| /* |
| * Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Foundation |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| package org.onosproject.xran.controller; |
| |
| import com.google.common.collect.Sets; |
| import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandlerContext; |
| import io.netty.channel.sctp.SctpMessage; |
| import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; |
| import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate; |
| import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; |
| import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate; |
| import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; |
| import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferenceCardinality; |
| import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; |
| import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress; |
| import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId; |
| import org.onosproject.core.CoreService; |
| import org.onosproject.net.config.Config; |
| import org.onosproject.net.config.ConfigFactory; |
| import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigEvent; |
| import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigListener; |
| import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigRegistry; |
| import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigService; |
| import org.onosproject.net.config.basics.SubjectFactories; |
| import org.onosproject.net.device.DeviceEvent; |
| import org.onosproject.net.device.DeviceListener; |
| import org.onosproject.net.device.DeviceService; |
| import org.onosproject.net.host.HostEvent; |
| import org.onosproject.net.host.HostListener; |
| import org.onosproject.net.host.HostService; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.XranStore; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.CRNTI; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.ECGI; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.ERABID; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.ERABParams; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.ERABParamsItem; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.PCIARFCN; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.PropScell; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.RSRPRange; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.RSRQRange; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.RXSigReport; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.RadioRepPerServCell; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.SchedMeasRepPerServCell; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.api.TrafficSplitPercentage; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.ber.types.BerInteger; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.BearerAdmissionRequest; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.BearerAdmissionResponse; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.BearerAdmissionStatus; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.BearerReleaseInd; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.CellConfigReport; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.CellConfigRequest; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.HOComplete; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.HOFailure; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.HORequest; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.L2MeasConfig; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.PDCPMeasReportPerUe; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.RRMConfig; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.RRMConfigStatus; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.RXSigMeasConfig; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.RXSigMeasReport; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.RadioMeasReportPerCell; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.RadioMeasReportPerUE; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.ScellAdd; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.ScellAddStatus; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.ScellDelete; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.SchedMeasReportPerCell; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.SchedMeasReportPerUE; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.TrafficSplitConfig; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.UEAdmissionRequest; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.UEAdmissionResponse; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.UEAdmissionStatus; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.UECapabilityEnquiry; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.UECapabilityInfo; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.UEContextUpdate; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.UEReconfigInd; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.UEReleaseInd; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.XICICConfig; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.codecs.pdu.XrancPdu; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.entities.RnibCell; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.entities.RnibLink; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.entities.RnibUe; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.identifiers.ContextUpdateHandler; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.identifiers.EcgiCrntiPair; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.identifiers.LinkId; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.impl.XranConfig; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.providers.XranDeviceListener; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.providers.XranHostListener; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.wrapper.CellMap; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.wrapper.LinkMap; |
| import org.onosproject.xran.wrapper.UeMap; |
| import org.slf4j.Logger; |
| import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; |
| |
| import java.io.IOException; |
