| # -*- makefile -*- |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Copyright 2016-2023 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| $(if $(DEBUG),$(warning ENTER)) |
| |
| .DEFAULT_GOAL := help |
| |
| TOP ?= . |
| MAKEDIR ?= $(TOP)/makefiles |
| |
| $(if $(VERBOSE),$(eval export VERBOSE=$(VERBOSE))) # visible to include(s) |
| |
| ##--------------------## |
| ##---] INCLUDES [---## |
| ##--------------------## |
| include config.mk# # configure |
| include makefiles/include.mk # top level include |
| |
| ifdef LOCAL_LINT |
| include $(MAKEDIR)/lint/golang/sca.mk |
| endif |
| |
| # Variables |
| VERSION ?= $(shell cat ./VERSION) |
| |
| ifneq ($(shell git ls-files --others --modified --exclude-standard 2>/dev/null | wc -l | sed -e 's/ //g'),0) |
| endif |
| ## Docker related |
| DOCKER_TAG ?= ${VERSION}$(shell [[ ${DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_DIRTY} == "true" ]] && echo "-dirty" || true) |
| DOCKER_TARGET ?= prod |
| TYPE ?= minimal |
| |
| ## Docker labels. Only set ref and commit date if committed |
| DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_URL ?= $(shell git remote get-url $(shell git remote)) |
| DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_REF = $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) |
| DOCKER_LABEL_BUILD_DATE ?= $(shell date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") |
| DOCKER_LABEL_COMMIT_DATE = $(shell git show -s --format=%cd --date=iso-strict HEAD) |
| |
| --build-arg org_label_schema_version="${VERSION}" \ |
| --build-arg org_label_schema_vcs_url="${DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_URL}" \ |
| --build-arg org_label_schema_vcs_ref="${DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_REF}" \ |
| --build-arg org_label_schema_build_date="${DOCKER_LABEL_BUILD_DATE}" \ |
| --build-arg org_opencord_vcs_commit_date="${DOCKER_LABEL_COMMIT_DATE}" \ |
| --build-arg org_opencord_vcs_dirty="${DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_DIRTY}" |
| |
| # tool containers |
| |
| # GO = docker run --rm --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) -v ${CURDIR}:/app $(shell test -t 0 && echo "-it") -v gocache:/.cache -v gocache-${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}:/go/pkg voltha/voltha-ci-tools:${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}-golang go |
| # GO_JUNIT_REPORT = docker run --rm --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) -v ${CURDIR}:/app -i voltha/voltha-ci-tools:${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}-go-junit-report go-junit-report |
| # GOCOVER_COBERTURA = docker run --rm --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) -v ${CURDIR}:/app/src/github.com/opencord/voltha-openolt-adapter -i voltha/voltha-ci-tools:${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}-gocover-cobertura gocover-cobertura |
| # GOLANGCI_LINT = docker run --rm --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) -v ${CURDIR}:/app $(shell test -t 0 && echo "-it") -v gocache:/.cache -v gocache-${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}:/go/pkg voltha/voltha-ci-tools:${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}-golangci-lint golangci-lint |
| # HADOLINT = docker run --rm --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) -v ${CURDIR}:/app $(shell test -t 0 && echo "-it") voltha/voltha-ci-tools:${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}-hadolint hadolint |
| |
| .PHONY: docker-build local-protos local-lib-go help |
| |
| ## Local Development Helpers |
| local-protos: ## Copies a local version of the voltha-protos dependency into the vendor directory |
| ifdef LOCAL_PROTOS |
| $(RM) -r vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v5/go |
| mkdir -p vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v5/go |
| cp -r ${LOCAL_PROTOS}/go/* vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v5/go |
| $(RM) -r vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v5/go/vendor |
| endif |
| |
| local-lib-go: ## Copies a local version of the voltha-lib-go dependency into the vendor directory |
| ifdef LOCAL_LIB_GO |
| mkdir -p vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v7/pkg |
| cp -r ${LOCAL_LIB_GO}/pkg/* vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v7/pkg/ |
| endif |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## Docker targets |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| build: docker-build ## Alias for 'docker build' |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| docker-build: local-protos local-lib-go ## Build openolt adapter docker image (set BUILD_PROFILED=true to also build the profiled image) |
| docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) --target=${DOCKER_TARGET} --build-arg CGO_PARAMETER=0 -t ${ADAPTER_IMAGENAME} -f docker/Dockerfile.openolt . |
| docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) --target=dev --build-arg CGO_PARAMETER=1 --build-arg EXTRA_GO_BUILD_TAGS="-tags profile" -t ${ADAPTER_IMAGENAME}-profile -f docker/Dockerfile.openolt . |
| endif |
| ifdef BUILD_RACE |
| docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) --target=dev --build-arg CGO_PARAMETER=1 --build-arg EXTRA_GO_BUILD_TAGS="-race" -t ${ADAPTER_IMAGENAME}-rd -f docker/Dockerfile.openolt . |
| endif |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| docker-push: ## Push the docker images to an external repository |
| docker push ${ADAPTER_IMAGENAME} |
| docker push ${ADAPTER_IMAGENAME}-profile |
| endif |
| ifdef BUILD_RACE |
| docker push ${ADAPTER_IMAGENAME}-rd |
| endif |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| docker-kind-load: ## Load docker images into a KinD cluster |
| @if [ "`kind get clusters | grep voltha-$(TYPE)`" = '' ]; then echo "no voltha-$(TYPE) cluster found" && exit 1; fi |
