blob: ba025abc2d5903ad47e10e06f2a27936aeb465d6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import unittest
from xosgenx.generator import XOSProcessor
from helpers import FakeArgs, XProtoTestHelpers
class XProtoRlinkTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_proto_generator(self):
target = XProtoTestHelpers.write_tmp_target("""
{% for m in proto.messages %}
{% for r in m.rlinks %}
{{ r }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
xproto = \
message VRouterPort (PlCoreBase){
optional string name = 1 [help_text = "port friendly name", max_length = 20, null = True, db_index = False, blank = True];
required string openflow_id = 2 [help_text = "port identifier in ONOS", max_length = 21, null = False, db_index = False, blank = False];
required manytoone vrouter_device->VRouterDevice:ports = 3 [db_index = True, null = False, blank = False];
required manytoone vrouter_service->VRouterService:device_ports = 4 [db_index = True, null = False, blank = False];
message VRouterService (Service) {
optional string rest_hostname = 1 [db_index = False, max_length = 255, null = True, content_type = "stripped", blank = True];
required int32 rest_port = 2 [default = 8181, null = False, db_index = False, blank = False];
required string rest_user = 3 [default = "onos", max_length = 255, content_type = "stripped", blank = False, null = False, db_index = False];
required string rest_pass = 4 [default = "rocks", max_length = 255, content_type = "stripped", blank = False, null = False, db_index = False];
message VRouterDevice (PlCoreBase){
optional string name = 1 [help_text = "device friendly name", max_length = 20, null = True, db_index = False, blank = True];
required string openflow_id = 2 [help_text = "device identifier in ONOS", max_length = 20, null = False, db_index = False, blank = False];
required string config_key = 3 [default = "basic", max_length = 32, blank = False, help_text = "configuration key", null = False, db_index = False];
required string driver = 4 [help_text = "driver type", max_length = 32, null = False, db_index = False, blank = False];
required manytoone vrouter_service->VRouterService:devices = 5 [db_index = True, null = False, blank = False];
args = FakeArgs()
args.inputs = xproto = target
output = XOSProcessor.process(args)
self.assertIn("'src_port': 'device_ports'", output)
self.assertIn("'src_port': 'ports'", output)
if __name__ == '__main__':