| import java.util.ArrayList; |
| import java.util.List; |
| import java.util.Optional; |
| import java.util.Set; |
| import java.util.Timer; |
| import java.util.TimerTask; |
| import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; |
| import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; |
| import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; |
| import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; |
| import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; |
| import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue; |
| import java.util.stream.Collectors; |
| |
| import static org.onosproject.net.DeviceId.deviceId; |
| import static org.onosproject.xran.controller.XranChannelHandler.getSctpMessage; |
| import static org.onosproject.xran.entities.RnibCell.decodeDeviceId; |
| import static org.onosproject.xran.entities.RnibCell.uri; |
| import static org.onosproject.xran.entities.RnibUe.hostIdtoUEId; |
| |
| /** |
| * Created by dimitris on 7/20/17. |
| */ |
| @Component(immediate = true) |
| @Service |
| public class XranControllerImpl implements XranController { |
| private static final String XRAN_APP_ID = "org.onosproject.xran"; |
| private static final Class<XranConfig> CONFIG_CLASS = XranConfig.class; |
| |
| private static final Logger log = |
| LoggerFactory.getLogger(XranControllerImpl.class); |
| /* CONFIG */ |
| private final InternalNetworkConfigListener configListener = |
| new InternalNetworkConfigListener(); |
| /* VARIABLES */ |
| private final Controller controller = new Controller(); |
| private XranConfig xranConfig; |
| private ApplicationId appId; |
| private int northboundTimeout; |
| /* Services */ |
| @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) |
| private DeviceService deviceService; |
| @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) |
| private HostService hostService; |
| @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) |
| private NetworkConfigRegistry registry; |
| @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) |
| private NetworkConfigService configService; |
| @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) |
| private CoreService coreService; |
| @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) |
| private XranStore xranStore; |
| private ConfigFactory<ApplicationId, XranConfig> xranConfigFactory = |
| new ConfigFactory<ApplicationId, XranConfig>( |
| SubjectFactories.APP_SUBJECT_FACTORY, CONFIG_CLASS, "xran") { |
| @Override |
| public XranConfig createConfig() { |
| return new XranConfig(); |
| } |
| }; |
| /* WRAPPERS */ |
| private CellMap cellMap; |
| private UeMap ueMap; |
| private LinkMap linkMap; |
| /* MAPS */ |
| private ConcurrentMap<IpAddress, ECGI> legitCells = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| private ConcurrentMap<ECGI, SynchronousQueue<String>> hoMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| private ConcurrentMap<ECGI, SynchronousQueue<String>> rrmcellMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| private ConcurrentMap<CRNTI, SynchronousQueue<String>> scellAddMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| // Map used to keep messages in pairs (HO Complete - CTX Update, Adm Status - CTX Update) |
| private ConcurrentMap<EcgiCrntiPair, ContextUpdateHandler> contextUpdateMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| /* QUEUE */ |
| private BlockingQueue<Long> ueIdQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); |
| /* AGENTS */ |
| private InternalXranDeviceAgent deviceAgent = new InternalXranDeviceAgent(); |
| private InternalXranHostAgent hostAgent = new InternalXranHostAgent(); |
| private InternalXranPacketAgent packetAgent = new InternalXranPacketAgent(); |
| /* LISTENERS */ |
| private Set<XranDeviceListener> xranDeviceListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); |
| private Set<XranHostListener> xranHostListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); |
| private InternalDeviceListener deviceListener = new InternalDeviceListener(); |
| private InternalHostListener hostListener = new InternalHostListener(); |
| |
| @Activate |
| public void activate() { |
| appId = coreService.registerApplication(XRAN_APP_ID); |
| |
| configService.addListener(configListener); |
| registry.registerConfigFactory(xranConfigFactory); |
| deviceService.addListener(deviceListener); |
| hostService.addListener(hostListener); |
| |
| cellMap = new CellMap(xranStore); |
| ueMap = new UeMap(xranStore); |
| linkMap = new LinkMap(xranStore, ueMap); |
| |
| xranStore.setController(this); |
| |
| log.info("XRAN Controller Started"); |
| } |
| |
| @Deactivate |
| public void deactivate() { |
| controller.stop(); |
| |
| deviceService.removeListener(deviceListener); |
| hostService.removeListener(hostListener); |
| |
| legitCells.clear(); |
| |
| configService.removeListener(configListener); |
| registry.unregisterConfigFactory(xranConfigFactory); |
| |
| log.info("XRAN Controller Stopped"); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public SynchronousQueue<String> sendHORequest(RnibLink linkT, RnibLink linkS) throws InterruptedException { |
| ECGI ecgiT = linkT.getLinkId().getEcgi(), |
| ecgiS = linkS.getLinkId().getEcgi(); |
| |
| CRNTI crnti = linkMap.getCrnti(linkT.getLinkId().getUeId()); |
| ChannelHandlerContext ctxT = cellMap.getCtx(ecgiT), |
| ctxS = cellMap.getCtx(ecgiS); |
| |
| SynchronousQueue<String> queue = new SynchronousQueue<>(); |
| try { |
| XrancPdu xrancPdu = HORequest.constructPacket(crnti, ecgiS, ecgiT); |
| |
| // temporary map that has ECGI source of a handoff to a queue waiting for REST response. |
| hoMap.put(ecgiS, queue); |
| |
| ctxT.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(xrancPdu)); |
| ctxS.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(xrancPdu)); |
| |
| // FIXME: only works for one HO at a time. |
| ueIdQueue.put(linkT.getLinkId().getUeId()); |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } |
| |
| return queue; |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public void addListener(XranDeviceListener listener) { |
