blob: 392dd846420e7388ebad5c703ff753c4846d7fb1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Django-like ORM layer for gRPC
api = ORMStub(stub)
api.Slices.all() ... list all slices
someSlice = api.Slices.get(id=1) ... get slice #1 ... automatically resolves site_id into a site object
someSlice.instances ... automatically resolves instances_ids into instance objects ... saves the slice object
import grpc_client, orm
c=grpc_client.SecureClient("xos-core.cord.lab", username="", password="letmein")
import os
import sys
import threading
import time
import imp
from xosconfig import Config
from multistructlog import create_logger
log = create_logger(Config().get('logging'))
convenience_wrappers = {}
class ORMGenericContentNotFoundException(Exception):
class ORMGenericObjectNotFoundException(Exception):
class ORMWrapper(object):
""" Wraps a protobuf object to provide ORM features """
def __init__(self, wrapped_class, stub, is_new=False):
super(ORMWrapper, self).__setattr__("_wrapped_class", wrapped_class)
super(ORMWrapper, self).__setattr__("stub", stub)
super(ORMWrapper, self).__setattr__("cache", {})
super(ORMWrapper, self).__setattr__("reverse_cache", {})
super(ORMWrapper, self).__setattr__("synchronizer_step", None)
super(ORMWrapper, self).__setattr__("dependent", None)
super(ORMWrapper, self).__setattr__("is_new", is_new)
super(ORMWrapper, self).__setattr__("post_save_fixups", [])
super(ORMWrapper, self).__setattr__("_fkmap", fkmap)
super(ORMWrapper, self).__setattr__("_reverse_fkmap", reverse_fkmap)
def create_attr(self, name, value=None):
""" setattr(self, ...) will fail for attributes that don't exist in the
wrapped grpc class. This is by design. However, if someone really
does want to attach a new attribute to this class, then they can
call create_attr()
super(ORMWrapper, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def get_generic_foreignkeys(self):
""" this is a placeholder until generic foreign key support is added
to xproto.
return []
def gen_fkmap(self):
fkmap = {}
all_field_names = self._wrapped_class.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.keys()
for (name, field) in self._wrapped_class.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.items():
if name.endswith("_id"):
foreignKey = field.GetOptions().Extensions._FindExtensionByName("xos.foreignKey")
fk = field.GetOptions().Extensions[foreignKey]
if fk and fk.modelName:
fkdict = {"src_fieldName": name, "modelName": fk.modelName, "kind": "fk"}
if fk.reverseFieldName:
fkdict["reverse_fieldName"] = fk.reverseFieldName
fkmap[name[:-3]] = fkdict
# If there's a corresponding _type_id field, then see if this
# is a generic foreign key.
type_name = name[:-3] + "_type_id"
if type_name in all_field_names:
fkmap[name[:-3]] = {"src_fieldName": name, "ct_fieldName": type_name, "kind": "generic_fk"}
for gfk in self.get_generic_foreignkeys():
fkmap[gfk["name"]] = {"src_fieldName": gfk["id"], "ct_fieldName": gfk["content_type"], "kind": "generic_fk"}
return fkmap
def gen_reverse_fkmap(self):
reverse_fkmap = {}
for (name, field) in self._wrapped_class.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.items():
if name.endswith("_ids"):
reverseForeignKey = field.GetOptions().Extensions._FindExtensionByName("xos.reverseForeignKey")
fk = field.GetOptions().Extensions[reverseForeignKey]
if fk and fk.modelName:
reverse_fkmap[name[:-4]] = {"src_fieldName": name, "modelName": fk.modelName, "writeable": False}
manyToManyForeignKey = field.GetOptions().Extensions._FindExtensionByName("xos.manyToManyForeignKey")
fk = field.GetOptions().Extensions[manyToManyForeignKey]
if fk and fk.modelName:
reverse_fkmap[name[:-4]] = {"src_fieldName": name, "modelName": fk.modelName, "writeable": True}
return reverse_fkmap
def fk_resolve(self, name):
if name in self.cache:
return self.cache[name]
fk_entry = self._fkmap[name]
fk_kind = fk_entry["kind"]
fk_id = getattr(self, fk_entry["src_fieldName"])
if not fk_id:
return None
if fk_kind=="fk":
dest_model = self.stub.invoke("Get%s" % fk_entry["modelName"], id)
elif fk_kind=="generic_fk":
dest_model = self.stub.genericForeignKeyResolve(getattr(self, fk_entry["ct_fieldName"]), fk_id)._wrapped_class
raise Exception("unknown fk_kind")
dest_model = make_ORMWrapper(dest_model, self.stub)
self.cache[name] = dest_model
return dest_model
def reverse_fk_resolve(self, name):
if name not in self.reverse_cache:
fk_entry = self._reverse_fkmap[name]
self.cache[name] = ORMLocalObjectManager(self.stub, fk_entry["modelName"], getattr(self, fk_entry["src_fieldName"]), fk_entry["writeable"])
return self.cache[name]
def fk_set(self, name, model):
fk_entry = self._fkmap[name]
fk_kind = fk_entry["kind"]
if model:
id =
id = 0
setattr(self._wrapped_class, fk_entry["src_fieldName"], id)
if fk_kind=="generic_fk":
setattr(self._wrapped_class, fk_entry["ct_fieldName"], model.self_content_type_id)
if name in self.cache:
old_model = self.cache[name]
if fk_entry.get("reverse_fieldName"):
# Note this fk change so that we can update the destination model after we save.
self.post_save_fixups.append({"src_fieldName": fk_entry["src_fieldName"],
"dest_id": id,
"dest_model": old_model,
"remove": True,
"reverse_fieldName": fk_entry.get("reverse_fieldName")})
del self.cache[name]
if model:
self.cache[name] = model
if fk_entry.get("reverse_fieldName"):
# Note this fk change so that we can update the destination model after we save.
self.post_save_fixups.append({"src_fieldName": fk_entry["src_fieldName"],
"dest_id": id,
"dest_model": model,
"remove": False,
"reverse_fieldName": fk_entry.get("reverse_fieldName")})
elif name in self.cache:
del self.cache[name]
def do_post_save_fixups(self):
# Perform post-save foreign key fixups.
# Fixup the models that we've set a foreign key to so that their in-memory representation has the correct
# reverse foreign key back to us. We can only do this after a save, because isn't known until
# after save.
# See unit test test_foreign_key_set_without_invalidate
for fixup in self.post_save_fixups:
model = fixup["dest_model"]
reverse_fieldName_ids = fixup["reverse_fieldName"] + "_ids"
if not hasattr(model, reverse_fieldName_ids):
if fixup["remove"]:
reverse_ids = getattr(model, reverse_fieldName_ids)
if in reverse_ids:
reverse_ids = getattr(model, reverse_fieldName_ids)
if not in reverse_ids:
self.post_save_fixups = []
def __getattr__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
# note: getattr is only called for attributes that do not exist in
# self.__dict__
# pk is a synonym for id
if (name == "pk"):
name = "id"
if name in self._fkmap.keys():
return self.fk_resolve(name)
if name in self._reverse_fkmap.keys():
return self.reverse_fk_resolve(name)
# When sending a reply, XOS will leave the field unset if it is None in the data model. If
# HasField(<fieldname>)==False for an existing object, then the caller can infer that field was set to
# None.
if (not self.is_new) and (not self._wrapped_class.HasField(name)):
return None
except ValueError:
# ValueError is thrown if the field does not exist. We will handle that case in the getattr() below.
return getattr(self._wrapped_class, name, *args, **kwargs)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in self._fkmap.keys():
self.fk_set(name, value)
elif name in self.__dict__:
super(ORMWrapper,self).__setattr__(name, value)
elif value is None:
# When handling requests, XOS interprets gRPC HasField(<fieldname>)==False to indicate that the caller
# has not set the field and wants it to continue to use its existing (or default) value. That leaves us
# with no easy way to support setting a field to None.
raise ValueError("Setting a non-foreignkey field to None is not supported")
setattr(self._wrapped_class, name, value)
def __repr__(self):
class_name = self._wrapped_class.__class__.__name__
id = getattr(self._wrapped_class, "id", "noid")
name = getattr(self._wrapped_class, "name", None)
if name:
return "<%s: %s>" % (class_name, name)
return "<%s: id-%s>" % (class_name, id)
def __str__(self):
class_name = self._wrapped_class.__class__.__name__
id = getattr(self._wrapped_class, "id", "noid")
name = getattr(self._wrapped_class, "name", None)
if name:
return name
return "%s-%s" % (class_name, id)
def dumpstr(self):
return self._wrapped_class.__repr__()
def dump(self):
print self.dumpstr()
def invalidate_cache(self, name=None):
if name:
if name in self.cache:
del self.cache[name]
if name in self.reverse_cache:
del self.reverse_cache[name]
def save(self, update_fields=None, always_update_timestamp=False, is_sync_save=False, is_policy_save=False):
if self.is_new:
new_class = self.stub.invoke("Create%s" % self._wrapped_class.__class__.__name__, self._wrapped_class)
self._wrapped_class = new_class
self.is_new = False
metadata = []
if update_fields:
metadata.append( ("update_fields", ",".join(update_fields)) )
if always_update_timestamp:
metadata.append( ("always_update_timestamp", "1") )
if is_policy_save:
metadata.append( ("is_policy_save", "1") )
if is_sync_save:
metadata.append( ("is_sync_save", "1") )
self.stub.invoke("Update%s" % self._wrapped_class.__class__.__name__, self._wrapped_class, metadata=metadata)
def delete(self):
id = self.stub.make_ID(
self.stub.invoke("Delete%s" % self._wrapped_class.__class__.__name__, id)
def tologdict(self):
d = {'model_name':self._wrapped_class.__class__.__name__, 'pk':}
d = {}
return d
def leaf_model(self):
# Easy case - this model is already the leaf
if self.leaf_model_name == self._wrapped_class.__class__.__name__:
return self
# This model is not the leaf, so use the stub to fetch the leaf model
return getattr(self.stub, self.leaf_model_name).objects.get(
def model_name(self):
return self._wrapped_class.__class__.__name__
def ansible_tag(self):
return "%s_%s" % (self._wrapped_class.__class__.__name__,
# @property
# def self_content_type_id(self):
# return getattr(self.stub, self._wrapped_class.__class__.__name__).content_type_id
class ORMQuerySet(list):
""" Makes lists look like django querysets """
def first(self):
if len(self)>0:
return self[0]
return None
def exists(self):
return len(self)>0
class ORMLocalObjectManager(object):
""" Manages a local list of objects """
def __init__(self, stub, modelName, idList, writeable):
self._stub = stub
self._modelName = modelName
self._idList = idList
self._writeable = writeable
self._cache = None
def resolve_queryset(self):
if self._cache is not None:
return self._cache
models = []
for id in self._idList:
models.append(self._stub.invoke("Get%s" % self._modelName, self._stub.make_ID(id=id)))
self._cache = models
return models
def all(self):
models = self.resolve_queryset()
return [make_ORMWrapper(x,self._stub) for x in models]
def exists(self):
return len(self._idList)>0
def count(self):
return len(self._idList)
def first(self):
if self._idList:
model = make_ORMWrapper(self._stub.invoke("Get%s" % self._modelName, self._stub.make_ID(id=self._idList[0])), self._stub)
return model
return None
def add(self, model):
if not self._writeable:
raise Exception("Only ManyToMany lists are writeable")
if isinstance(model, int):
id = model
if not
raise Exception("Model %s has no id" % model)
id =
def remove(self, model):
if not self._writeable:
raise Exception("Only ManyToMany lists are writeable")
if isinstance(model, int):
id = model
if not
raise Exception("Model %s has no id" % model)
id =
class ORMObjectManager(object):
""" Manages a remote list of objects """
# constants better agree with common.proto
def __init__(self, stub, modelName, packageName):
self._stub = stub
self._modelName = modelName
self._packageName = packageName
def wrap_single(self, obj):
return make_ORMWrapper(obj, self._stub)
def wrap_list(self, obj):
for item in obj.items:
result.append(make_ORMWrapper(item, self._stub))
return ORMQuerySet(result)
def all(self):
