Contribute to the documentation page

Change-Id: I56b09cdde92795f0f8a6e9628c00a2ed6135061e
diff --git a/ b/
index bb22cdd..6fb2f83 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
         * [ELK Stack](operating_cord/
 * [Development Guide](developer/
     * [Getting the Source Code](developer/
+        * [Contribute to the documentation](developer/
     * [Modeling Services](developer/
     * [Developer Workflows](developer/
         * [Service Migrations](xos/dev/
@@ -124,4 +125,3 @@
     * [VOLTHA](charts/
     * [XOS-CORE](charts/
     * [XOSSH](charts/
diff --git a/developer/ b/developer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3caf02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/developer/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# Contribute to the documentation
+> This tutorial assumes you already have [cloned the code](./,
+> [NodeJs]( and the [Gitbook Toolchain](
+> are installed.
+From a terminal window navigate to the documentation root:
+cd ~/cord/docs
+To serve a development copy run:
+make serve
+This command will print a bunch of debugging information, but once completed you
+should see:
+Starting server ...
+Serving book on http://localhost:4040
+Just open that URL in your browser and you'll be able to see the documentation.
+## Prepare to make changes
+The documentation is stored in a `git` repository together with the rest of the code,
+so the process to submit a patch is the same as described [here](
+Let's get started by creating a new `branch` to keep our changes:
+repo start feature/my-amazing-doc-changes
+_You're now ready to start making changes!_
+## Making changes to an existing page
+To make changes to an existing page, just locate the correct `.md` file.
+> An easy way to do this is to navigate to the page you want to look at and look
+> at the URL. A URL like `http://localhost:4040/developer/getting_the_code.html`
+> will translate to a file located in `~/cord/docs/developer/`.
+Note that the files are written in `markdown`, if you are not familiar with it
+please take a look at this [cheatsheet](
+Most IDEs and Editors have plugins to format `markdown` that will give you a good preview,
+but remember that you have a development server running, so you can always go back in the
+browser and see how your changes look like.
+So just go ahead and make the changes you want!
+## Adding a new page
+If you want to add a new page create a new `.md` file in the appropriate location.
+We are trying to group together files by topic, so just try to find the most meaningful
+folder for your new guide. That will make it easier for others to consume and improve it.
+For this example we are going to create a new page in `developer/`
+and we will insert some dummy content:
+touch ~/cord/docs/developer/
+echo "# Test Page" > ~/cord/docs/developer/
+The last operation we need to do is to add the page to the navigation. To do that
+open `~/cord/docs/` and insert the new link, such as:
+* [Development Guide](developer/
+    * [Getting the Source Code](developer/
+    * [Modeling Services](developer/
+    * [Developer Workflows](developer/
+        * [Service Migrations](xos/dev/
+    * [Building Docker Images](developer/
+    * [GUI Development](xos-gui/developer/
+        * [Quickstart](xos-gui/developer/
+        * [GUI Extensions](xos-gui/developer/
+        * [GUI Internals](xos-gui/architecture/
+            * [Module Strucure](xos-gui/architecture/
+            * [Data Sources](xos-gui/architecture/
+        * [Tests](xos-gui/developer/
+    * [Unit Tests](xos/dev/
+    * [Versions and Releases](developer/
+    * [Test Page](developer/
+## Submitting your changes for review
+Regardless wether you created a new page or improved a new one the process to
+submit a patch is the same.
+Start by verifying that your changes are passing the validation.
+This happens automatically on Jenkins, but it's always better to check before
+uploading a path, so execute:
+make lint
+Then check what has changed in the source tree by running `git status`,
+here is a typical output:
+On branch feature/contribute_to_the_docs
+Your branch is up-to-date with 'opencord/master'.
+Changes not staged for commit:
+  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
+  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
+  modified:
+Untracked files:
+  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
+  .idea/
+  att-workflow-driver
+  automation-tools
+  cord-tester
+  developer/
+  exampleservice
+  fabric
+  fabric-crossconnect
+  hippie-oss
+  kubernetes-service
+  olt-service
+  onos-service
+  openolt
+  openstack
+  rcord
+  simpleexampleservice
+  vrouter
+  vtn-service
+  xos
+  xos-gui
+  xos-tosca
+Note that there a bunch of files not included in `git`. Those files can't be added to
+the `.gitignore` as otherwise `gitbook` will ignore them too, so please be careful
+in including only the file you changed/created:
+git add
+git add developer/
+Then commit and upload the changes:
+git commit -m "documentation changes"
+repo upload . -t