| xranDeviceListeners.add(listener); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public void addListener(XranHostListener listener) { |
| xranHostListeners.add(listener); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public void removeListener(XranDeviceListener listener) { |
| xranDeviceListeners.remove(listener); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public void removeListener(XranHostListener listener) { |
| xranHostListeners.remove(listener); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public int getNorthboundTimeout() { |
| return northboundTimeout; |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public SynchronousQueue<String> sendmodifiedrrmconf(RRMConfig rrmConfig, boolean xicic) { |
| ECGI ecgi = rrmConfig.getEcgi(); |
| ChannelHandlerContext ctx = cellMap.getCtx(ecgi); |
| try { |
| XrancPdu pdu; |
| |
| if (xicic) { |
| CellConfigReport cellConfigReport = cellMap.get(ecgi).getConf(); |
| if (cellConfigReport != null) { |
| pdu = XICICConfig.constructPacket(rrmConfig, cellConfigReport); |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(pdu)); |
| } |
| } else { |
| pdu = RRMConfig.constructPacket(rrmConfig); |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(pdu)); |
| SynchronousQueue<String> queue = new SynchronousQueue<>(); |
| rrmcellMap.put(ecgi, queue); |
| return queue; |
| } |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } |
| |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public SynchronousQueue<String> sendScellAdd(RnibLink link) { |
| RnibCell secondaryCell = link.getLinkId().getCell(), |
| primaryCell = linkMap.getPrimaryCell(link.getLinkId().getUe()); |
| ECGI primaryEcgi = primaryCell.getEcgi(); |
| ChannelHandlerContext ctx = cellMap.getCtx(primaryEcgi); |
| |
| CRNTI crnti = linkMap.getCrnti(link.getLinkId().getUeId()); |
| |
| CellConfigReport cellReport = secondaryCell.getConf(); |
| |
| if (cellReport != null) { |
| PCIARFCN pciarfcn = new PCIARFCN(); |
| pciarfcn.setPci(cellReport.getPci()); |
| pciarfcn.setEarfcnDl(cellReport.getEarfcnDl()); |
| |
| PropScell propScell = new PropScell(); |
| propScell.setPciArfcn(pciarfcn); |
| |
| XrancPdu pdu = ScellAdd.constructPacket(primaryEcgi, crnti, propScell); |
| try { |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(pdu)); |
| SynchronousQueue<String> queue = new SynchronousQueue<>(); |
| scellAddMap.put(crnti, queue); |
| |
| return queue; |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| log.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public boolean sendScellDelete(RnibLink link) { |
| RnibCell secondaryCell = link.getLinkId().getCell(), |
| primaryCell = linkMap.getPrimaryCell(link.getLinkId().getUe()); |
| ECGI primaryEcgi = primaryCell.getEcgi(); |
| ChannelHandlerContext ctx = cellMap.getCtx(primaryEcgi); |
| |
| CRNTI crnti = linkMap.getCrnti(link.getLinkId().getUeId()); |
| |
| CellConfigReport cellReport = secondaryCell.getConf(); |
| |
| if (cellReport != null) { |
| PCIARFCN pciarfcn = new PCIARFCN(); |
| pciarfcn.setPci(cellReport.getPci()); |
| pciarfcn.setEarfcnDl(cellReport.getEarfcnDl()); |
| |
| XrancPdu pdu = ScellDelete.constructPacket(primaryEcgi, crnti, pciarfcn); |
| |
| try { |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(pdu)); |
| link.setType(RnibLink.Type.NON_SERVING); |
| return true; |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| log.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Timer to delete UE after being IDLE. |
| * |
| * @param ue UE entity |
| */ |
| private void restartTimer(RnibUe ue) { |
| Timer timer = new Timer(); |
| ue.setTimer(timer); |
| timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { |
| @Override |
| public void run() { |
| if (ue.getState() == RnibUe.State.IDLE) { |
| hostAgent.removeConnectedHost(ue); |
| log.info("UE is removed after {} ms of IDLE", xranConfig.getIdleUeRemoval()); |
| } else { |
| log.info("UE not removed cause its ACTIVE"); |
| } |
| } |
| }, xranConfig.getIdleUeRemoval()); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Timer to delete LINK after not receiving measurements. |
| * |
| * @param link LINK entity |
| */ |
| private void restartTimer(RnibLink link) { |
| Timer timer = new Timer(); |
| link.setTimer(timer); |
| timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { |
| @Override |
| public void run() { |
| LinkId linkId = link.getLinkId(); |
| xranStore.removeLink(linkId); |
| log.info("Link is removed after not receiving Meas Reports for {} ms", |
| xranConfig.getNoMeasLinkRemoval()); |
| } |
| }, xranConfig.getNoMeasLinkRemoval()); |
| |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Request measurement configuration field of specified UE. |
| * |
| * @param primary primary CELL |
| * @param ue UE entity |
| */ |
| private void populateMeasConfig(RnibCell primary, RnibUe ue) { |
| try { |
| ChannelHandlerContext ctx = cellMap.getCtx(primary.getEcgi()); |
| RXSigMeasConfig.MeasCells measCells = new RXSigMeasConfig.MeasCells(); |
| xranStore.getcellnodes().forEach(cell -> { |
| CellConfigReport cellReport = ((RnibCell) cell).getConf(); |
| if (cellReport != null) { |
| PCIARFCN pciarfcn = new PCIARFCN(); |
| pciarfcn.setPci(cellReport.getPci()); |
| pciarfcn.setEarfcnDl(cellReport.getEarfcnDl()); |
| measCells.setPCIARFCN(pciarfcn); |
| } |
| }); |
| XrancPdu xrancPdu = RXSigMeasConfig.constructPacket( |
| primary.getEcgi(), |
| ue.getCrnti(), |
| measCells, |
| xranConfig.getRxSignalInterval() |
| ); |
| ue.setMeasConfig(xrancPdu.getBody().getRXSigMeasConfig()); |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(xrancPdu)); |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| log.warn(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Internal device listener. |
| */ |
| class InternalDeviceListener implements DeviceListener { |
| |
| @Override |
| public void event(DeviceEvent event) { |
| log.info("Device Event {}", event); |
| switch (event.type()) { |
| case DEVICE_ADDED: { |
| try { |
| ECGI ecgi = decodeDeviceId(event.subject().id()); |
| RnibCell cell = cellMap.get(ecgi); |
| if (cell != null) { |
