blob: 0db044e47511796f097303197f94c8b8dad6fe03 [file] [log] [blame]
{% if options.legacy =='"True"' -%}
{% set legacy_tag = '_decl' %}
{% set legacy = True %}
from core.models.plcorebase import *
from django.db.models import *
{% else %}
{% set legacy = False %}
{% set legacy_tag = '' %}
from header import *
{% endif %}
{% for m in proto.messages %}
{% if file_exists(|lower+'') -%}from {{|lower }}_header import *{% endif %}
{% if file_exists(|lower+'') -%}{{ include_file(|lower+'') }} {% endif %}
{%- for l in m.links -%}
{% if l.peer not in proto.message_names -%}
from core.models import {{ l.peer }}
{% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for b in m.bases -%}
{%- if b!='PlCoreBase' and 'Mixin' not in b -%}
#from core.models.{{b | lower}} import {{ b }}
{% if b not in proto.message_names %}
from core.models import {{ b }}
{% endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for m in proto.messages %}
class {{ }}{{ legacy_tag }}{{ xproto_base_def(m.bases,,legacy_tag, proto.message_names) }}:
KIND = {{ xproto_first_non_empty([m.options.kind, options.kind,, "Set a kind in your xproto!"]) }}
class Meta:
app_label = {{ xproto_first_non_empty([m.options.app_label, options.app_label,, "Set an app label in your xproto!"]) | lower}}
# name = {{ xproto_first_non_empty([,, "Set a name in your xproto!"]) }}
verbose_name = {{ xproto_first_non_empty([m.options.verbose_name, options.verbose_name, "Set a verbose name in your xproto!"]) }}
# Primitive Fields (Not Relations)
{% for f in m.fields %}
{%- if not -%}
{{ }} = {{ xproto_django_type(f.type, f.options) }}( {{ xproto_django_options_str(f) }} )
{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
# Relations
{% for l in m.links %}
{% if legacy and l.peer in proto.message_names %}{% set peer_tag = legacy_tag %}{% else %}{% set peer_tag = '' %}{% endif -%}
{{ l.src_port }} = {{ xproto_django_link_type(l) }}( {%- if -%}'self'{%- else -%}{{ l.peer }}{{ peer_tag }} {%- endif -%}, {{ xproto_django_options_str(l, l.dst_port ) }} )
{%- endfor %}
{% if file_exists(|lower + '') -%}{{ include_file(|lower + '') | indent(width=2)}}{%- endif %}
{% if file_exists(|lower+'') -%}{{ include_file(|lower+'') }}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
+++ models{{ legacy_tag }}.py