blob: 97b16042e8980412df41d9f1094dc5b1ae955f6b [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import sys
from synchronizers.base.syncstep import SyncStep
from synchronizers.vnodlocal.pseudowireproviders.providerfactory import ProviderFactory
from services.vnodlocal.models import *
from xos.logger import Logger, logging
# vnod local will be in steps/..
parentdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")
sys.path.insert(0, parentdir)
logger = Logger(level=logging.INFO)
class SyncVnodLocalPseudowireConnectorServiceSystem(SyncStep):
provides = [VnodLocalPseudowireConnectorService]
observes = VnodLocalPseudowireConnectorService
requested_interval = 0
initialized = False
def __init__(self, **args):
SyncStep.__init__(self, **args)
def fetch_pending(self, deletion=False):"VnodLocalPseudowireConnector fetch pending called")
# Some comments to replace as we write the code
# The AdministrativeState state machine:
# Disabled---------DeactivationRequested
# \ |
# ActivationRequested |
# / / \ |
# / / \ |
# ActivationFailed Enabled -----------
# The OperationalState state machine
# active
# |
# inactive
objs = []
# The whole thing needs to be conditional on the VnodLocalSystem existing and being 'enabled'
# This is the 'kill switch' in the system that is the first thing to check
vnodlocalsystem = self.get_vnodlocal_system()
if not vnodlocalsystem:
logger.debug("No VnodLocal System Configured, skipping sync")
return objs
# Check to make sure the Metro Network System is enabled
if vnodlocalsystem.administrativeState == 'disabled':
# Nothing to do
logger.debug("VnodLocal System configured - state is Disabled, skipping sync")
return objs
# Handle call when deletion is False
if deletion is False:
# Check for admin status 'ActivationRequested'
activationreqs = VnodLocalPseudowireConnectorService.objects.filter(administrativeState='activationrequested')
for activationreq in activationreqs:
# Handle the case where we don't yet have a VnodLocalSerive
if activationreq.vnodlocal is None:
# Create VnodLocalService
# We save the changes right here in this case to avoid having to to 'pre-save' semnatics
# to cover the foreign key
vnodlocalservice = VnodLocalService()
vnodlocalservice.servicehandle = activationreq.servicehandle
vnodlocalservice.administrativeState = 'configurationrequested'
activationreq.vnodlocal = vnodlocalservice
elif activationreq.vnodlocal.administrativeState == 'configured':
# Once the underlying VnodLocal is configured then activated it
vnodlocalservice = activationreq.vnodlocal
# Call our underlying provider to connect the pseudo wire
self.activate_pseudowire(activationreq, vnodlocalsystem)
activationreq.administrativeState = 'enabled'
activationreq.operstate = 'active'
vnodlocalservice.administrativeState = 'activationrequested'
vnodlocalservice.operstate = 'activereported'
# Check for admin status 'DeactivationRequested'
deactivationreqs = VnodLocalPseudowireConnectorService.objects.filter(administrativeState='deactivationrequested')
for deactivationreq in deactivationreqs:
# Call the XOS Interface to de-actiavte the spoke
logger.debug("Attempting to de-activate VnodLocalService servicehandle: %s" % deactivationreq.servicehandle)
# De-activate the underlying service
vnodlocalservice = deactivationreq.vnodlocal
# Call our underlying provider to connect the pseudo wire
deactivationreq.administrativeState = 'disabled'
deactivationreq.operstate = 'inactive'
vnodlocalservice.administrativeState = 'deactivationrequested'
elif deletion:
# Apply Deletion Semantics:
logger.debug("Applying Deletion Semanctics")
# TODO: Figure out the odd scenario of Service deletion
deletedobjs = VnodLocalPseudowireConnectorService.deleted_objects.all()
# Delete the underlying VnodLocalService objects
for deletedobj in deletedobjs:
# Set the VnodLocal to Deleted - its Synchronizer will take care of deletion
vnodlocalobj = deletedobj.vnodlocal
vnodlocalobj.deleted = True
# Delete the underlying pseudowire
# Finally - add the Service for deletion
# Finally just return the set of changed objects
return objs
def sync_record(self, o):
# Simply save the record to the DB - both updates and adds are handled the same way
def delete_record(self, o):
# Overriden to customize our behaviour - the core sync step for will remove the record directly
# We just log and return
logger.debug("deleting Object %s" % str(o), extra=o.tologdict())
def get_vnodlocal_system(self):
# We only expect to have one of these objects in the system in the curent design
# So get the first element from the query
vnodlocalsystems = VnodLocalSystem.objects.all()
if not vnodlocalsystems:
return None
return vnodlocalsystems[0]
def activate_pseudowire(self, o, vnodlocalsystem):
# Call the underlying pseudowire provicers and call
logger.debug("activating pseudowire %s" % o.servicehandle)
pseudowireprovier = ProviderFactory.getprovider()
if pseudowireprovier is not None:
# Pass it the two ports - the internal port configured on the Pseudowire and the NNI port from
# the VnodLocal
if o.pseudowirehandle == '':
o.pseudowirehandle = pseudowireprovier.create(o.internalport, o.vnodlocal.portid, o.vnodlocal.vlanid, vnodlocalsystem)
# handle already exists - just connect it
# No Provider configured - lets put a handle that reflects thsi
o.pseudowirehandle = 'No Pseudowire Provider configured'
def deactivate_pseudowire(self, o):
# Call the underlying pseudowire provicers and call
logger.debug("deactivating pseudowire %s" % o.servicehandle)
pseudowireprovier = ProviderFactory.getprovider()
if pseudowireprovier is not None:
# Pass it the handle
def delete_pseudowire(self, o):
# Call the underlying pseudowire provicers and call
logger.debug("deleting pseudowire %s" % o.servicehandle)
pseudowireprovier = ProviderFactory.getprovider()
if pseudowireprovier is not None:
# Pass it the handle
if o.pseudowirehandle != '':
# Either way blank out the handle name
o.pseudowirehandle = ''