| Timer timer = new Timer(); |
| timer.scheduleAtFixedRate( |
| new TimerTask() { |
| @Override |
| public void run() { |
| CellConfigReport conf = cell.getConf(); |
| if (conf == null) { |
| try { |
| ChannelHandlerContext ctx = cellMap.getCtx(ecgi); |
| XrancPdu xrancPdu = CellConfigRequest.constructPacket(ecgi); |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(xrancPdu)); |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| log.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } |
| } else { |
| List<Object> ueNodes = xranStore.getuenodes(); |
| ueNodes.forEach(object -> { |
| RnibUe ue = (RnibUe) object; |
| try { |
| ECGI primaryEcgi = linkMap.getPrimaryCell(ue).getEcgi(); |
| ChannelHandlerContext ctx = cellMap.getCtx(primaryEcgi); |
| RXSigMeasConfig.MeasCells measCells = |
| new RXSigMeasConfig.MeasCells(); |
| xranStore.getcellnodes().forEach(cell -> { |
| CellConfigReport cellReport = ((RnibCell) cell).getConf(); |
| if (cellReport != null) { |
| PCIARFCN pciarfcn = new PCIARFCN(); |
| pciarfcn.setPci(cellReport.getPci()); |
| pciarfcn.setEarfcnDl(cellReport.getEarfcnDl()); |
| measCells.setPCIARFCN(pciarfcn); |
| } |
| }); |
| XrancPdu xrancPdu = RXSigMeasConfig.constructPacket( |
| primaryEcgi, |
| ue.getCrnti(), |
| measCells, |
| xranConfig.getRxSignalInterval() |
| ); |
| ue.setMeasConfig(xrancPdu.getBody().getRXSigMeasConfig()); |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(xrancPdu)); |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| log.warn(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| try { |
| ChannelHandlerContext ctx = cellMap.getCtx(ecgi); |
| XrancPdu xrancPdu = L2MeasConfig |
| .constructPacket(ecgi, xranConfig.getL2MeasInterval()); |
| cell.setMeasConfig(xrancPdu.getBody().getL2MeasConfig()); |
| SctpMessage sctpMessage = getSctpMessage(xrancPdu); |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(sctpMessage); |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| log.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } |
| timer.cancel(); |
| timer.purge(); |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| 0, |
| xranConfig.getConfigRequestInterval() * 1000 |
| ); |
| } |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| log.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| default: { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Internal host listener. |
| */ |
| class InternalHostListener implements HostListener { |
| |
| @Override |
| public void event(HostEvent event) { |
| log.info("Host Event {}", event); |
| switch (event.type()) { |
| case HOST_ADDED: |
| case HOST_MOVED: { |
| RnibUe ue = ueMap.get(hostIdtoUEId(event.subject().id())); |
| if (ue != null) { |
| ECGI ecgiPrimary = linkMap.getPrimaryCell(ue).getEcgi(); |
| RnibCell primary = cellMap.get(ecgiPrimary); |
| ue.setMeasConfig(null); |
| if (primary != null) { |
| Timer timer = new Timer(); |
| timer.scheduleAtFixedRate( |
| new TimerTask() { |
| @Override |
| public void run() { |
| if (ue.getCapability() == null && primary.getVersion() >= 3) { |
| try { |
| ChannelHandlerContext ctx = cellMap.getCtx(primary.getEcgi()); |
| XrancPdu xrancPdu = UECapabilityEnquiry.constructPacket( |
| primary.getEcgi(), |
| ue.getCrnti()); |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(xrancPdu)); |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| log.warn(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } |
| } else { |
| timer.cancel(); |
| timer.purge(); |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| 0, |
| xranConfig.getConfigRequestInterval() * 1000 |
| ); |
| if (ue.getMeasConfig() == null) { |
| populateMeasConfig(primary, ue); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| default: { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Internal xran device agent. |
| */ |
| public class InternalXranDeviceAgent implements XranDeviceAgent { |
| |
| private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InternalXranDeviceAgent.class); |
| |
| @Override |
| public boolean addConnectedCell(String host, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { |
| ECGI ecgi = legitCells.get(IpAddress.valueOf(host)); |
| |
| if (ecgi == null) { |
| log.error("Device is not a legit source; ignoring..."); |
| } else { |
| log.info("Device exists in configuration; registering..."); |
| RnibCell storeCell = cellMap.get(ecgi); |
| if (storeCell == null) { |
| storeCell = new RnibCell(); |
| storeCell.setEcgi(ecgi); |
| cellMap.put(storeCell, ctx); |
| |
| for (XranDeviceListener l : xranDeviceListeners) { |
| l.deviceAdded(storeCell); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } else { |
| log.error("Device already registered; ignoring..."); |
| } |
| } |
| ctx.close(); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public boolean removeConnectedCell(String host) { |
| ECGI ecgi = legitCells.get(IpAddress.valueOf(host)); |
| List<RnibLink> linksbyecgi = xranStore.getlinksbyecgi(ecgi); |
| |
| linksbyecgi.forEach(rnibLink -> xranStore.removeLink(rnibLink.getLinkId())); |
| |
| if (cellMap.remove(ecgi)) { |
| for (XranDeviceListener l : xranDeviceListeners) { |
| l.deviceRemoved(deviceId(uri(ecgi))); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Internal xran host agent. |
| */ |
| public class InternalXranHostAgent implements XranHostAgent { |
| |
| @Override |
| public boolean addConnectedHost(RnibUe ue, RnibCell cell, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { |
| |
| if (ue.getId() != null && ueMap.get(ue.getId()) != null) { |
| linkMap.putPrimaryLink(cell, ue); |
| |
| Set<ECGI> ecgiSet = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); |
| |
| xranStore.getlinksbyueid(ue.getId()) |
| .stream() |
| .filter(l -> l.getType().equals(RnibLink.Type.SERVING_PRIMARY)) |
| .findFirst() |
| .ifPresent(l -> ecgiSet.add(l.getLinkId().getEcgi())); |
| |
| for (XranHostListener l : xranHostListeners) { |
| l.hostAdded(ue, ecgiSet); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } else { |
| ueMap.put(cell, ue); |
| linkMap.putPrimaryLink(cell, ue); |
| |
