"cert " + client_name + ".crt\n" +
"key " + client_name + ".key\n" +
"comp-lzo\n" +
"verb 3\n")
if self.is_persistent:
conf += "persist-tun\n"
conf += "persist-key\n"
return conf
def get_remote_line(self, host, port_number, protocol):
return ("remote " + str(host) + " " + str(port_number) + " " +
str(protocol) + "\n")
def model_policy_vpn_tenant(pk):
"""Manages the contain for the VPN Tenant."""
# This section of code is atomic to prevent race conditions
with transaction.atomic():
# We find all of the tenants that are waiting to update
tenant = VPNTenant.objects.select_for_update().filter(pk=pk)
if not tenant:
# Since this code is atomic it is safe to always use the first tenant
tenant = tenant[0]