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<h1>Backwards incompatibilities in log4javascript 1.4</h1>
Loggers are now hierarchical. This means logger names containing full stops have
special meaning. For example, from version 1.4 the logger named <code>myapp.ajax</code>
by default inherits all the appenders of the logger named <code>myapp</code>, while
prior to version 1.4 these loggers would be entirely independent;
The signature of the <code>log</code> method of <code>Logger</code> has changed.
However, you should not use this method directly; instead, use one of the level-specific
wrapper functions (<code>debug</code>, <code>info</code>, <code>error</code> etc.);
Appenders can no longer be configured via constructor parameters. Instead you must use
setter methods;
The format of requests sent via <code><a href="manual.html#ajaxappender">AjaxAppender</a></code>
has changed when using <code><a href="manual.html#jsonlayout">JsonLayout</a></code> or
<code><a href="manual.html#xmllayout">XmlLayout</a></code>: the formatted log messages are sent
as a name-value pair (with default name <code>data</code>) rather than a single unencoded string;
All timestamps returned by <code><a href="manual.html#xmllayout">XmlLayout</a></code>,
<code><a href="manual.html#jsonlayout">JsonLayout</a></code> and
<code><a href="manual.html#httppostdatlayout">HttpPostDataLayout</a></code> are
now measured in milliseconds since January 1st 1970 (previously they were returned
as seconds since January 1st 1970);
The constructors for <a href="manual.html#jsonlayout">JsonLayout</a> and
<a href="manual.html#httppostdatlayout">HttpPostDataLayout</a> have changed; the property names
used for the properties of the logging event are now set via <code>setKeys</code> rather than
in the constructor;
<code>setReadable</code> has been removed from <a href="manual.html#jsonlayout">JsonLayout</a>.
The <code>readable</code> property should now be set via the constructor;
<code>addErrorListener</code> and <code>removeErrorListener</code> removed from
the <code>log4javascript</code> object and replaced with the more generic
<code><a href="manual.html#log4javascriptaddeventlistener">addEventListener</a></code>
and <code>removeEventListener</code> methods. The listener functions are passed
different parameters.
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Written by Tim Down. <a href=""></a>
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log4javascript is distributed under the <a href=""
title="Apache License, Version 2.0 (opens in new window)" target="_blank">Apache License,
Version 2.0</a>