| Set<ECGI> ecgiSet = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); |
| ecgiSet.add(cell.getEcgi()); |
| for (XranHostListener l : xranHostListeners) { |
| l.hostAdded(ue, ecgiSet); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public boolean removeConnectedHost(RnibUe ue) { |
| List<RnibLink> links = xranStore.getlinksbyueid(ue.getId()); |
| links.forEach(rnibLink -> xranStore.removeLink(rnibLink.getLinkId())); |
| if (ueMap.remove(ue.getId())) { |
| for (XranHostListener l : xranHostListeners) { |
| l.hostRemoved(ue.getHostId()); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class InternalXranPacketAgent implements XranPacketProcessor { |
| @Override |
| public void handlePacket(XrancPdu recvPdu, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) |
| throws IOException, InterruptedException { |
| XrancPdu sendPdu; |
| |
| int apiID = recvPdu.getHdr().getApiId().intValue(); |
| log.debug("Received message: {}", recvPdu); |
| switch (apiID) { |
| case 1: { |
| // Decode Cell config report. |
| CellConfigReport report = recvPdu.getBody().getCellConfigReport(); |
| handleCellconfigreport(report, recvPdu.getHdr().getVer().toString()); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 2: { |
| // Decode UE Admission Request. |
| UEAdmissionRequest ueAdmissionRequest = recvPdu.getBody().getUEAdmissionRequest(); |
| handleUeadmissionrequest(ueAdmissionRequest, ctx); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 4: { |
| // Decode UE Admission Status. |
| UEAdmissionStatus ueAdmissionStatus = recvPdu.getBody().getUEAdmissionStatus(); |
| handleAdmissionstatus(ueAdmissionStatus, ctx); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 5: { |
| // Decode UE Context Update. |
| UEContextUpdate ueContextUpdate = recvPdu.getBody().getUEContextUpdate(); |
| handleUecontextupdate(ueContextUpdate, ctx); |
| |
| break; |
| } |
| case 6: { |
| // Decode UE Reconfig_Ind. |
| UEReconfigInd ueReconfigInd = recvPdu.getBody().getUEReconfigInd(); |
| handleUereconfigind(ueReconfigInd); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 7: { |
| // If xRANc wants to deactivate UE, we pass UEReleaseInd from xRANc to eNB. |
| // Decode UE Release_Ind. |
| UEReleaseInd ueReleaseInd = recvPdu.getBody().getUEReleaseInd(); |
| handleUereleaseind(ueReleaseInd); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 8: { |
| // Decode Bearer Adm Request |
| BearerAdmissionRequest bearerAdmissionRequest = recvPdu.getBody().getBearerAdmissionRequest(); |
| handleBeareradmissionrequest(bearerAdmissionRequest, ctx); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 10: { |
| //Decode Bearer Admission Status |
| BearerAdmissionStatus bearerAdmissionStatus = recvPdu.getBody().getBearerAdmissionStatus(); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 11: { |
| //Decode Bearer Release Ind |
| BearerReleaseInd bearerReleaseInd = recvPdu.getBody().getBearerReleaseInd(); |
| handleBearerreleaseind(bearerReleaseInd); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 13: { |
| HOFailure hoFailure = recvPdu.getBody().getHOFailure(); |
| handleHofailure(hoFailure); |
| break; |
| |
| } |
| case 14: { |
| HOComplete hoComplete = recvPdu.getBody().getHOComplete(); |
| handleHocomplete(hoComplete, ctx); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| case 16: { |
| // Decode Rx Sig Meas Report. |
| RXSigMeasReport rxSigMeasReport = recvPdu.getBody().getRXSigMeasReport(); |
| handleRxsigmeasreport(rxSigMeasReport); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 18: { |
| RadioMeasReportPerUE radioMeasReportPerUE = recvPdu.getBody().getRadioMeasReportPerUE(); |
| handleRadionmeasreportperue(radioMeasReportPerUE); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 19: { |
| RadioMeasReportPerCell radioMeasReportPerCell = recvPdu.getBody().getRadioMeasReportPerCell(); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 20: { |
| SchedMeasReportPerUE schedMeasReportPerUE = recvPdu.getBody().getSchedMeasReportPerUE(); |
| handleSchedmeasreportperue(schedMeasReportPerUE); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 21: { |
| SchedMeasReportPerCell schedMeasReportPerCell = recvPdu.getBody().getSchedMeasReportPerCell(); |
| handleSchedmeasreportpercell(schedMeasReportPerCell); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 22: { |
| PDCPMeasReportPerUe pdcpMeasReportPerUe = recvPdu.getBody().getPDCPMeasReportPerUe(); |
| handlePdcpmeasreportperue(pdcpMeasReportPerUe); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 24: { |
| // Decode UE Capability Info |
| UECapabilityInfo capabilityInfo = recvPdu.getBody().getUECapabilityInfo(); |
| handleCapabilityinfo(capabilityInfo); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 25: { |
| // Don't know what will invoke sending UE CAPABILITY ENQUIRY |
| // Encode and send UE CAPABILITY ENQUIRY |
| UECapabilityEnquiry ueCapabilityEnquiry = recvPdu.getBody().getUECapabilityEnquiry(); |
| handleUecapabilityenquiry(ueCapabilityEnquiry, ctx); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 27: { |
| //Decode ScellAddStatus |
| ScellAddStatus scellAddStatus = recvPdu.getBody().getScellAddStatus(); |
| handleScelladdstatus(scellAddStatus); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 30: { |
| // Decode RRMConfig Status |
| RRMConfigStatus rrmConfigStatus = recvPdu.getBody().getRRMConfigStatus(); |
| handleRrmconfigstatus(rrmConfigStatus); |
| break; |
| } |
| //TODO Case 31: SeNBAdd 32: SeNBAddStatus 33: SeNBDelete |
| case 34: { |
| TrafficSplitConfig trafficSplitConfig = recvPdu.getBody().getTrafficSplitConfig(); |
| handleTrafficSplitConfig(trafficSplitConfig); |
| break; |
| } |
| default: { |
| log.warn("Wrong API ID: {}", recvPdu); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle Cellconfigreport. |
| * @param report CellConfigReport |
| * @param version String version ID |
| */ |
| private void handleCellconfigreport(CellConfigReport report, String version) { |
| ECGI ecgi = report.getEcgi(); |
| |
| RnibCell cell = xranStore.getCell(ecgi); |
| cell.setVersion(version); |
| cell.setConf(report); |
