blob: 3c9334fab413237e9633d82c6117dca08418dbca [file] [log] [blame]
Pull request followup
Once a patch has been submitted gerrit can be used to track progress.
Find your patch
| Begin by viewing the history for your patch in gerrit.
| A patch can be accessed in a few different ways.
Item of Note:
- A Gerrit Change-Id is required to interact with a patch. This hashed
value will be distinct from the underlying git checksum used when
changes are stored in a repository.
Capture commit message output
Gerrit commit hash and a URL are readily available in output.
.. code-block:: shell-session
:emphasize-lines: 22
% git commit -F ../jira/5100
% git rebase
% git review --reviewers
remote: Processing changes: (\)
remote: Processing changes: (|)
remote: Processing changes: (/)
remote: Processing changes: (-)
remote: Processing changes: (\)
remote: Processing changes: (|)
remote: Processing changes: (/)
remote: Processing changes: (-)
remote: Processing changes: new: 1 (\)
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 (\)
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 (\)
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1, done
remote: SUCCESS
remote: Disable jobs dependent on offline menlo-3 node [NEW]
To ssh://
* [new reference] HEAD -> refs/for/master%topic=dev-joey
.. list-table:: Git commit message
:widths: 20, 5, 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Id
- Line
- Description
* -
- 2
- Git commit hash
* - `34598 <>`_
- 10
- Gerrit URL for direct patch access
* -
- 14
Git log
Gerrit Change-IDs are appended as the last line in a commit mesage.
git log can be used to search for them.
.. code-block:: shell-session
:emphasize-lines: 3,14
% git log --author="joey" | less
commit 23ce887c4cb3f98506536e00c58ffc8c2af16afe
Author: Joey Armstrong <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 09:46:22 2023 -0400
[VOL-5009] - Update release notes
o Import Mahir(s) word doc containing tickets and descriptions.
o Reformat using a grid layout so tickets and description are aligned.
Change-Id: Ic8ca17f5923496731f88ce8918c9852d904ea066
.. list-table:: Git log commit IDs
:widths: 20, 5, 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Id
- Line
- Description
* - 23ce887c4cb3f98506536e00c58ffc8c2af16afe
- 3
- Git commit hash
* - Ic8ca17f5923496731f88ce8918c9852d904ea066
- 14
- Gerrit Change-Id
Patch lookup by Change-Id string
When you have a Change-Id value (~43 chars)
- Change-Id: Ic8ca17f5923496731f88ce8918c9852d904ea066
- Visit the `Gerrit dashboard <>`_
- Paste Change-Id into the search box at the top right
- Gerrit UI will navigate to the patch.
Brute force patch lookup
- Visit `Gerrit dashboard open+is:wip <>`_
- View all open/unmerged patches
- Scroll down through the list until something of interest is found.
- Under the # column (2nd column on left hand side) right click and open to view the patch.
- For example: `repo:voltha-system-tests <>`_
Patch history and jenkins jobs
While viewing a patch (`repo:voltha-system-tests <>`_)
scroll down to the 'Change Log' section at the bottom.
| Line items represent historical comments, code review messages and
processed job status.
Entries prefixed with ``Jenkins Technical User`` contain jenkins job
information. Jenkins pipeline jobs are constructed by performing
several atomic tasks each of which will generate a log with status.
To view job logs click on an entry to expand (Verified +1, 4th entry from
the bottom) to view a set of clickable jenkins URLs.
- `Patch 33380 <>`_
- `verify_voltha-system-tests_unit-test <>`_ : SUCCESS
- `verify_voltha-system-tests_licensed <>`_ : SUCCESS
- `verify_voltha-system-tests_sanity-test <>`_ : FAILED