| # Dockerfile.base |
| # This image isn't used, but installs the prereqs for the other XOS images |
| |
| FROM ubuntu:14.04.5 |
| MAINTAINER Zack Williams <zdw@cs.arizona.edu> |
| |
| # Install apt packages |
| RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ |
| apt-transport-https \ |
| curl \ |
| gcc \ |
| geoip-database \ |
| git \ |
| graphviz \ |
| graphviz-dev \ |
| libcurl4-gnutls-dev \ |
| libffi-dev \ |
| libgeoip1 \ |
| libpq-dev \ |
| libxslt1-dev \ |
| libxslt1.1 \ |
| libyaml-dev \ |
| m4 \ |
| openssh-client \ |
| pkg-config \ |
| python-dev \ |
| python-pip \ |
| rsync \ |
| software-properties-common \ |
| supervisor \ |
| unzip \ |
| wget \ |
| && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ |
| && mkdir /var/xos \ |
| && pip freeze > /var/xos/pip_freeze_apt_`date -u +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S` |
| |
| # Install python packages with pip |
| COPY pip_requirements.txt /tmp/pip_requirements.txt |
| |
| RUN pip install --no-deps -r /tmp/pip_requirements.txt \ |
| && pip freeze > /var/xos/pip_freeze_pip_up_`date -u +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S` |
| |
| # Copy over ansible hosts |
| COPY ansible-hosts /etc/ansible/hosts |
| |
| # Install jQuery |
| ENV JQUERY_DL_URL http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js |
| ENV JQUERY_SHA256 668b046d12db350ccba6728890476b3efee53b2f42dbb84743e5e9f1ae0cc404 |
| |
| RUN curl -fLsS $JQUERY_DL_URL -o jquery.min.js && \ |
| echo "$JQUERY_SHA256 jquery.min.js" | sha256sum -c - && \ |
| mv jquery.min.js /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/suit/static/suit/js/ |
| |
| # Install jQueryUI |
| ENV JQUERYUI_DL_URL https://jqueryui.com/resources/download/jquery-ui-1.11.4.zip |
| ENV JQUERYUI_SHA256 503e4c0f109bf627aff87a424edc760608ec15e4a6e37f217a083ca682543e32 |
| |
| RUN curl -fLsS $JQUERYUI_DL_URL -o jquery-ui.zip && \ |
| echo "$JQUERYUI_SHA256 jquery-ui.zip" | sha256sum -c - && \ |
| unzip jquery-ui.zip && \ |
| mv jquery-ui-*/jquery-ui.min.js /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/suit/static/suit/js/ && \ |
| rm -rf jquery-ui.zip jquery-ui-* |
| |
| ENV JQUERYUI_THEMES_DL_URL http://jqueryui.com/resources/download/jquery-ui-themes-1.11.4.zip |
| ENV JQUERYUI_THEMES_SHA256 df2b9cb084095ea24129a6a54587a1d9d7ae4bcd68bf5ea2957eb3d4d18fe884 |
| |
| RUN curl -fLsS $JQUERYUI_THEMES_DL_URL -o jquery-ui-themes.zip && \ |
| echo "$JQUERYUI_THEMES_SHA256 jquery-ui-themes.zip" | sha256sum -c - && \ |
| unzip jquery-ui-themes.zip && \ |
| mv jquery-ui-themes-*/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/suit/static/suit/css/ && \ |
| rm -rf jquery-ui-themes.zip jquery-ui-themes-* |
| |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # actions formerly in onboarding synchronizer |
| |
| ENV DOCKER_URL https://get.docker.com/builds/Linux/x86_64/docker-1.10.3 |
| ENV DOCKER_SHA256 d0df512afa109006a450f41873634951e19ddabf8c7bd419caeb5a526032d86d |
| |
| RUN curl -fLsS $DOCKER_URL -o docker && \ |
| echo "${DOCKER_SHA256} docker" | sha256sum -c - && \ |
| mv docker /usr/local/bin/docker && \ |
| chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker |
| |
| # Install docker-compose |
| ENV DOCKER_COMPOSE_URL https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.5.2/docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 |
| ENV DOCKER_COMPOSE_SHA256 b6b975badc5389647ef1c16fe8a33bdc5935c61f6afd5a15a28ff765427d01e3 |
| |
| RUN curl -fLsS $DOCKER_COMPOSE_URL -o docker-compose && \ |
| echo "${DOCKER_COMPOSE_SHA256} docker-compose" | sha256sum -c - && \ |
| mv docker-compose /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && \ |
| chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose |
| |
| # end actions formerly in onboarding synchronizer |
| # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |