blob: 69c6af5dc9a49b9fd8a19b23c4e1f538c2c95d03 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/python
import json
import os
import requests
import sys
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
NODES_API = REST_API + "nodes/"
SLICES_API = REST_API + "slices/"
SLIVERS_API = REST_API + "slivers/"
NETWORKSLIVERS_API = REST_API + "networkslivers/"
opencloud_auth=("", "demo")
def get_slice_id(slice_name):
r = requests.get(SLICES_API + "?name=%s" % slice_name, auth=opencloud_auth)
return r.json()[0]["id"]
def get_node_id(host_name):
r = requests.get(NODES_API + "?name=%s" % host_name, auth=opencloud_auth)
return r.json()[0]["id"]
def get_slivers(slice_id=None, node_id=None):
queries = []
if slice_id:
queries.append("slice=%s" % str(slice_id))
if node_id:
queries.append("node=%s" % str(node_id))
if queries:
query_string = "?" + "&".join(queries)
query_string = ""
r = requests.get(SLIVERS_API + query_string, auth=opencloud_auth)
return r.json()
def main():
global opencloud_auth
if len(sys.argv)!=5:
print >> sys.stderr, "syntax: <username>, <password>, <hostname> <slicename>"
username = sys.argv[1]
password = sys.argv[2]
hostname = sys.argv[3]
slice_name = sys.argv[4]
opencloud_auth=(username, password)
slice_id = get_slice_id(slice_name)
node_id = get_node_id(hostname)
slivers = get_slivers(slice_id, node_id)
# get (instance_name, ip) pairs for instances with names and ips
slivers = [x for x in slivers if x["instance_name"] and x["ip"]]
slivers = sorted(slivers, key = lambda sliver: sliver["instance_name"])
# return the last one in the list (i.e. the newest one)
sliver_id = slivers[-1]["id"]
r = requests.get(NETWORKSLIVERS_API + "?sliver=%s" % sliver_id, auth=opencloud_auth)
networkSlivers = r.json()
ips = [x["ip"] for x in networkSlivers]
# XXX kinda hackish -- assumes private ips start with "10." and nat start with "172."
# print a public IP if there is one
for ip in ips:
if (not ip.startswith("10")) and (not ip.startswith("172")):
print ip
# otherwise print a privat ip
for ip in ips:
if (not ip.startswith("172")):
print ip
# otherwise just print the first one
print ips[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":