| kind load docker-image ${ADAPTER_IMAGENAME} --name=voltha-$(TYPE) --nodes $(shell kubectl get nodes --template='{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}},{{end}}' | sed 's/,$$//') |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## lint and unit tests |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| lint-dockerfile: ## Perform static analysis on Dockerfile |
| @echo "Running Dockerfile lint check ..." |
| @${HADOLINT} $$(find . -name "Dockerfile.*") |
| @echo "Dockerfile lint check OK" |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| lint-mod: ## Verify the Go dependencies |
| |
| @echo "Running dependency check..." |
| @${GO} mod verify |
| |
| @echo "Dependency check OK. Running vendor check..." |
| @git status > /dev/null |
| @git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- go.mod go.sum vendor || (echo "ERROR: Staged or modified files must be committed before running this test" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1) |
| @[[ `git ls-files --exclude-standard --others go.mod go.sum vendor` == "" ]] || (echo "ERROR: Untracked files must be cleaned up before running this test" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1) |
| |
| $(MAKE) mod-update |
| # ${GO} mod tidy |
| # ${GO} mod vendor |
| |
| @git status > /dev/null |
| @git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- go.mod go.sum vendor || (echo "ERROR: Modified files detected after running go mod tidy / go mod vendor" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && git checkout -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1) |
| @[[ `git ls-files --exclude-standard --others go.mod go.sum vendor` == "" ]] || (echo "ERROR: Untracked files detected after running go mod tidy / go mod vendor" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && git checkout -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1) |
| @echo "Vendor check OK." |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| lint: local-lib-go lint-mod lint-dockerfile |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| coverage-out := ./tests/results/go-test-coverage.out |
| coverage-res := ./tests/results/go-test-results.out |
| test: ## Run unit tests |
| |
| $(call banner-enter,$@) |
| |
| $(RM) -r tests/results |
| @mkdir -p ./tests/results |
| |
| @$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),chmod 777 tests/results) |
| |
| $(HIDE) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory test-go-coverage |
| $(HIDE) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory test-junit |
| $(HIDE) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory test-cobertura |
| |
| # ${GOCOVER_COBERTURA} < $(coverage-out) \ |
| # > ./tests/results/go-test-coverage.xml |
| |
| @$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),chmod 775 tests/results) # yes this may not run |
| |
| $(call banner-leave,$@) |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| test-go-coverage: |
| $(call banner-enter,$@) |
| @$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),chmod 777 tests/results) |
| ( ${GO} test -mod=vendor -v -coverprofile $(coverage-out) -covermode count ./... 2>&1 ) \ |
| | tee $(coverage-res) |
| @$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),chmod 775 tests/results) |
| $(call banner-leave,$@) |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| test-junit: |
| $(call banner-enter,$@) |
| @$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),chmod 777 tests/results) |
| ${GO_JUNIT_REPORT} < $(coverage-res) \ |
| > ./tests/results/go-test-results.xml |
| @$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),chmod 775 tests/results) |
| $(call banner-leave,$@) |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| test-cobertura: |
| $(call banner-enter,$@) |
| @$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),chmod 777 tests/results) |
| ${GOCOVER_COBERTURA} < $(coverage-out) \ |
| > ./tests/results/go-test-coverage.xml |
| @$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),chmod 775 tests/results) |
| $(call banner-leave,$@) |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| help :: |
| @echo '[TEST: Coverage report]' |
| @echo ' test-go-coverage Generate a coverage report for vendor/' |
| @echo ' test-junit Digest go coverage, generate junit' |
| @echo ' test-cobertura Digest coverage and junit reports' |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| sca: |
| $(call banner-enter,$@) |
| |
| @$(RM) -r ./sca-report |
| @mkdir -p ./sca-report |
| @echo "Running static code analysis..." |
| @${GOLANGCI_LINT} run --deadline=6m --out-format junit-xml ./... \ |
| | tee ./sca-report/sca-report.xml |
| @echo "" |
| @echo "Static code analysis OK" |
| |
| $(call banner-leave,$@) |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| clean :: distclean |
| sterile :: clean distclean |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| distclean: |
| $(RM) -r ./sca-report |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| .PHONY: mod-update |
| mod-update: mod-tidy mod-vendor |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| .PHONY: mod-tidy |
| mod-tidy: |
| $(call banner-enter,$@) |
| ${GO} mod tidy |
| $(call banner-leave,$@) |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| .PHONY: mod-vendor |
| mod-vendor: |
| $(call banner-enter,$@) |
| @$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),chmod 777 .) |
| ${GO} mod vendor |
| @$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),chmod 755 .) |
| $(call banner-leave,$@) |
| |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| help :: |
| @printf ' %-33.33s %s\n' 'sca' 'golang: static code analysis' |
| @echo '[MOD UPDATE]' |
| @echo ' mod-update' |
| @echo ' LOCAL_FIX_PERMS=1 Hack to fix docker access problems' |
| @echo ' mod-tidy' |
| @echo ' mod-vendor' |
| |
| # [EOF] |