return self.wrap_list(self._stub.invoke("List%s" % self._modelName, self._stub.make_empty()))
def first(self):
objs=self.wrap_list(self._stub.invoke("List%s" % self._modelName, self._stub.make_empty()))
if not objs:
return None
return objs[0]
def filter(self, **kwargs):
q = self._stub.make_Query()
q.kind = q.DEFAULT
for (name, val) in kwargs.items():
el = q.elements.add()
if name.endswith("__gt"):
name = name[:-4]
el.operator = el.GREATER_THAN
elif name.endswith("__gte"):
name = name[:-5]
el.operator = el.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL
elif name.endswith("__lt"):
name = name[:-4]
el.operator = el.LESS_THAN
elif name.endswith("__lte"):
name = name[:-5]
el.operator = el.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL
elif name.endswith("__iexact"):
name = name[:-8]
el.operator = el.IEXACT
el.operator = el.EQUAL = name
if isinstance(val, int):
el.iValue = val
el.sValue = val
return self.wrap_list(self._stub.invoke("Filter%s" % self._modelName, q))
def filter_special(self, kind):
q = self._stub.make_Query()
q.kind = kind
return self.wrap_list(self._stub.invoke("Filter%s" % self._modelName, q))
def get(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs.keys() == ["id"]:
# the fast and easy case, look it up by id
return self.wrap_single(self._stub.invoke("Get%s" % self._modelName, self._stub.make_ID(id=kwargs["id"])))
# the slightly more difficult case, filter and return the first item
objs = self.filter(**kwargs)
return objs[0]
def new(self, **kwargs):
cls = self._stub.all_grpc_classes[self._modelName]
o = make_ORMWrapper(cls(), self._stub, is_new=True)
for (k,v) in kwargs.items():
setattr(o, k, v)
return o
class ORMModelClass(object):
def __init__(self, stub, model_name, package_name):
self.model_name = model_name
self._stub = stub
self.objects = ORMObjectManager(stub, model_name, package_name)
def __name__(self):
return self.model_name
def content_type_id(self):
return self._stub.reverse_content_type_map[self.model_name]
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return*args, **kwargs)
class ORMStub(object):
def __init__(self, stub, protos, package_name, invoker=None, caller_kind="grpcapi", empty = None,
enable_backoff=True, restart_on_disconnect=False):
self.grpc_stub = stub
self.protos = protos
self.common_protos = protos.common__pb2
self.all_model_names = []
self.all_grpc_classes = {}
self.content_type_map = {}
self.reverse_content_type_map = {}
self.invoker = invoker
self.caller_kind = caller_kind
self.enable_backoff = enable_backoff
self.restart_on_disconnect = restart_on_disconnect
if not empty:
empty = self.protos.google_dot_protobuf_dot_empty__pb2.Empty
self._empty = empty
for name in dir(stub):
if name.startswith("Get"):
model_name = name[3:]
setattr(self,model_name, ORMModelClass(self, model_name, package_name))
grpc_class = getattr(self.protos, model_name)
self.all_grpc_classes[model_name] = grpc_class
ct = grpc_class.DESCRIPTOR.GetOptions().Extensions._FindExtensionByName("xos.contentTypeId")
if ct:
ct = grpc_class.DESCRIPTOR.GetOptions().Extensions[ct]
if ct:
self.content_type_map[ct] = model_name
self.reverse_content_type_map[model_name] = ct
def genericForeignKeyResolve(self, content_type_id, id):
if content_type_id.endswith("_decl"):
content_type_id = content_type_id[:-5]
if content_type_id not in self.content_type_map:
raise ORMGenericContentNotFoundException("Content_type %s not found in self.content_type_map" % content_type_id)
model_name = self.content_type_map[content_type_id]
model = getattr(self, model_name)
objs = model.objects.filter(id=id)
if not objs:
raise ORMGenericObjectNotFoundException("Object %s of model %s was not found" % (id,model_name))
return model.objects.get(id=id)
def add_default_metadata(self, metadata):
default_metadata = [ ("caller_kind", self.caller_kind) ]
# introspect to see if we're running from a synchronizer thread
if getattr(threading.current_thread(), "is_sync_thread", False):
default_metadata.append( ("is_sync_save", "1") )
# introspect to see if we're running from a model_policy thread
if getattr(threading.current_thread(), "is_policy_thread", False):
default_metadata.append( ("is_policy_save", "1") )
# build up a list of metadata keys we already have
md_keys=[x[0] for x in metadata]
# add any defaults that we don't already have
for md in default_metadata:
if md[0] not in md_keys:
metadata.append( (md[0], md[1]) )
def invoke(self, name, request, metadata=[]):
if self.invoker:
# Hook in place to call Chameleon's invoke method, as soon as we
# have rewritten the synchronizer to use reactor.
return self.invoker.invoke(self.grpc_stub.__class__, name, request, metadata={}).result[0]
elif self.enable_backoff:
# Our own retry mechanism. This works fine if there is a temporary
# failure in connectivity, but does not re-download gRPC schema.
import grpc
backoff = [0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8]
while True:
method = getattr(self.grpc_stub, name)
return method(request, metadata=metadata)
except grpc._channel._Rendezvous, e:
code = e.code()
if code == grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE:
if self.restart_on_disconnect:
# This is a blunt technique... We lost connectivity to the core, and we don't know that
# the core is still serving up the same models it was when we established connectivity,
# so restart the synchronizer.
# TODO: Hash check on the core models to tell if something changed would be better.
os.execv(sys.executable, ['python'] + sys.argv)
if not backoff:
raise Exception("No more retries on %s" % name)
method = getattr(self.grpc_stub, name)
return method(request, metadata=metadata)
def make_ID(self, id):
return getattr(self.common_protos, "ID")(id=id)
def make_empty(self):
return self._empty()
def make_Query(self):
return getattr(self.common_protos, "Query")()
def listObjects(self):
return self.all_model_names
def register_convenience_wrapper(class_name, wrapper):
global convenience_wrappers
convenience_wrappers[class_name] = wrapper
def make_ORMWrapper(wrapped_class, *args, **kwargs):
cls = None
if (not cls) and wrapped_class.__class__.__name__ in convenience_wrappers:
cls = convenience_wrappers[wrapped_class.__class__.__name__]
if (not cls):
# Search the list of class names for this model to see if we have any applicable wrappers. The list is always
# sorted from most specific to least specific, so the first one we find will automatically be the most relevant
# one. If we don't find any, then default to ORMWrapper
# Note: Only works on objects that have been fetched from the server, not objects that are created on the
# client. This is because wrapped_class.class_names is filled in by the server.
# TODO(smbaker): Ought to be able to make this work with newly created objects after they are saved.
for name in wrapped_class.class_names.split(","):
if name in convenience_wrappers:
cls = convenience_wrappers[name]
if (not cls):
cls = ORMWrapper
return cls(wrapped_class, *args, **kwargs)
def import_convenience_methods():"Loading convenience methods")
cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
api_convenience_dir = os.path.join(cwd, "convenience")
for file in os.listdir(api_convenience_dir):
if file.endswith(".py") and not "test" in file:
pathname = os.path.join(api_convenience_dir, file)
log.debug("Loading: %s" % file)
imp.load_source(file[:-3], pathname)
except Exception, e:
log.exception("Cannot import api convenience method for: %s, %s" % (file[:-3], pathname))
# import convenience.addresspool
# import convenience.privilege
# import convenience.instance
# import
# import convenience.cordsubscriberroot
# import convenience.vsgserviceinstance
# import convenience.serviceinstance
# import convenience.vrouterservice
# import convenience.vroutertenant
# import convenience.vrouterapp
# import convenience.service
# import convenience.onosapp
# import convenience.controller
# import convenience.user
# import convenience.slice
# import convenience.port
# import convenience.tag
# import convenience.vtrtenant
# import convenience.addressmanagerservice
# import convenience.addressmanagerserviceinstance