| cellMap.putPciArfcn(cell); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle Ueadmissionrequest. |
| * @param ueAdmissionRequest UEAdmissionRequest |
| * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext |
| * @throws IOException IO Exception |
| */ |
| private void handleUeadmissionrequest(UEAdmissionRequest ueAdmissionRequest, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) |
| throws IOException { |
| ECGI ecgi = ueAdmissionRequest.getEcgi(); |
| if (xranStore.getCell(ecgi) != null) { |
| CRNTI crnti = ueAdmissionRequest.getCrnti(); |
| XrancPdu sendPdu = UEAdmissionResponse.constructPacket(ecgi, crnti, xranConfig.admissionFlag()); |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(sendPdu)); |
| } else { |
| log.warn("Could not find ECGI in registered cells: {}", ecgi); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle UEAdmissionStatus. |
| * @param ueAdmissionStatus UEAdmissionStatus |
| * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext |
| */ |
| private void handleAdmissionstatus(UEAdmissionStatus ueAdmissionStatus, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { |
| RnibUe ue = ueMap.get(ueAdmissionStatus.getEcgi(), ueAdmissionStatus.getCrnti()); |
| if (ue != null) { |
| if (ueAdmissionStatus.getAdmEstStatus().value.intValue() == 0) { |
| ue.setState(RnibUe.State.ACTIVE); |
| } else { |
| ue.setState(RnibUe.State.IDLE); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (ueAdmissionStatus.getAdmEstStatus().value.intValue() == 0) { |
| EcgiCrntiPair ecgiCrntiPair = EcgiCrntiPair |
| .valueOf(ueAdmissionStatus.getEcgi(), ueAdmissionStatus.getCrnti()); |
| contextUpdateMap.compute(ecgiCrntiPair, (k, v) -> { |
| if (v == null) { |
| v = new ContextUpdateHandler(); |
| } |
| if (v.setAdmissionStatus(ueAdmissionStatus)) { |
| handlePairedPackets(v.getContextUpdate(), ctx, false); |
| v.reset(); |
| } |
| return v; |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle UEContextUpdate. |
| * @param ueContextUpdate UEContextUpdate |
| * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext |
| */ |
| private void handleUecontextupdate(UEContextUpdate ueContextUpdate, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { |
| EcgiCrntiPair ecgiCrntiPair = EcgiCrntiPair |
| .valueOf(ueContextUpdate.getEcgi(), ueContextUpdate.getCrnti()); |
| |
| contextUpdateMap.compute(ecgiCrntiPair, (k, v) -> { |
| if (v == null) { |
| v = new ContextUpdateHandler(); |
| } |
| if (v.setContextUpdate(ueContextUpdate)) { |
| HOComplete hoComplete = v.getHoComplete(); |
| handlePairedPackets(ueContextUpdate, ctx, hoComplete != null); |
| if (hoComplete != null) { |
| try { |
| hoMap.get(hoComplete.getEcgiS()).put("Hand Over Completed"); |
| } catch (InterruptedException e) { |
| log.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } finally { |
| hoMap.remove(hoComplete.getEcgiS()); |
| } |
| } |
| v.reset(); |
| } |
| return v; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle UEReconfigInd. |
| * @param ueReconfigInd UEReconfigInd |
| */ |
| private void handleUereconfigind(UEReconfigInd ueReconfigInd) { |
| RnibUe ue = ueMap.get(ueReconfigInd.getEcgi(), ueReconfigInd.getCrntiOld()); |
| RnibCell cell = cellMap.get(ueReconfigInd.getEcgi()); |
| |
| if (ue != null && cell != null) { |
| ue.setCrnti(ueReconfigInd.getCrntiNew()); |
| ueMap.putCrnti(cell, ue); |
| } else { |
| log.warn("Could not find UE with this CRNTI: {}", ueReconfigInd.getCrntiOld()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle UEReleaseInd. |
| * @param ueReleaseInd UEReleaseInd |
| */ |
| private void handleUereleaseind(UEReleaseInd ueReleaseInd) { |
| ECGI ecgi = ueReleaseInd.getEcgi(); |
| CRNTI crnti = ueReleaseInd.getCrnti(); |
| RnibUe ue = ueMap.get(ecgi, crnti); |
| |
| // Check if there is an ongoing handoff and only remove if ue is not part of the handoff. |
| Long peek = ueIdQueue.peek(); |
| if (peek != null) { |
| EcgiCrntiPair ecgiCrntiPair = ueMap.getCrntUe().inverse().get(peek); |
| if (ecgiCrntiPair != null && ecgiCrntiPair.equals(EcgiCrntiPair.valueOf(ecgi, crnti))) { |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (ue != null) { |
| ue.setState(RnibUe.State.IDLE); |
| restartTimer(ue); |
| } else { |
| log.warn("Cannot release UE from non primary link."); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle BearerAdmissionRequest. |
| * @param bearerAdmissionRequest BearerAdmissionRequest |
| * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext |
| * @throws IOException IO Exception |
| */ |
| private void handleBeareradmissionrequest(BearerAdmissionRequest bearerAdmissionRequest, |
| ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws IOException { |
| ECGI ecgi = bearerAdmissionRequest.getEcgi(); |
| CRNTI crnti = bearerAdmissionRequest.getCrnti(); |
| ERABParams erabParams = bearerAdmissionRequest.getErabParams(); |
| RnibLink link = linkMap.get(ecgi, crnti); |
| if (link != null) { |
| link.setBearerParameters(erabParams); |
| } else { |
| log.warn("Could not find link between {}-{}", ecgi, crnti); |
| } |
| |
| BerInteger numErabs = bearerAdmissionRequest.getNumErabs(); |
| // Encode and send Bearer Admission Response |
| XrancPdu sendPdu = BearerAdmissionResponse |
| .constructPacket(ecgi, crnti, erabParams, numErabs, xranConfig.bearerFlag()); |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(sendPdu)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle BearerReleaseInd. |
| * @param bearerReleaseInd |
| */ |
| private void handleBearerreleaseind(BearerReleaseInd bearerReleaseInd) { |
| ECGI ecgi = bearerReleaseInd.getEcgi(); |
| CRNTI crnti = bearerReleaseInd.getCrnti(); |
| RnibLink link = linkMap.get(ecgi, crnti); |
| |
| List<ERABID> erabidsRelease = bearerReleaseInd.getErabIds().getERABID(); |
| List<ERABParamsItem> erabParamsItem = link.getBearerParameters().getERABParamsItem(); |
| |
| List<ERABParamsItem> unreleased = erabParamsItem |
| .stream() |
| .filter(item -> { |
| Optional<ERABID> any = erabidsRelease.stream() |
| .filter(id -> id.equals(item.getId())).findAny(); |
| return !any.isPresent(); |
| }).collect(Collectors.toList()); |
| |
