blob: 3bfcd70ce452643d717e130d8856abc6a298b9ea [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import pdb
import re
from inflect import engine as inflect_engine_class
inflect_engine = inflect_engine_class()
class FieldNotFound(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
super(FieldNotFound, self).__init__(message)
def xproto_debug(**kwargs):
print kwargs
def xproto_unquote(s):
return unquote(s)
def unquote(s):
if (s.startswith('"') and s.endswith('"')):
return s[1:-1]
return s
def xproto_singularize(field):
# The user has set a singular, as an exception that cannot be handled automatically
singular = field['options']['singular']
singular = unquote(singular)
except KeyError:
singular = inflect_engine.singular_noun(field['name'])
if singular is False:
# singular_noun returns False on a noun it can't singularize
singular = field["name"]
return singular
def xproto_singularize_pluralize(field):
# The user has set a plural, as an exception that cannot be handled automatically
plural = field['options']['plural']
plural = unquote(plural)
except KeyError:
singular = inflect_engine.singular_noun(field['name'])
if singular is False:
# singular_noun returns False on a noun it can't singularize
singular = field["name"]
plural = inflect_engine.plural_noun(singular)
return plural
def xproto_pluralize(field):
# The user has set a plural, as an exception that cannot be handled automatically
plural = field['options']['plural']
plural = unquote(plural)
except KeyError:
plural = inflect_engine.plural_noun(field['name'])
return plural
def xproto_base_def(model_name, base, suffix='', suffix_list=[]):
if (model_name=='XOSBase'):
return '(models.Model, PlModelMixIn)'
elif (not base):
return ''
int_base = [i['name']+suffix for i in base if i['name'] in suffix_list]
ext_base = [i['name'] for i in base if i['name'] not in suffix_list]
return '(' + ','.join(int_base + ext_base) + ')'
def xproto_first_non_empty(lst):
for l in lst:
if l: return l
def xproto_api_type(field):
if (unquote(field['options']['content_type'])=='date'):
return 'double'
except KeyError:
return field['type']
def xproto_base_name(n):
# Hack - Refactor NetworkParameter* to make this go away
if (n.startswith('NetworkParameter')):
return '_'
expr = r'^[A-Z]+[a-z]*'
match = re.findall(expr, n)[0]
return '_'
return match
def xproto_base_fields(m, table):
fields = []
for b in m['bases']:
option1 = b['fqn']
option2 = m['package'] + '.' + b['name']
except TypeError:
option2 = option1
accessor = None
if option1 in table: accessor = option1
elif option2 in table: accessor = option2
if accessor:
base_fields = xproto_base_fields(table[accessor], table)
model_fields = [x.copy() for x in table[accessor]['fields']]
for field in model_fields:
field["accessor"] = accessor
if 'no_sync' in m['options'] and m['options']['no_sync']:
fields = [f for f in fields if f['name'] != 'backend_status' and f['name'] != 'backend_code']
if 'no_policy' in m['options'] and m['options']['no_policy']:
fields = [f for f in fields if f['name'] != 'policy_status' and f['name'] != 'policy_code']
return fields
def xproto_fields(m, table):
""" Generate the full list of models for the xproto message `m` including fields from the classes it inherits.
Inserts the special field "id" at the very beginning.
Each time we descend a new level of inheritance, increment the offset field numbers by 100. The base
class's fields will be numbered from 1-99, the first descendant will be number 100-199, the second
descdendant numbered from 200-299, and so on. This assumes any particular model as at most 100
model_fields = [x.copy() for x in m["fields"]]
for field in model_fields:
field["accessor"] = m["fqn"]
fields = xproto_base_fields(m, table) + model_fields
# The "id" field is a special field. Every model has one. Put it up front and pretend it's part of the
id_field = {'type': 'int32', 'name': 'id', 'options': {}, "id": "1", "accessor": fields[0]["accessor"]}