| link.getBearerParameters().setERABParamsItem(new ArrayList<>(unreleased)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle HOFailure. |
| * @param hoFailure HOFailure |
| * @throws InterruptedException ueIdQueue interruption |
| */ |
| private void handleHofailure(HOFailure hoFailure) throws InterruptedException { |
| try { |
| hoMap.get(hoFailure.getEcgi()) |
| .put("Hand Over Failed with cause: " + hoFailure.getCause()); |
| } catch (InterruptedException e) { |
| log.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } finally { |
| hoMap.remove(hoFailure.getEcgi()); |
| ueIdQueue.take(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle HOComplete. |
| * @param hoComplete HOComplete |
| * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext |
| */ |
| private void handleHocomplete(HOComplete hoComplete, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { |
| EcgiCrntiPair ecgiCrntiPair = EcgiCrntiPair.valueOf(hoComplete.getEcgiT(), |
| hoComplete.getCrntiNew()); |
| contextUpdateMap.compute(ecgiCrntiPair, (k, v) -> { |
| if (v == null) { |
| v = new ContextUpdateHandler(); |
| } |
| if (v.setHoComplete(hoComplete)) { |
| handlePairedPackets(v.getContextUpdate(), ctx, true); |
| |
| try { |
| hoMap.get(hoComplete.getEcgiS()).put("Hand Over Completed"); |
| } catch (InterruptedException e) { |
| log.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } finally { |
| hoMap.remove(hoComplete.getEcgiS()); |
| } |
| v.reset(); |
| } |
| return v; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle RXSigMeasReport. |
| * @param rxSigMeasReport RXSigMeasReport |
| */ |
| private void handleRxsigmeasreport(RXSigMeasReport rxSigMeasReport) { |
| List<RXSigReport> rxSigReportList = rxSigMeasReport.getCellMeasReports().getRXSigReport(); |
| |
| RnibUe ue = ueMap.get(rxSigMeasReport.getEcgi(), rxSigMeasReport.getCrnti()); |
| if (ue != null) { |
| Long ueId = ue.getId(); |
| |
| if (!rxSigReportList.isEmpty()) { |
| rxSigReportList.forEach(rxSigReport -> { |
| RnibCell cell = cellMap.get(rxSigReport.getPciArfcn()); |
| if (cell != null) { |
| ECGI ecgi = cell.getEcgi(); |
| |
| RnibLink link = linkMap.get(ecgi, ueId); |
| if (link == null) { |
| log.warn("Could not find link between: {}-{} | Creating non-serving link..", |
| ecgi, ueId); |
| link = linkMap.putNonServingLink(cell, ueId); |
| } |
| |
| if (link != null) { |
| if (link.getType().equals(RnibLink.Type.NON_SERVING)) { |
| restartTimer(link); |
| } |
| |
| RSRQRange rsrq = rxSigReport.getRsrq(); |
| RSRPRange rsrp = rxSigReport.getRsrp(); |
| |
| RnibLink.LinkQuality quality = link.getQuality(); |
| quality.setRx(new RnibLink.LinkQuality.Rx( |
| rsrp.value.intValue() - 140, |
| (rsrq.value.intValue() * 0.5) - 19.5 |
| )); |
| } |
| } else { |
| log.warn("case 16: Could not find cell with PCI-ARFCN: {}", |
| rxSigReport.getPciArfcn()); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle RadioMeasReportPerUE. |
| * @param radioMeasReportPerUE RadioMeasReportPerUE |
| */ |
| private void handleRadionmeasreportperue(RadioMeasReportPerUE radioMeasReportPerUE) { |
| RnibUe ue = ueMap.get(radioMeasReportPerUE.getEcgi(), radioMeasReportPerUE.getCrnti()); |
| if (ue != null) { |
| Long ueId = ue.getId(); |
| List<RadioRepPerServCell> servCells = radioMeasReportPerUE.getRadioReportServCells() |
| .getRadioRepPerServCell(); |
| |
| servCells.forEach(servCell -> { |
| RnibCell cell = cellMap.get(servCell.getPciArfcn()); |
| if (cell != null) { |
| RnibLink link = linkMap.get(cell.getEcgi(), ueId); |
| if (link != null) { |
| RadioRepPerServCell.CqiHist cqiHist = servCell.getCqiHist(); |
| RnibLink.LinkQuality quality = link.getQuality(); |
| |
| final double[] values = {0, 0, 0}; |
| final int[] i = {1}; |
| cqiHist.getBerInteger().forEach(value -> { |
| values[0] = Math.max(values[0], value.intValue()); |
| values[1] += i[0] * value.intValue(); |
| values[2] += value.intValue(); |
| i[0]++; |
| }); |
| |
| quality.setCqi(new RnibLink.LinkQuality.Cqi( |
| cqiHist, |
| values[0], |
| values[1] / values[0] |
| )); |
| |
| } else { |
| log.warn("Could not find link between: {}-{}", cell.getEcgi(), ueId); |
| } |
| } else { |
| log.warn("case 18: Could not find cell with PCI-ARFCN: {}", servCell.getPciArfcn()); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle SchedMeasReportPerUE. |
| * @param schedMeasReportPerUE SchedMeasReportPerUE |
| */ |
| private void handleSchedmeasreportperue(SchedMeasReportPerUE schedMeasReportPerUE) { |
| RnibUe ue = ueMap.get(schedMeasReportPerUE.getEcgi(), schedMeasReportPerUE.getCrnti()); |
| if (ue != null) { |
| Long ueId = ue.getId(); |
| |
| List<SchedMeasRepPerServCell> servCells = schedMeasReportPerUE.getSchedReportServCells() |
| .getSchedMeasRepPerServCell(); |
| |
| servCells.forEach(servCell -> { |
| RnibCell cell = cellMap.get(servCell.getPciArfcn()); |
| if (cell != null) { |
| RnibLink link = linkMap.get(cell.getEcgi(), ueId); |
| if (link != null) { |
| link.getQuality().setMcs(new RnibLink.LinkQuality.Mcs( |
| servCell.getMcsDl(), |
| servCell.getMcsUl() |
| )); |
| |
| link.setResourceUsage(new RnibLink.ResourceUsage( |
| servCell.getPrbUsage().getPrbUsageDl(), |
| servCell.getPrbUsage().getPrbUsageUl() |
| )); |
| } else { |
| log.warn("Could not find link between: {}-{}", cell.getEcgi(), ueId); |
| } |
| } else { |
| log.warn("case 20: Could not find cell with PCI-ARFCN: {}", servCell.getPciArfcn()); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle SchedMeasReportPerCell. |
| * @param schedMeasReportPerCell SchedMeasReportPerCell |
| */ |
| private void handleSchedmeasreportpercell(SchedMeasReportPerCell schedMeasReportPerCell) { |
| RnibCell cell = cellMap.get(schedMeasReportPerCell.getEcgi()); |
| if (cell != null) { |
| cell.setPrbUsage(new RnibCell.PrbUsageContainer( |
| schedMeasReportPerCell.getPrbUsagePcell(), |
| schedMeasReportPerCell.getPrbUsageScell() |
| )); |
| |
| cell.setQci(schedMeasReportPerCell.getQciVals()); |
| } else { |
| log.warn("Could not find cell with ECGI: {}", schedMeasReportPerCell.getEcgi()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle PDCPMeasReportPerUe. |
| * @param pdcpMeasReportPerUe PDCPMeasReportPerUe |
| */ |
| private void handlePdcpmeasreportperue(PDCPMeasReportPerUe pdcpMeasReportPerUe) { |
| RnibUe ue = ueMap.get(pdcpMeasReportPerUe.getEcgi(), pdcpMeasReportPerUe.getCrnti()); |
| if (ue != null) { |
| Long ueId = ue.getId(); |
| RnibLink link = linkMap.get(pdcpMeasReportPerUe.getEcgi(), ueId); |
| if (link != null) { |
| link.setPdcpThroughput(new RnibLink.PdcpThroughput( |
| pdcpMeasReportPerUe.getThroughputDl(), |
| pdcpMeasReportPerUe.getThroughputUl() |
| )); |
| |
| link.setPdcpPackDelay(new RnibLink.PdcpPacketdelay( |
| pdcpMeasReportPerUe.getPktDelayDl(), |
| pdcpMeasReportPerUe.getPktDelayUl() |
| )); |
| } else { |
| log.warn("Could not find link between: {}-{}", pdcpMeasReportPerUe.getEcgi(), ueId); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle UECapabilityInfo. |
| * @param capabilityInfo UECapabilityInfo |
| */ |
| private void handleCapabilityinfo(UECapabilityInfo capabilityInfo) { |
| RnibUe ue = ueMap.get(capabilityInfo.getEcgi(), capabilityInfo.getCrnti()); |
| if (ue != null) { |
| ue.setCapability(capabilityInfo); |
| } else { |
| log.warn("Could not find UE with this CRNTI: {}", capabilityInfo.getCrnti()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle UECapabilityEnquiry. |
| * @param ueCapabilityEnquiry UECapabilityEnquiry |
| * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext |
| * @throws IOException IO Exception |
| */ |
| private void handleUecapabilityenquiry(UECapabilityEnquiry ueCapabilityEnquiry, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) |
| throws IOException { |
| XrancPdu xrancPdu = UECapabilityEnquiry.constructPacket(ueCapabilityEnquiry.getEcgi(), |
| ueCapabilityEnquiry.getCrnti()); |
| ctx.writeAndFlush(getSctpMessage(xrancPdu)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle ScellAddStatus. |
| * @param scellAddStatus ScellAddStatus |
| */ |
| private void handleScelladdstatus(ScellAddStatus scellAddStatus) { |
| RnibUe ue = ueMap.get(scellAddStatus.getEcgi(), scellAddStatus.getCrnti()); |
| if (ue != null) { |
| Long ueId = ue.getId(); |
| try { |
| scellAddMap.get(scellAddStatus.getCrnti()).put("Scell's status: " + |
| scellAddStatus.getStatus()); |
| final int[] i = {0}; |
| scellAddStatus.getScellsInd().getPCIARFCN().forEach( |
| pciarfcn -> { |
| if (scellAddStatus.getStatus().getBerEnum().get(i[0]).value.intValue() == 0) { |
| RnibCell cell = cellMap.get(pciarfcn); |
| RnibLink link = linkMap.get(cell.getEcgi(), ueId); |
| link.setType(RnibLink.Type.SERVING_SECONDARY_CA); |
| } |
| i[0]++; |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| } catch (InterruptedException e) { |
| log.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } finally { |
| scellAddMap.remove(scellAddStatus.getCrnti()); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle RRMConfigStatus. |
| * @param rrmConfigStatus RRMConfigStatus |
| */ |
| private void handleRrmconfigstatus(RRMConfigStatus rrmConfigStatus) { |
| try { |
| rrmcellMap.get(rrmConfigStatus.getEcgi()) |
| .put("RRM Config's status: " + rrmConfigStatus.getStatus()); |
| } catch (InterruptedException e) { |
| log.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } finally { |
| rrmcellMap.remove(rrmConfigStatus.getEcgi()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle TrafficSplitConfig. |
| * @param trafficSplitConfig TrafficSplitConfig |
| */ |
| private void handleTrafficSplitConfig(TrafficSplitConfig trafficSplitConfig) { |
| RnibUe ue = ueMap.get(trafficSplitConfig.getEcgi(), trafficSplitConfig.getCrnti()); |
| if (ue != null) { |
| Long ueId = ue.getId(); |
| List<TrafficSplitPercentage> splitPercentages = trafficSplitConfig |
| .getTrafficSplitPercent().getTrafficSplitPercentage(); |
| |
| splitPercentages.forEach(trafficSplitPercentage -> { |
| RnibCell cell = cellMap.get(trafficSplitPercentage.getEcgi()); |
| if (cell != null) { |
| RnibLink link = linkMap.get(cell.getEcgi(), ueId); |
| if (link != null) { |
| link.setTrafficPercent(trafficSplitPercentage); |
| } else { |
| log.warn("Could not find link between: {}-{}", cell.getEcgi(), ueId); |
| } |
| } else { |
| log.warn("Could not find cell with ECGI: {}", trafficSplitConfig.getEcgi()); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle context update depending if its handoff or not. |
| * |
| * @param contextUpdate context update packet |
| * @param ctx channel context for the CELL |
| * @param handoff true if we handle a Hand Off |
| */ |
| private void handlePairedPackets(UEContextUpdate contextUpdate, ChannelHandlerContext ctx, boolean handoff) { |
| RnibUe ue; |
| RnibCell cell = xranStore.getCell(contextUpdate.getEcgi()); |
| |
| if (handoff) { |
| try { |
| ue = ueMap.get(ueIdQueue.take()); |
| } catch (InterruptedException e) { |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| log.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); |
| ue = new RnibUe(); |
| } |
| } else { |
| ue = new RnibUe(); |
| } |
| |
| ue.setMmeS1apId(contextUpdate.getMMEUES1APID()); |
| ue.setEnbS1apId(contextUpdate.getENBUES1APID()); |
| ue.setCrnti(contextUpdate.getCrnti()); |
| |
| hostAgent.addConnectedHost(ue, cell, ctx); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Internal class for NetworkConfigListener. |
| */ |
| class InternalNetworkConfigListener implements NetworkConfigListener { |
| |
| @Override |
| public void event(NetworkConfigEvent event) { |
| switch (event.type()) { |
| break; |
| break; |
| case CONFIG_ADDED: |
| if (event.configClass() == CONFIG_CLASS) { |
| handleConfigEvent(event.config()); |
| } |
| break; |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle config event. |
| * |
| * @param config |
| */ |
| private void handleConfigEvent(Optional<Config> config) { |
| if (!config.isPresent()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| xranConfig = (XranConfig) config.get(); |
| |
| northboundTimeout = xranConfig.getNorthBoundTimeout(); |
| |
| legitCells.putAll(xranConfig.activeCellSet()); |
| |
| controller.start(deviceAgent, hostAgent, packetAgent, xranConfig.getXrancPort()); |
| } |
| } |
| } |