fields = [id_field] + fields
# Walk through the list of fields. They will be in depth-first search order from the base model forward. Each time
# the model changes, offset the protobuf field numbers by 100.
offset = 0
last_accessor = fields[0]["accessor"]
for field in fields:
if (field["accessor"] != last_accessor):
last_accessor = field["accessor"]
offset += 100
field_id = int(field["id"])
if (field_id < 1) or (field_id >= 100):
raise Exception("Only field numbers from 1 to 99 are permitted, field %s in model %s" % (field["name"], field["accessor"]))
field["id"] = int(field["id"]) + offset
# Check for duplicates
fields_by_number = {}
for field in fields:
id = field["id"]
dup = fields_by_number.get(id)
if dup:
raise Exception("Field %s has duplicate number %d with field %s in model %s" % (field["name"], id, dup["name"], field["accessor"]))
fields_by_number[id] = field
return fields
def xproto_base_rlinks(m, table):
links = []
for base in m['bases']:
b = base['name']
if b in table:
base_rlinks = xproto_base_rlinks(table[b], table)
model_rlinks = table[b]['rlinks']
return links
def xproto_rlinks(m, table):
""" Return the reverse links for the xproto message `m`.
If the link includes a reverse_id, then it will be used for the protobuf field id. If there is no
reverse_id, then one will automatically be allocated started at id 1900. It is incouraged that all links
include reverse_ids, so that field identifiers are deterministic across all protobuf messages.
index = 1900
links = xproto_base_rlinks(m, table) + m["rlinks"]
links = [x for x in links if ("+" not in x["src_port"]) and ("+" not in x["dst_port"])]
for link in links:
if link["reverse_id"]:
link["id"] = int(link["reverse_id"])
link["id"] = index
index += 1
# check for duplicates
for link in links:
id = link["id"]
if dup:
raise Exception("Field %s has duplicate number %d with field %s in model %s" % (link["src_port"], id, link["src_port"], m["name"]))
links_by_number[id] = link
return links
def xproto_base_links(m, table):
links = []
for base in m['bases']:
b = base['name']
if b in table:
base_links = xproto_base_links(table[b], table)
model_links = table[b]['links']
return links
def xproto_string_type(xptags):
max_length = eval(xptags['max_length'])
max_length = 1024
if ('varchar' not in xptags):
return 'string'
return 'text'
def xproto_tuplify(nested_list_or_set):
if not isinstance(nested_list_or_set, list) and not isinstance(nested_list_or_set, set):
return nested_list_or_set
return tuple([xproto_tuplify(i) for i in nested_list_or_set])
def xproto_field_graph_components(fields, model, tag='unique_with'):
def find_components(graph):
pending = set(graph.keys())
components = []
while pending:
front = { pending.pop() }
component = set()
while front:
node = front.pop()
neighbours = graph[node]
neighbours -= component # These we have already visited
front |= neighbours
pending -= neighbours
component |= neighbours
return components
field_graph = {}
field_names = {f['name'] for f in fields}
for f in fields:
tagged_str = unquote(f['options'][tag])
tagged_fields = tagged_str.split(',')
for uf in tagged_fields:
if uf not in field_names:
raise FieldNotFound('Field "%s" not found in model "%s", referenced from field "%s" by option "%s"' % (uf, model['name'], f['name'], tag))
field_graph.setdefault(f['name'], set()).add(uf)
field_graph.setdefault(uf, set()).add(f['name'])
except KeyError:
return find_components(field_graph)
def xproto_api_opts(field):
options = []
if 'max_length' in field['options'] and field['type']=='string':
options.append('(val).maxLength = %s'%field['options']['max_length'])
if field['options']['null'] == 'False':
options.append('(val).nonNull = true')
except KeyError:
if 'link' in field and 'model' in field['options']:
options.append('(foreignKey).modelName = "%s"'%field['options']['model'])
if ("options" in field) and ("port" in field["options"]):
options.append('(foreignKey).reverseFieldName = "%s"' % field['options']['port'])
if options:
options_str = '[' + ', '.join(options) + ']'
options_str = ''
return options_str
def xproto_type_to_swagger_type(f):
content_type = f['options']['content_type']
content_type = eval(content_type)
content_type = None
if 'choices' in f['options']:
return 'string'
elif content_type == 'date':
return 'string'
elif f['type'] == 'bool':
return 'boolean'
elif f['type'] == 'string':
return 'string'
elif f['type'] in ['int','uint32','int32'] or 'link' in f:
return 'integer'
elif f['type'] in ['double','float']:
return 'string'
def xproto_field_to_swagger_enum(f):
if 'choices' in f['options']:
list = []
for c in eval(xproto_unquote(f['options']['choices'])):
return list
return False
def xproto_is_true(x):
# TODO: Audit xproto and make specification of trueness more uniform
if (x==True) or (x=="True") or (x=='"True"'):
return True
return False